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Rotten Nipple and a New Bladder (some pics, long)

Posted: 2005-01-29 03:37pm
by Petrosjko
A photo-assisted vent by Petrosjko and the Bride of Satan

The day started much like any other. I got out of bed. I got my pants on the right way. I had a long moment of peaceful repose upon the sacred throne, before heading to the kitchen to brew some of the blessed elixir of life. I emptied the thermal pot of last night's brew, reached over to turn the sink faucet on... no water. No water. No water means... no coffee. NO COFFEE! NOCOFFEENOCOFFEENOCOFFEENOCOFFEE!

Drama queen.

Okay, I'm better now.

Now, this is not an unheard-of occurence. First thought- did it freeze? It wasn't that cold last evening, but if there was a sudden cold snap, it could have happened.

Step out the back door. Nope, not that cold. Astroturf on the porch is soggy, for one thing.

Next possibility- electrical failure on the well breaker. Go to check...


The well tank... it has exploded.

No shit, for-real exploded.

Blasted clean off the damned wellhead.


Time to call the well service people.


Thank you, Sasuko.

Any time.

So the well service people show up. They are impressed at the scale of damage, and tell me so.

Yes, so am I.

So, they commence to recommend a new bladder tank. It's better, somehow, presumably in a 'less likely to explode and blast damn near into the propane tank' fashion. Plus it has a five year warranty.

Sign me up.

Whee! A new bladder. Tank.

In order to do this they're going to have to pull the old pump, which seems to still be somewhat functional. However, upon further testing it is shorting.


Wonder if that has anything to do with why the tank exploded.

Are you being deliberately obtuse?

Hey, it's an honest question.

So we have to pull a hundred and fifty feet or so of pipe to extract the pump...

Metrics, mortal worm! This is an international board!


So we have to pull around 45.72 METERS of pipe to extract the pump. Which is, shall we same, somewhat antique.

"How old is this thing?"

"I dunno, twenty years."

"Twenty-two, says here!"

"Yeah, twenty-two."

(Should I do that in metric years?)

Should I find out how many meters long your large intestine really is?

Moving right along, the pump is joined to the line by a plastic nipple that was installed when the pump was. So naturally it's rotten all to hell.


So at first we're still trying to determine if the pump can be salvaged, so extracting this rotten nipple is quite a chore.

But then, just for the hell of it they run another test. Nope. It's fraaaaahed, as we say hereabouts.

Well sheeit.

So about that new pump? Sure. Horse and a half, like the old one? Sure.

I'm not an engineer, but I must say that they reassembled everything in much more sounder fashion than it was originally put together.

You just say that because they used more tape than the first guy did.

Large amounts of tape are essential to any well-built contraption. Hell, everybody knows that.

So then we feed the pipe and the wire back in. (I say we because I did help.)

You held the wire straight. What would they have ever done without you?

Um, had a kinky wire?

Then they put the new tank on. It's... much shorter than the previous one, albeit a bit bigger around. But... it's stubby.

You are such a Texan.

True dat. Anyway, then came the bill. Ah, yes. One arm, one leg, kidney? Sure.

(This is why emergency funds are a good thing, kids.)

See, if you'd just taken my advice, it would have been free. Let them finish working, then allow me to... deal with them.

Great idea. Then when the cops come to find out what happened...

I fear not the police.

And that's why I had to change my name and we had to move out of Mississippi, remember?

Change is good.

Yeah, sure.

So anyway, I finished running the water to get the mud out. Fortunately none of the pipes burst, so the damage was slightly mitigated. And as I finish typing this, I hear the coffee pot finish its brew cycle. So life endures. I'll just go to the kitchen and get a nice cup of coffee and try to forget this morning ever happened.

You dare enter my domain, foolish mortal? Step into my lair, said the kitten to the mouse!

I don't think it goes quite like... AAAAAAAHAAAAAAAACCCK! NOT MY EYES! NOT MY EYES!

No puny humans were mutilated in the production of this essay. Would these adorable blue eyes lie?

Postscript- Near as we can figure, the pressure switch malfunctioned and overpressured the tank, causing the dramatic explosion.

Posted: 2005-01-29 03:48pm
by Dark Hellion
Its a good thing you had your mighty overseer there. You would never have gotten through otherwise. :lol:

Posted: 2005-01-29 04:12pm
by Imperial Overlord
Hehehe. That was damn good Petro.

Posted: 2005-01-29 05:30pm
by Tasoth

Posted: 2005-01-29 05:32pm
by Petrosjko
*shrugs* I'm a halfass writer. It's the kind of thing that goes through my head while I stand around freezing my ass off in the cold wind watching a new tank be put in.

Re: Rotten Nipple and a New Bladder (some pics, long)

Posted: 2005-01-29 05:33pm
by YT300000
Petrosjko wrote:A photo-assisted vent by Petrosjko and the Bride of Satan

The day started much like any other. I got out of bed. I got my pants on the right way. I had a long moment of peaceful repose upon the sacred throne, before heading to the kitchen to brew some of the blessed elixir of life. I emptied the thermal pot of last night's brew, reached over to turn the sink faucet on... no water. No water. No water means... no coffee. NO COFFEE! NOCOFFEENOCOFFEENOCOFFEENOCOFFEE!
Bullfuckingshit. There's no way you can make a post of that length without coffee. :lol: :P

Re: Rotten Nipple and a New Bladder (some pics, long)

Posted: 2005-01-29 09:29pm
by Rogue 9
YT300000 wrote:
Petrosjko wrote:A photo-assisted vent by Petrosjko and the Bride of Satan

The day started much like any other. I got out of bed. I got my pants on the right way. I had a long moment of peaceful repose upon the sacred throne, before heading to the kitchen to brew some of the blessed elixir of life. I emptied the thermal pot of last night's brew, reached over to turn the sink faucet on... no water. No water. No water means... no coffee. NO COFFEE! NOCOFFEENOCOFFEENOCOFFEENOCOFFEE!
Bullfuckingshit. There's no way you can make a post of that length without coffee. :lol: :P
I do it all the time. I refuse to drink coffee because it sucks and I write longass post a bit more than occasionally. :P

Posted: 2005-01-29 09:34pm
by Ghost Rider
Such a cute kitty. And such true words from the mouth of the wise being :P

Posted: 2005-01-29 09:38pm
by Frank Hipper
*eyes own well tank suspiciously*

Posted: 2005-01-29 09:39pm
by Batman
Ghost Rider wrote:Such a cute kitty. And such true words from the mouth of the wise being :P
Indeed. I'm half inclined to give that cat a GOTLF card. Oh what the hell
*gives Petrosjko' cat a GOTLF card*

Posted: 2005-01-29 10:01pm
by Kuja
This is the most hilarious diatribe I've ever read. :lol:

Posted: 2005-01-30 02:35am
by Joe
Looks like you put a lot of work into this and there's nothing really HOS-worthy here, so I'm going to send it off to AMP.

Posted: 2005-01-30 05:28am
by Edi
Kuja wrote:This is the most hilarious diatribe I've ever read. :lol:
Seconded! I laughed my arse off, and it was especially good because we've got two ragdolls... :lol: :lol:


Posted: 2005-01-30 05:36am
by Rogue 9
Petrosjko, your cat rules. :lol:

Posted: 2005-01-30 05:59am
by Petrosjko
Batman wrote:Indeed. I'm half inclined to give that cat a GOTLF card. Oh what the hell
*gives Petrosjko' cat a GOTLF card*
This is payback for sigging your butler, right?
Kuja wrote:This is the most hilarious diatribe I've ever read. :lol:
Edi wrote:Seconded! I laughed my arse off, and it was especially good because we've got two ragdolls... :lol::lol:
Glad you guys enjoyed it.
Joe wrote:Looks like you put a lot of work into this and there's nothing really HOS-worthy here, so I'm going to send it off to AMP.
It was planned to be more rantish, but it got too funny on me as I was writing it. Thanks for the move.
Rogue 9 wrote:Petrosjko, your cat rules. :lol:
Oh, if only you knew the ambitions she has...

And in conclusion, I must say that a good joke is nothing without a good audience. Thank you all. *bows*

Posted: 2005-01-30 06:49am
by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
Nice & original, buddy! although I actually expected for something else when reading the words "rotten nipples"

Posted: 2005-01-30 06:54am
by Petrosjko
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote:although I actually expected for something else when reading the words "rotten nipples"
And perhaps the title of the thread was chosen in part precisely because I knew you would be totally misled by it... 8)

Actually, I picked it as a good eye-grabbing title, but I did specifically wonder what you would think of it after I picked it. :wink:

Posted: 2005-01-30 07:32am
by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
Petrosjko wrote:
Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman wrote:although I actually expected for something else when reading the words "rotten nipples"
And perhaps the title of the thread was chosen in part precisely because I knew you would be totally misled by it... 8)

Actually, I picked it as a good eye-grabbing title, but I did specifically wonder what you would think of it after I picked it. :wink:
Even when seeing the first cat pic, I still thought you were going to say something like "Help! My cat's got a very strange nipple-rotting disease! What should I do?"

Posted: 2005-01-30 07:54am
by Ghost Rider
For some reason with this picture, I keep hearing

You love pussy, but pussy doesn't love YOU!

All in all great diatribe, and I just like that pic the best.

Posted: 2005-01-30 11:45am
by Petrosjko
Ghost Rider wrote:For some reason with this picture, I keep hearing


All in all great diatribe, and I just like that pic the best.
My mother caught that shot and the others when she came in for one set of holidays or another, and that one contends heavily with the 'Blue Eyes' shot for my favorite.

The pics are a bit dated, since she's gone through the usual kitten growth spurts... next time the family's in, I'll bum the camera (and the photographer, for that matter- she's better at it than I am) for some new shots.

One funny thing is that she was almost snow white (other than her head, feet and tail) when she landed on my doorstep, but ever since then she's been getting progressively muddier in coloration. I've taken to calling her 'Little Muddy-Fur'. Guess it's my injun ancestry showing on that.

And thanks again. Always glad to amuse.