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Image of your ride? (Pic heavy-ish)

Posted: 2005-02-10 10:40pm
by Chmee

Posted: 2005-02-11 12:03am
by drifter god
2001 zx-6 and a 1981 honda ft500

both mine. you cant really see it, but there is a xm reciever on my gas tank. yea, i like satalite radio that much :D

oh yea, i also have a civic, which i love. havent dont anything to it, not really into that kinda stuff, but it gets great millage and drives great.

Posted: 2005-02-11 12:05am
by m112880

Posted: 2005-02-11 12:50am
by Chmee

Posted: 2005-02-11 01:35am
by drifter god

Posted: 2005-02-11 12:27pm
by wautd
Damn! :shock:

I guess I got the smallest so far ;)

Posted: 2005-02-11 12:29pm
by The Cleric

Posted: 2005-02-11 12:49pm
by Robert Walper
StormtrooperOfDeath wrote:I wish.
Same here...I wish.

Posted: 2005-02-11 09:19pm
by Zaia
Pics of my baby!

That's Bob, my '92 Camry.

Thar's Bob's innards, with my music bag and mallet bag in the passenger seat (where they usually live).

Check out that mileage!! Hellz yeah, baby! This is a damn good car.

The stickers in my rear window are gettin' kind of's been almost five years since I lived in Australia, and you can tell by how worn those stickers are.

The "I Found It In The Trash Award!" It hangs around the headrest to the passenger seat. One of my old students made it for all the hard work I did while tossing out old marching band trophies.

The junk that hangs from my rearview mirror!

And, the junk from the other side! That bug-lookin' thing is a lobster--I got that necklace after drinking a lobsterita at Red Lobster, w00t w00t. The music buttons are ones my school was giving out for a while, and I thought the "I am special" pin went well with the lobotomy one (that weemadando's gf got for me).

Thar's me keys, matey! They make Bob work (for now, anyway).

My car's guestbook! Yes, my car has a guestbook. I took a few pictures of what's written in it to give you an idea of what it's all about, but I'm going to link to the rest of 'em since there are a bunch.
Some of my brother Azazel's drawings in das guestbook
Eric from MD (aka 'Daddy E'), Taylor, Denise, & others
Jamie from Australia writing about visiting the states and
Boringish stuff from John-Michael, Beth, and lovey stuff from Becki
More artwork! This time it's Amy's--she drew herself, me, and my car's butt.
My brother Mike writing about Kristinmas, back in 2001! Fun!
My dad's entry! Well, sorta. I wrote the entry, and he signed it (with his own closing, hehe)
Bobbe telling me how much I love her, in song no less--and Tom H lovin' me as usual
Faerie festival! Apparently I look dead sexy with wings on, according to Kristen F...
Tina (who can't spell my name), Meg, and Captain Underpants
Bryan writing about pissing next to the lead singer of Laughing Colors, and Tina sharing some Chemistry magic
Kim & Kelly write a little about a girls' night out
Barry's 'wize' words and Kathy being my fan club president
Tom V lookin' for his undies...

Posted: 2005-02-11 11:59pm
by Kuja
Turn this aquamarine and you have my car.

Posted: 2005-02-12 12:03am
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
Zaia wrote:Pics of my baby!
Thar's Bob's innards, with my music bag and mallet bag in the passenger seat (where they usually live).
Before I saw your name and avatar, I saw that picture and KNEW that must be your car. How, exactly? I don't know. Magic. I guess it just fits you; even more so with the band-related things that come in the later pictures. :)

Posted: 2005-02-12 12:07am
by Zaia
Mitth`raw`nuruodo wrote:Before I saw your name and avatar, I saw that picture and KNEW that must be your car. How, exactly? I don't know. Magic. I guess it just fits you; even more so with the band-related things that come in the later pictures. :)
That, or your brain registered the fact that my name was the last post in the thread.

But I like your theory better. ;-)

Posted: 2005-02-12 12:20am
by Chmee
Typical day on the boat (if it's Seafair weekend, anyway ... 8) )

Posted: 2005-02-12 08:47am
by Col. Crackpot
Zaia, you are sucha girl.

Posted: 2005-02-12 11:59am
by Alyrium Denryle
well her4e is our Old ride

The Anti-Crystler


And here

Posted: 2005-02-12 07:33pm
by Zaia
Col. Crackpot wrote:Zaia, you are sucha girl.
But wait, I'm not done! I have a man-eating shark in my car too!

Posted: 2005-02-12 07:36pm
by YT300000
Zaia wrote:
Col. Crackpot wrote:Zaia, you are sucha girl.
But wait, I'm not done! I have a man-eating shark in my car too!
But he doesn't eat women, now does he?

Posted: 2005-02-12 07:43pm
by darthdavid
I wish...

Posted: 2005-02-13 03:11pm
by Wicked Pilot
My rides in the parking lot

Let's see how long before a HABite sees something interesting in the background

Posted: 2005-02-13 03:12pm
by Zaia
More pics of my baby!

Yes, I like to decorate my car. Why? Because I have spent a fucking HUGE amount of time driving all over in it, and while I was in college it was more like home than my apartment was. So, I made it mine.


My visor (driver's side, sorry about the nuclear explosion outside--it's a sunny day and forgot to adjust the settings on my camera).

Passenger-side visor, complete with WHFS sticker and (as promised) man-eating shark! (I always have a toy there to play with during rush hour traffic.)

The shark, in action! *shivers with fear*

Close-up of Al, my stegosaurus. (Aloicious for short.)

This is what hangs from my mirror under all those buttons and things. My friend Tom gave me the Japanese (?) charm which he says means 'flirt' (but I really have no idea--anyone here know for sure?) and the dream charm I got for myself because I like stuff like that sometimes. Sorry the picture's shitty.

Just a few of the many Johns Hopkins lax tickets I have. Season's about to start up soon again too....:D

Posted: 2005-02-13 03:16pm
by Kuja
That shark is awesome. :lol:

Posted: 2005-02-13 03:49pm
by YT300000
Wicked Pilot wrote:Let's see how long before a HABite sees something interesting in the background
You mean the truck in the very back behind the Herkys, right? I can't see anything else, and C-130s aren't so special.

Posted: 2005-02-13 03:54pm
by Chmee
lol Zaia, those pics crack me up ... reminds me so much of a friend's old Geo Metro, the Green Jellybean, for its 'eclectic' interior decor ......

Posted: 2005-02-13 04:16pm
by Wicked Pilot
YT300000 wrote:You mean the truck in the very back behind the Herkys, right?

Posted: 2005-02-13 04:33pm
by YT300000
Wicked Pilot wrote:
YT300000 wrote:You mean the truck in the very back behind the Herkys, right?
*Stretches eyes to limits*

Okay, all I see is the aforementioned truck (black or greyish), another truck at the extreme left (white), a bunch of concrete blocks, a guy with a ladder, a yellow... thing... at the right (looks almost like a wheeled golf bag on steroids), and and two tenders, one at the far right and one just right of the centre. And 5 C-130s (well, 4 and a wing).

The only thing that could possibly be it is that the rearmost -130 on the left has weird props. But thats probably not it.