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Yet another of my picture displays... Dragons! Not for 56k

Posted: 2005-02-14 03:48am
by Rogue 9


















^ My absolute favorite right there. If I can ever get a large copy to hang on my wall, I will.


^ That one's in the picture gallery for the Draconomicon on WotC's site, but they seem to have overlooked the fact that it's not in the book.



^ Pony? Who wants a pony? Ponies are for sissy girls. :P

Posted: 2005-02-14 06:44am
by Chardok
Those are some great pics, Rogue. I'm a big fan of fantasy art in that style. Good finds, all.

As an aside, I think the only ka-niggit that has a chance is the one with the 7-foot long bastard sword toward the end there. and what is that hobbit wizard doing? Is he sicking the red dragon on the green one? Sure looks like it. Go hobbit-pokemon guy!

Posted: 2005-02-14 05:30pm
by Comosicus
Great stuff.

Hmmm .... there are even dragons from Might &Magic game spashscreens. Not to mention the one from The Wake of Gods.

Posted: 2005-02-14 09:39pm
by Kuja
Thoughts from one of Kuja's D&D characters:
Hey, I just met one of those guys! Decent fella, name was Slin, gave me and my buddies a lift. Poor guy though, had to help him regenerate a leg. Damn green dragons. Didn't give Dorf the right to call him a wimp, though, but Slin taught him a lesson. Spit on the dope and damn near corroded his armor off. Guy needs to learn when to keep his mouth shut.
Looks like one of my old teachers. No sense of humor at all. I think my aunt had a thing for him though. Can't imagine why. Good kind of dragon, though, I've got to say. Saw him take on a pair of black wyrms and a blue juvie onces, and he brought them down in about a minute flat. Not the kind of dragon you want to get on the bad side of.

Posted: 2005-02-14 09:43pm
by Tinkerbell

That's absolutely beautiful.

Posted: 2005-02-14 10:24pm
by Rogue 9
xBlackFlash wrote:Wow...

That's absolutely beautiful.
You'll probably like this folder, then.

No dragons in this one, but a sample of what I left out when posting only the dragon pictures:


It's unfinished, obviously. Wish Henderson would get around to completing the thing; I love it already and it's just a sketch. :wink:

Posted: 2005-02-15 02:57am
by Ace Pace
That is...awesome.

Posted: 2005-02-15 09:37am
by Rogue 9
Ace Pace wrote:That is...awesome.
Like it, eh? Here's a detail of the paladin.


I should add, both copies are copyright 2004 by Derek Henderson. I have permission to use them, but if anyone else wants them I'd prefer that you ask him. I can get you in contact with him if you want to.

Posted: 2005-02-15 09:43am
by Ace Pace


I want that sword.

Posted: 2005-02-15 09:40pm
by Rogue 9
Heh. Glad you like it. Any further such displays on my part (and I have several more that I might do) will have to be at my board, as I have been informed that this thread is apparently spam.

Posted: 2005-02-16 05:01am
by Imperial Overlord

Where did the pic of the green dragon sneaking up on the warrior come from?

Posted: 2005-04-10 03:16pm
by Rogue 9
My latest acquisition:


Posted: 2005-04-10 03:21pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
Rogue, how big is your collection of pictures? In number as well as megabytes-- I'm curious.

Wonderful pictures though.

Posted: 2005-04-10 03:46pm
by Rogue 9
Mitth`raw`nuruodo wrote:Rogue, how big is your collection of pictures? In number as well as megabytes-- I'm curious.

Wonderful pictures though.
Huge. Around 100 MB, number of pictures I have no idea.

Posted: 2005-04-10 03:48pm
by The Yosemite Bear
My fantasy world (steelmaster) has "Darwinnian Dragons" in short dragons whith adaptive camolauge like chemelons, venomus bites, combustable, acidic digestive siliva, and they don't fly, but they do burrow extensive lairs....

Posted: 2005-04-10 04:33pm
by Uraniun235
Why do fantasy dragons like gold? Is it an aphrodisiac for them or something?

Posted: 2005-04-10 04:36pm
by Rye
Uraniun235 wrote:Why do fantasy dragons like gold? Is it an aphrodisiac for them or something?
I always thought it was like magpies and shiny things, or cats and catnip.

Oh, and nice pictures there, Rouge Nein.

Posted: 2005-04-10 04:38pm
by Rogue 9
Uraniun235 wrote:Why do fantasy dragons like gold? Is it an aphrodisiac for them or something?
Gold, gems, items of value in general... Depends on who's myth you're talking about. Tolkien was quite clear that Smaug was keenly aware of the market value of his horde and simply took pleasure in being so wealthy. In D&D, gold dragons actually eat gems and pearls as a delicacy, while the reds are greedy by nature and steal and hoard treasure mainly out of spite, so others don't have it. Basically, generically I tend to pass it off as just another aspect of the alien mindset of highly intelligent creatures of such different and fantastic physiology.

Posted: 2005-04-10 04:58pm
by The Yosemite Bear
I have also heard that it's a good measure of a mate...

you know, look I'm a big tough fighter, I've got all this gold, and fought off all these other male dragons that wanted to take it from me, wanna bump uglies?

Posted: 2005-04-10 06:06pm
by LadyTevar
According to the Draconomicon, a good mate is worth his weight in gold... or has at least that much gold lying around. So, yes, it's a sexual thing, a way of saying "I've got a great big tonker" ... or of saying I've got more than enough money to make up for a tiny tonker. :twisted:

Posted: 2005-04-10 10:29pm
by Wild Karrde
Might as well post some of my collection.















Posted: 2005-04-11 12:39am
by AnimeJet
I just had to say, props for the Charizard XDDD... also the never winter nights dragon and smaug =)

Posted: 2005-04-11 07:08pm
by Avalon616
Uraniun235 wrote:Why do fantasy dragons like gold? Is it an aphrodisiac for them or something?
If you look at it historically through myth and symbolism, the dragon represented pagan female knowledge and power, and wisdom + power = wealth, for the most part. How the exact iconography of the dragon atop the vast horde of gold came to be, I'm not entirely sure, but as I do research on myth for both school and fun, I'll look it up.