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Painshop Pro (?) question, bush picture

Posted: 2005-02-16 08:31am
by salm
a while ago somebody posted a picture that portrayed bush´s (or maybe chaney´s ) head. it consisted of a hundreds of little pictures of nude women.

i think that this was done in painshop pro. is that true? and if yes, what´s the method called that was used to create that image?

does somebody know if you can do that in photshop as well?

Posted: 2005-02-16 09:30am
by Mayabird
I don't remember Bush's or Cheney's head being done that way, but I think I remember seeing Ashcroft's head done up with naked pics.

Unfortunately, no, I don't know how it was done. Sorry.

Posted: 2005-02-16 09:50am
by Alan Bolte
Damnit, I swear I used to know this. I'll let you know if I remember.

Posted: 2005-02-16 10:32am
by Rogue 9
There's a composite of Bush's face composed of chimps floating around somewhere, but I don't remember the one you're describing.

Posted: 2005-02-16 11:30am
by White Haven
...Painshop. S&M Freudian slip? :)

Sorry, couldn't resist! And sorry, I dunno the answer, but saw the title and couldn't stay quiet.

Posted: 2005-02-17 09:59am
by salm
White Haven wrote:...Painshop. S&M Freudian slip? :)

Sorry, couldn't resist! And sorry, I dunno the answer, but saw the title and couldn't stay quiet.
interesting. i made the same mistake in the text of the first post, too. freud would be proud.