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Music just dropped another notch

Posted: 2005-02-16 07:49pm
by Superman
I went to get my hair cut today, and the salon was playing a pop remake of "If I were a Rich Man" from "Fiddler on the Roof." Can someone tell me when music crossed into Down Syndrome territory? Modern music has jumped the shark. That's it... I give up.

Posted: 2005-02-16 07:55pm
by General Zod
and thus why the vast majority of music i listen to is imports.

Posted: 2005-02-16 07:57pm
by Superman
Come to think of it, I heard it on a Pepsi commercial too, but I didn't know it was a real song...

Re: Music just dropped another notch

Posted: 2005-02-16 08:08pm
by Hardy
Superman wrote:I went to get my hair cut today, and the salon was playing a pop remake of "If I were a Rich Man" from "Fiddler on the Roof."
I say this in complete seriousness:

You mean the song you heard wasn't actually original? Damn my generation Y-ness.

Re: Music just dropped another notch

Posted: 2005-02-16 08:13pm
by Superman
Hardy wrote:
Superman wrote:I went to get my hair cut today, and the salon was playing a pop remake of "If I were a Rich Man" from "Fiddler on the Roof."
I say this in complete seriousness:

You mean the song you heard wasn't actually original? Damn my generation Y-ness.
Covers I can handle, but it was "IF I WERE A RICH MAN" FROM "FIDDLER ON THE FUCKING ROOF!"

Posted: 2005-02-16 08:36pm
by Tinkerbell
The song's "Rich Girl" by Gwen Stefani. Theater geeks everywhere dropped instantly into fetal position and rocked gently back and forth..

Posted: 2005-02-16 08:43pm
by Rogue 9
No no, we took up arms and went looking for the person responsible. :P

Re: Music just dropped another notch

Posted: 2005-02-16 08:46pm
by Hardy
Superman wrote: Covers I can handle, but it was "IF I WERE A RICH MAN" FROM "FIDDLER ON THE FUCKING ROOF!"
A film I've never seen, of course. No excuse there on my part.

Posted: 2005-02-16 08:53pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I've come to accept that most pop music nowadays is a joke long ago. Especially the slower-paced, softer stuff. It's completely devoid of any emotion whatsoever.

Posted: 2005-02-16 09:06pm
by Tinkerbell
Rogue 9 wrote:No no, we took up arms and went looking for the person responsible. :P
I needed to wallow in my anguish first.

Posted: 2005-02-16 09:19pm
by Pick
xBlackFlash wrote:The song's "Rich Girl" by Gwen Stefani. Theater geeks everywhere dropped instantly into fetal position and rocked gently back and forth..
Heck, I don't even consider myself a theatre geek and it caused me immsense physical pain. :x

Hooray for importing music from more artistic countries!

Posted: 2005-02-16 09:26pm
by Marksist
I went to get my hair cut today, and the salon was playing a pop remake of "If I were a Rich Man" from "Fiddler on the Roof." Can someone tell me when music crossed into Down Syndrome territory?
I fucking went insane when I heard that, and my gf had to hear me rant on this for like a half hour. I think I heard it on that commercial also Superman, and it's a fucking travesty what they did to one of my favorite songs from my all time favorite musical. Mother fuck. First Stefani sells out and goes from quasi-punk stuff to rap, and now rap remakes of classics, suck my balls.. all of you pop singer douchers.

Posted: 2005-02-16 09:49pm
by Lord Poe
Nothing can compare to the utter horror of hearing Madonna cover "Imagine" on the Tsunami Relief telethon...

Posted: 2005-02-16 11:40pm
by SpacedTeddyBear
The song's "Rich Girl" by Gwen Stefani. Theater geeks everywhere dropped instantly into fetal position and rocked gently back and forth..
*Rocks back and Forth* At least nobody's doing anything from the Chorus Line........ at least no one is doing anything from the Chorus Line * Rocks back and forth* .

Posted: 2005-02-16 11:55pm
by Superman
xBlackFlash wrote:The song's "Rich Girl" by Gwen Stefani. Theater geeks everywhere dropped instantly into fetal position and rocked gently back and forth..
Oh great, so not only did she do a fucking horrible pop version of it, she pissed all over it by changing the title and lyrics. Fuck that cunt. Thanks for contributing to the demise of music, you flat chested bitch!

Ok, I'm breathing... Sorry... I really love music and it's painful to see what's happening to it.

Posted: 2005-02-17 01:13am
by Singular Quartet
I am now personally hoping to high heaven that this is just her way of making sure that no intelligent person will ever buy her music ever again. She's sold out, and she's trying to make as much money as possible before the industry moves on.

Posted: 2005-02-17 07:03am
by Chardok
Ha! Fools. I stopped listening to tripe like that when...Ja rule or P. diddy or whatever had "It's a hard knock life" Covered. I am immune.
A film I've never seen, of course. No excuse there on my part.
Another example of Generation Y ness....Fiddler on the roof was a play long before a film. *sobs* :wink:

Posted: 2005-02-17 07:07am
by Tinkerbell
SpacedTeddyBear wrote:
The song's "Rich Girl" by Gwen Stefani. Theater geeks everywhere dropped instantly into fetal position and rocked gently back and forth..
*Rocks back and Forth* At least nobody's doing anything from the Chorus Line........ at least no one is doing anything from the Chorus Line * Rocks back and forth* .
Hahahaha YES!!! That wins...

I can just picture the Pop/Techno cover of "Dance, 10, Looks, 3"

Posted: 2005-02-17 07:18am
by Col. Crackpot
Chardok wrote:Ha! Fools. I stopped listening to tripe like that when...Ja rule or P. diddy or whatever had "It's a hard knock life" Covered. I am immune.
A film I've never seen, of course. No excuse there on my part.
Another example of Generation Y ness....Fiddler on the roof was a play long before a film. *sobs* :wink:

buddy, we just need to realize that we are well on the way to old farthood. For me the realization came when I noticed I was listening to the Brown University alt rock station far less than I was listening to "Cape Cod's Cool Classics". Boy oh boy was that a scary day.

Re: Music just dropped another notch

Posted: 2005-02-17 07:49am
by Gandalf
Superman wrote:I went to get my hair cut today, and the salon was playing a pop remake of "If I were a Rich Man" from "Fiddler on the Roof." Can someone tell me when music crossed into Down Syndrome territory? Modern music has jumped the shark. That's it... I give up.
Where were you when Backstreet Boys did We Will Rock You?


Posted: 2005-02-17 07:55am
by Chardok
Col. Crackpot wrote:buddy, we just need to realize that we are well on the way to old farthood. For me the realization came when I noticed I was listening to the Brown University alt rock station far less than I was listening to "Cape Cod's Cool Classics". Boy oh boy was that a scary day.

You're right....I need to be held....

Re: Music just dropped another notch

Posted: 2005-02-17 08:33am
by Col. Crackpot
Gandalf wrote:
Superman wrote:I went to get my hair cut today, and the salon was playing a pop remake of "If I were a Rich Man" from "Fiddler on the Roof." Can someone tell me when music crossed into Down Syndrome territory? Modern music has jumped the shark. That's it... I give up.
Where were you when Backstreet Boys did We Will Rock You?

have you forgotten Britney Spears' stirring rendition of Joan Jett's 'I Love Rock and Roll'?

Posted: 2005-02-17 09:42pm
by Marksist
Another example of Generation Y ness....Fiddler on the roof was a play long before a film. *sobs* Wink
Well not really, unless you consider 7 years a long time. It first was on stage in 1964, and the movie came out in 1971.

Posted: 2005-02-17 10:08pm
by Stormbringer
See if it weren't Fiddler on the Roof, and not catchy in a banal pop sort of way (like most No Doubt music really) I might care. As it is there's nothing really wrong with it nor is it mangling some classic. Now Celine Dion doing " You Shook Me All Night Long" was a horror and a travesty. This is a blip on the radar.

Posted: 2005-02-17 11:31pm
by Boyish-Tigerlilly
Somebody must like it if it sells :lol: