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ALSO looking for a certain song

Posted: 2005-02-16 11:37pm
by Sharpshooter
A while back, some distant aquaintances on another message board posted a really neat Flash animation that I saved to my drive. On the whole, it was really nifty - the animation was done in a rather interesting style, and the scenario was quite entertaining to watch as the poor bastard did everything in his power to escape - but what really, really, really hooked me on it was the music that was used. The track was this very good pop/rock/(term that escapes me) song that had an excellent combination of instrument sets, employing brass as the central pieces and conventional and electric guitars and synth in the background, and I'm highly interested in learning about the group that did it, since, if this is an indication of the type of music they do, I'd really like to get some CDs with their work.

The thing is, though, is that the song, the flash animation, and much of the site from which it comes is in an eastern language (I'm defaulting to thinking it might be Japanese, but I honestly have no clue) and was wondering if anyone might have seen this animation and might know of the song and the group in question.

The main web site is, but I was able to slip past the right-click barrier and snatch the address for the page with leads to both the animation itself and some information on it:

The one in question is the first on the page, and has its links situated next to the banner of the guy by the vending machines. There're also two others below below, both of which I'm downloading right now, which might prove of interest.

So, has anyone seen this animation or heard its song and know about who was behind it?