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My webcomic

Posted: 2005-02-20 12:53pm
by Rye
Well, as you may know, but likely don't care, webcomics very very rarely make me laugh. I've grown very very cynical of the whole genre since its inception, so here's my contribution to the whole webcomic world.

Imagine your standard disclaimer here.

I call it "the adventures of a dissatisfied webcomic character."


Posted: 2005-02-20 02:12pm
by darthdavid
You know what the solution I've found to unfunny webcomics is? Read serious webcomics with a real plot. If the creator of the comic can pull thier shit together enough to make a real plot than they're likely to stick a few decent jokes in two (and everything is that much funnier because the real plot actually get's you interested in the frelling story so jokes can be made to be more deep, you know based of characters personalities and quirks and the like).