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Multimode air/space craft

Posted: 2002-11-20 03:16am
by Enlightenment

This craft is approximately the size of a 767-200 and is intended to be a ground to orbit shuttle. As its designed to fly in an atmosphere the hull is streamlined rather than covered in greeblies. The hullform is inspired by the various concepts out there for the next generation of UAVs.

This is also my first experiment with using whole-model image maps rather than pure procedural textures. The texture was created entirely in Photoshop (mostly clouds + several filters) with the extra bits and pieces added manually.

Posted: 2002-11-20 08:28am
by Kuja
I like it. It's sleek.

Posted: 2002-11-20 11:48am
by kheegster
Nice pic...but what are the blue stripes on the top?


Posted: 2002-11-20 11:53am
by Kuja
They almost look like camoflague...although the idea of trying to camo somthing the size of a 767 is a bit ridiculous.

Posted: 2002-11-22 02:57pm
by Enlightenment
New version:


Windows are now modeled rather than texture elements. Added split elevons (areodynamic control surfaces) at the rear. Some texture tweaks.

This is a civil rather than military/government craft: the stripes are a decorative livery rather than any attempt at camo. :)

Posted: 2002-11-22 07:21pm
by Beowulf
Still looks a bit... plainish.
Maybe add a pair of tilted stabs on the edge? Pancakes are rathe unexciting...

Posted: 2002-11-22 09:46pm
by Kuja
I'd add a little upturn to the end of the wings to give it a little style, and maybe a fin.

Posted: 2002-11-23 05:04am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
Flat ship. Very flat ship.