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Would You Obey...

Posted: 2005-02-23 07:53pm
by DPDarkPrimus
...anything, much less everything, that this guy says?


Posted: 2005-02-23 07:55pm
by Aaron
No just for the simple reason that he is not incontrol of his mental faculties anymore.

Posted: 2005-02-23 09:10pm
by sketerpot
Well, he is infallible. He's the pope.

Posted: 2005-02-23 09:14pm
by Gandalf
Is that bird photoshopped in?

Posted: 2005-02-23 09:15pm
by Montcalm
I look at the pic,and i think he's saying *Mmmmmmmm lunch* :lol:

Posted: 2005-02-23 09:24pm
by Majin Gojira
I was thinking more of a "Duuuuuuh!" exclimation

Posted: 2005-02-23 09:27pm
by Tinkerbell
I'm bigger than you, I'm higher in the food chain! GET IN MY BELLY!!

</Fat Bastard>

Posted: 2005-02-23 09:53pm
by entfern
Personally. . .I was thinking ugly overgrown toddler reaching saying, "I want! I want!"

Posted: 2005-02-23 10:23pm
by SCRawl
Now, I'm not a Catholic -- not even in the least bit religious -- so I have no reason in particular to defend the Pope. Aren't we being a bit harsh? He's an old man with Parkinson's disease, he's going to be a little funny looking. Can any of us say that if a photo of us were to be taken at the wrong time we wouldn't look like a spaz?

I don't agree with very many of his policies, but geez, do we need to stoop to insulting his appearance?

Posted: 2005-02-23 10:51pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
The picture is hilarious not due to him being the pope, but due to the expression. It IS rather cruel to laugh at people with diseases and such, but that doesn't mean the picture is not funny. I would chuckle if I saw anyone in that position. The fact that it's the pope just allows for more creative jokes about it.

Posted: 2005-02-23 11:25pm
by Durandal
SCRawl wrote:Now, I'm not a Catholic -- not even in the least bit religious -- so I have no reason in particular to defend the Pope. Aren't we being a bit harsh? He's an old man with Parkinson's disease, he's going to be a little funny looking. Can any of us say that if a photo of us were to be taken at the wrong time we wouldn't look like a spaz?
He's also a bigoted homophobe who's indirectly contributed to many deaths in Africa as a result of his archaic policies on contraception and sex in general. That piece of shit deserves every bad thing that happens to him.

Posted: 2005-02-24 12:17am
by Superman
Gandalf wrote:Is that bird photoshopped in?
No, it`s real. That happened just recently. A bird flew in his window and wouldn`t leave.

Re: Would You Obey...

Posted: 2005-02-24 12:30am
by Wicked Pilot
DPDarkPrimus wrote:...anything, much less everything, that this guy says?
The bird or the crazy old man?

Posted: 2005-02-24 01:11am
by Pick
:? I guess it's amusing to see the "divine" Pope in that light, but I don't really find it funny for the sole reason of it's a result of something being mentally awry.

Now if that were Bush... :P

Posted: 2005-02-24 02:45am
by darthdavid
To laugh or not to laugh.
On one hand: He has a disease and it's not his fault he looks dumb there. Plus he's old and has been shot before so he's bound to look funny at some point. Also he did some cool shit during the cold war (helping poland keep it's head held high, giving the reds the finger (figuratively)).
On the other: He has been an arse hole on many subjects. He could really help the world if he wasn't. Plus I, like wanda sykes, would've appreciated it if he swore at the catholic priests involved in the fucking choir boys scandal.
Compromise: Be inwardly ammused but temper it with the fact that it's not his fault.

Posted: 2005-02-24 03:33am
ALL old people are funny-lookin'! That's why nature makes 'em get old!
He's also a bigoted homophobe who's indirectly contributed to many deaths in Africa as a result of his archaic policies on contraception and sex in general. That piece of shit deserves every bad thing that happens to him.
Hiya, Mr. fucking Sunshine! ::waves::

Posted: 2005-02-24 03:37am
by Frank Hipper
Superman wrote:
Gandalf wrote:Is that bird photoshopped in?
No, it`s real. That happened just recently. A bird flew in his window and wouldn`t leave.
That's an omen of death to a lot of cultures. :wink:

Posted: 2005-02-24 04:02am
by Rogue 9
Durandal wrote:
SCRawl wrote:Now, I'm not a Catholic -- not even in the least bit religious -- so I have no reason in particular to defend the Pope. Aren't we being a bit harsh? He's an old man with Parkinson's disease, he's going to be a little funny looking. Can any of us say that if a photo of us were to be taken at the wrong time we wouldn't look like a spaz?
He's also a bigoted homophobe who's indirectly contributed to many deaths in Africa as a result of his archaic policies on contraception and sex in general. That piece of shit deserves every bad thing that happens to him.
So, what, since we should wish bad things upon the Pope for being indirectly responsible for whatever reason, what worse thing should we do to those who are directly responsible, that is, those who perpetuate traditional African misogynistic and promiscuous cultural values? Oh wait, that'd be culturally intolerant of someone who isn't white. My bad.

Posted: 2005-02-24 05:28am
by The Third Man

Would you Obey...anything, much less everything, that this guy says?
I'm old and experienced enough to have learned that physical appearance is not a good indicator for judging the instructions or advice a person issues. On this board such illogic is often descibed as an ad hominen attack.

I'm also old and experienced enough to have suffered the misfortune of seeing people who I am close to and whose intellect I greatly respect succumbing to Parkinsons disease. This experience has taught me that I find it contemptible for people to mock those suffering from that particular affliction.

Posted: 2005-02-25 09:01pm
by Superman
I`d rather listen to the pope over some fundie dick like Pat Robertson or James Dobson. At least the Pope has a REAL education and admits evolution is true.

Posted: 2005-02-26 04:16am
by The Yosemite Bear
Dude, when he was younger before he became a priest, he used to be a terrorist that killed SS troopers, now that is bad assesed.

Posted: 2005-02-26 04:58am
by mr friendly guy
I wouldn't listen to what he says. Of course it has nothing to do with his appearance, but the fact he sprouts crap.

Posted: 2005-02-27 04:40pm
by Trytostaydead
I respect this pope. I also think maybe he should've resigned or SOMETHING a long time ago when Parkinson's really started kicking in. Does anyone know if he maybe tried surgery or something to alleviate the symptoms?

Posted: 2005-02-28 06:59am
by mr friendly guy
He had a tracheotomy (hole in his throat) so he could breath better.

However Parkinson's disease is treated with drugs, not surgery per se to my knowledge.

Posted: 2005-02-28 01:51pm
by Trytostaydead
mr friendly guy wrote:He had a tracheotomy (hole in his throat) so he could breath better.

However Parkinson's disease is treated with drugs, not surgery per se to my knowledge.
There are actually quite a few surgeries for Parkinson's, thaladotomies, pallidotomies, and a few more.