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Third Wave Cruiser

Posted: 2005-02-25 10:44pm
by Antares
Finally i managed to finish the cruiser for my scifi-race Third Wave.
Basiclly it's nothing great :|


1200k polys, 50h work, 30 min render time, made with Blender
Additional information is within the picture :)

Inspired by the Paradigm of Wincommander:Privateer

More pictures about this race can be found here:

Posted: 2005-02-25 10:57pm
by Elheru Aran
Slightly inspired by Giger, I take it?

Rather good look, I must say... and you certainly have your stats worked out. I like that.

Small question-- what are these 'Waves'? I know you've posted your Alien queen and warrior, but I don't believe those were the actual aliens, just the fighters...?

Posted: 2005-02-25 11:10pm
by Montcalm
Cool looking ship 8)

Posted: 2005-02-25 11:16pm
by Shinova
Good dear lord, you may give Fuzzy Modem a run for his money. :shock:

Posted: 2005-02-25 11:52pm
by Sarevok
My god ! You could work in hollywood and that is no exagarration going by this and your previous works. 8)

Posted: 2005-02-25 11:56pm
by darthdavid
Seems good. One suggestion though, it's FTL drive should be an Infinite Improbability drive. :wink:

Posted: 2005-02-26 08:18am
by Col. Crackpot
holy hitler on a hotplate! thats great! :shock:

Posted: 2005-02-26 08:45am
by Antares
Elheru Aran wrote: Small question-- what are these 'Waves'? I know you've posted your Alien queen and warrior, but I don't believe those were the actual aliens, just the fighters...?
The "Waves" are the real race and the Aliens (Xenos) are just the infantry.
Waves some form of virtual life like an AI. There's a difference between
logical and physical apperance for them.
A single physical body can hold several virtual entities if needed.
Their physical appearance looks like this:


One suggestion though, it's FTL drive should be an Infinite Improbability drive.
I prefer "bistromatic drive" :D

Posted: 2005-02-26 09:36am
by salm
that´s a damn cool ship. are you going to texture it?

Posted: 2005-02-26 09:56am
by Antares
No, i wont texture it for the following reasons:
1) I like this smooth mirroring surface :D
2) I guess the ship got enough details that it doesnt require a texture
3) I am simply too dumb for creating decent textures and apply them correctly :(

Posted: 2005-02-26 03:32pm
by Dalton
Nice ship, but...anti-neutronium?

Posted: 2005-02-26 06:27pm
by The Silence and I
I like that a lot, the simple rounded design appeals to me, and you pulled it off well.

Posted: 2005-02-26 06:51pm
Nice ship, but...anti-neutronium?
At least he didn't have any neutronium alloys... :D

Posted: 2005-02-26 07:20pm
by Dalton
SPOOFE wrote:
Nice ship, but...anti-neutronium?
At least he didn't have any neutronium alloys... :D
That was low :lol:

Posted: 2005-02-27 07:45am
by Antares
Dalton wrote:Nice ship, but...anti-neutronium?
Neutronium is made of neutrons (purity depending on depth within a neutron star).
Since there are defenitly anti-neutrons, whats so odd about anti-neutronium?

Posted: 2005-02-27 03:18pm
by Dalton
Antares wrote:
Dalton wrote:Nice ship, but...anti-neutronium?
Neutronium is made of neutrons (purity depending on depth within a neutron star).
Since there are defenitly anti-neutrons, whats so odd about anti-neutronium?
But would neutrons and anti-neutrons react in such a way? And why would it be any better than matter/anti-matter? Sorry if this sounds ignorant, I'm no physicist, but I don't understand it.

Posted: 2005-02-27 03:45pm
by Antares
As far as i can tell anti-neutrons are antimatter and thus they will exactly react the way you have in your mind when talking about matter/anti-matter reactions. They will annihilate each other and release gamma rays according to their mass and kinetic energy.

Posted: 2005-02-27 04:23pm
by salm
Antares wrote: 3) I am simply too dumb for creating decent textures and apply them correctly :(
same problem that i had a while ago. in fact a week ago. i never textured my stuff because i couldn´t bring myself to make these evil, weird and scary texturing tutorials. they seemed so completely unintuitive.

but for the uni project i´m working on at the moment i was forced to do them and now i actually enjoy texturing. and textured models look a lot better in general.

but on the other hand you DO have shitloads of detail.

i think the present texture is cool for the hull but not for some other elements. the engines for example as well as the half spheres should get different textures.

btw, could you post a pic of the bottom of the ship?

Posted: 2005-02-27 04:32pm
by Antares
The ship is highly symetric :roll:
This means the bottom is the same like the top. I modeled only on quarter of it and mirrored. it. Otherwise i would have gone nuts with all the additional details i needed for another "side".

Posted: 2005-02-27 05:54pm
by Dalton
Antares wrote:As far as i can tell anti-neutrons are antimatter and thus they will exactly react the way you have in your mind when talking about matter/anti-matter reactions. They will annihilate each other and release gamma rays according to their mass and kinetic energy.
Ah, but if it's the same as a matter/antimatter reaction, then...oh, I see. More fuel for less volume or something like that, right?

Posted: 2005-02-28 04:58am
by Antares
Exactly !
The (theoretical) upper limit for neutronium is 1E14 g/cm^3.
Higher densities will even break up the neutrons and create a quark-gluon plasma.
But even with 1E14 g/cm^3, if you have a single m^3 of (anti)neutronium (half/half, thats 1E20g or 1E14t)
you *could* get about 1E34 J out of this fuel.