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Waste of a good soundtrack

Posted: 2005-03-01 11:12am
by Thag
We've all seen some really bad movies. However, some of them weren't all that bad to listen to with headphones. So, name some B/D-grade films with A-grade music.

My nominees are:
-Starship Troopers: Yes, I know this one did have it's strengths and was a good popcorn flick, but the music, especially during the combat scenes, really helped it.

-Titanic: First let me state that I am only referring to the instrumental stuff, not Celine Deione's banshee wailing. The in-movie tracks always seemed like they would fit better in a good fantasy movie than that mess.

Honorable mention:
-AOTC: Somehow, the quality of the movie didn't seem to measure up to the quality of the music.

Posted: 2005-03-01 12:26pm
by Kuja
Actually, I was a bit disappointed with the AOTC soundtrack. IMO, it tries to be too epic. It lacks a powerful "Duel of the Fates" or "Into the Trap" that the others had. There's plenty of music suitable for a love story, obviously, but when I want battle music, AOTC just seems to deflate. Generally, I ignore my AOTC disc and pop in TPM or the OT discs I have when I want Star Wars.

Which is why I nominate The Phantom Menace as not having lived up to its soundtracks.

I also nominate 'The Passion of the Christ' which I thought had a fantastic soundtrack, and I was sincerely surprised when it failed to win the Oscar for best score.

Posted: 2005-03-01 12:43pm
by Master of Ossus
A View to a Kill. Terrible Bond film. Pretty good music.

Posted: 2005-03-01 01:38pm
by salm
Matrix II.

the soundtrack kicks ass while the movie is a pile of shit.

Posted: 2005-03-01 03:38pm
by Montcalm
Master of Ossus wrote:A View to a Kill. Terrible Bond film. Pretty good music.
Can't be as terrible as Pierce Brosnan's SuperSpy wankfest :lol:

Posted: 2005-03-01 04:15pm
by Stravo
Have to agree with Salm. Both Matrix soundtracks - Reloaded and Revolutions is damned good, I listen to them all the time when writing. I would say they and the LOTR trilogy are the best soundtracks to come down in the last 5 years. Like the Star Wars soundtracks I just never really stop listening to them.

Posted: 2005-03-01 05:05pm
by Medic
Stravo wrote:Have to agree with Salm. Both Matrix soundtracks - Reloaded and Revolutions is damned good, I listen to them all the time when writing.
Yeah, all of the music in Matrix is great. In both Reloaded and Revolutions, both soundtracks (the orchestrated original motion picture soundtrack and the electronica / rock popular artists soundtrack) are great.

The orchestrated music has that Matrixy sound with those trumpet rifts in the action sequences and the popular music has the likes of Juno Reactor (who also helped make Mona Lisa Overdrive, one of my favorite songs; it's the song they play in the car chase in Reloaded) and Rage Against the Machine.

Posted: 2005-03-01 05:24pm
by PFC Long
thump thump thump... I can hear it now. :cool:

Jurrasic Park. Well, the first one. Great instrumentals, I think done by John Williams.

I actually owned a copy of the soundtrack at one point in time.

Posted: 2005-03-01 06:15pm
by NeoGoomba
I would have to agree to Starship Troopers. At the very least, the Klethendu Drop track is a keeper.

It is the best song to listen to while playing X-Com :P

Also Hanz Zimmer's score for MI2. The tracks Mano a Mano and Injection are superb.

Posted: 2005-03-03 12:37pm
by VT-16
salm wrote:Matrix II.

the soundtrack kicks ass while the movie is a pile of shit.
I keep listening to tracks like "Chateau" and imagine it being in a better movie. Actually thought of this tune when I first heard that Obi-Wan would fight Grievous´ bodyguards (who use staffs like the weapons in the Chateau-fight). 8)

Posted: 2005-03-03 12:57pm
by Melchior
Wender's "Until the end of the world" had what is in my opinion the best soundtrack in any movie, ever.
Too bad that the movie was cut to about an half of the original length and so was barely understandable.

Posted: 2005-03-03 02:04pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
Damned if I remember what it sounded like, but I remember I really liked "The Avengers" score done by Joel McNeely. He's the composer who did the music for Shadows of the Empire. The movie was just.....really, really bad, though.

Posted: 2005-03-03 07:15pm
by YT300000
The Matrix Revolutions. Love the soundtrack. IMO, quite possibly the worst movie ever.

Posted: 2005-03-04 08:34am
by Chardok
umm... celine dion=banshee wailing? Come on, now, man. You have to be joking.

Posted: 2005-03-04 10:02am
by Tsyroc
Queen of the Damned

Even being a fan of the books the movie is based on didn't help.

It has a few cool scenes but most of those had to do mostly with the music that went along with the scene. Akasha trashing the vampire bar for instance. The rest of the good scenes had to do with Lestat in concert.

I like the DVD because it includes the music videos of Lestat's band plus some extended "concert" footage. Otherwise the movie blows.

Posted: 2005-03-04 10:03am
by NeoGoomba
VT-16 wrote:
salm wrote:Matrix II.

the soundtrack kicks ass while the movie is a pile of shit.
I keep listening to tracks like "Chateau" and imagine it being in a better movie
A better version of this song is called "Furious Angels", also by Rob D

Posted: 2005-03-04 04:39pm
by Firefox
I still think "Titanic" was as good as the soundtrack (though I admit, I tend to avoid Celine's solo at the end).

That said, some of the music from ST: Nemesis wasn't too bad, and didn't deserve to be connected to such a shitty, shitty waste of celluloid.

Posted: 2005-03-05 08:38am
by Caius
Tsyroc wrote:Queen of the Damned
agreed. glad someone else thinks so.

Posted: 2005-03-05 10:46am
by Tsyroc
Caius wrote:
Tsyroc wrote:Queen of the Damned
agreed. glad someone else thinks so.
This was one of the few movies that was truly painful to watch in the theater. :)

The sound was cranked up so high that it actually started to hurt at certain points of the film. :)

Posted: 2005-03-07 09:45pm
by charben
Waterworld. Great score by James Newton Howard, godawful movie.

Posted: 2005-03-07 09:59pm
by Darth Lucifer
I don't remember much of the other music in the movie, but the opening theme for Wing Commander kicked ass. Too bad the movie sucked balls. :evil: