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Thank you Albino Black Sheep

Posted: 2005-03-06 11:29pm
by Tasoth
Found this and had no clue where to put it. Its got photos and it deals with politics. So..*shrugs*

Posted: 2005-03-06 11:46pm
That's hilarious: Protesting for the sake of protesting, intellectually lazy kids that are hoping to relive the '60s just so they don't have to invent something new with their lives.

Reminds me of a "vomit-in" that was held in San Francisco. It was exactly what it sounds like: Buncha people got together and had a mass puking. Oh yeah. THAT's a surefire way to rally people behind your cause... barf on their shoes. A homeless guy did that to me once and inadvertently started a march.