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Has this worked?

Posted: 2005-03-07 01:51pm
by 2000AD
OK, i'm trying to get a flame like pattern on these ships. I think it looks ok, but i want a second opinion as my ego sometimes clouds my vision.

I'm going to be tiying it up a bit, so it's just the general idea that i need to check. I'm also not expecting to paint to some really high standard, just regular average standard like i normally do.


Posted: 2005-03-07 02:18pm
by Chardok
That is horrific! LOL! It looks like emporer Ming's ship! GO FLASH GO!

Posted: 2005-03-07 02:32pm
by 2000AD
ah well.

I think the resolution is too big. The ship is only about 9cm long so most of the detail your seeing there you'd have to get up close to see.

Sounds like i've got some major work in store to tidy it up.

Posted: 2005-03-07 03:06pm
by Chardok
Oh. It's a miniature? I'm sure it's fine then. Give us a normal, zoomed out shot! It was hjust that, up know...a bit bright, is all.


Posted: 2005-03-07 03:31pm
by Tranan
The fron needs som more work. too brigt

Posted: 2005-03-07 03:54pm
by Tinkerbell
I definitely think it looks off because of how close the shot is. You said yourself you're not looking for something amazing, and it's just hard to see the overall look of the job when all you can see are the minute details.

I demand a zoomed-out shot.

Fear my wrath.


Posted: 2005-03-07 06:09pm
by 2000AD
Here's the same shot but scaled down a bit, i'll get a zoomed out when my digi cameras battery has recharged


The front needs some more work. too bright
Now if i was being a fluff manic i could avoid any extra work. The prow of Imperial ships are the most heavily armoured area so if i wanted i could say i painted it that way so that it attracts fire away from the more vunerable parts.

But i'm going to be tidying it up so i might as well make it a little less bright, though i think the flash might have someting to do with that as well.

Posted: 2005-03-07 06:11pm
by Col. Crackpot
Chardok wrote:That is horrific! LOL! It looks like emporer Ming's ship! GO FLASH GO!

What do you mean Flash Gordon approaching? OPEN FIRE! ALL WEAPONS!

Posted: 2005-03-07 08:37pm
by Raxmei
On first glance I'd suggest an ink wash to dull it down a bit and get shadows into the crevices. Dilute a dark ink with water and brush it lightly over the model.

Posted: 2005-03-07 09:08pm
by Bob the Gunslinger
How do you say "Ka me ha me ha" in latin? You can call the ship "His Imperial Hadoken of Righteous Violence".

It looks cool, but I would have sugested that you undercoat it with bright blue or bright yellow and then drybrush the reds and oranges on, to give it more of a "glowing from the inside" look to it.

Posted: 2005-03-07 09:47pm
by Tinkerbell
I like it. Though I second the cries of darkening it slightly.

Fear my wrath.

Posted: 2005-03-07 10:14pm
by Tasoth
The Most Righteous God Emperor's Nerf Football of Pwnaration.

I like the idea, but I agree with the darkening it with the ink wash.

Posted: 2005-03-08 03:27am
by 2000AD
Looks like some darkening and a bit of washing is in order then.

Posted: 2005-03-08 08:23pm
by The Yosemite Bear
I still want to do shark teeth

Posted: 2005-03-08 09:11pm
by Mutant Headcrab
Clean up the front a bit and maybe paint in the larger weapons an appropriate color.

So, is this thing gonna fight Chaos after it bombards small planets with "hot hail?"

Posted: 2005-03-14 06:05pm
by Bob the Gunslinger
Please post the results. I'm curious to see how it turned out.