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Modelling Contest

Posted: 2005-03-08 06:44pm
by Beowulf
Reminder! Entries are due at the end of this month! No late entries accepted.

Posted: 2005-03-08 08:52pm
by Tinkerbell

Someone fill the Katie in

Posted: 2005-03-08 09:01pm
by Utsanomiko
Signs point to huttah!

Posted: 2005-03-08 09:47pm
by Elheru Aran
xBlackFlash wrote::confused:

Someone fill the Katie in
To be short and sweet--

Every now and then the denizens here have a little contest, see who can render the best CG image. We get some nice stuff here from that-- Salm once did a Bioncle Rakishi (sp?), Antares has a bunch of alien stuff, and so forth. Seems like this contest involves making a certain image instead of just random pictures, though, which makes sense.

Posted: 2005-03-09 05:39pm
by kheegster
xBlackFlash wrote::confused:

Someone fill the Katie in
What sort of modelling were you thinking about??? :D

Posted: 2005-03-13 08:55am
by salm
sorry, i won´t have anything for the contest.
i was tied up in making a 3D movie for uni the last few months and now i have to work for my job. no time. :(