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Sacrifice of Angels comic

Posted: 2005-03-13 07:57am
by Alexus
Pretty crap, I did it a while ago, but it might make you snigger, so...


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Posted: 2005-03-13 08:16am
by Stofsk
Hehehe, good work. It made me chuckle. :)

Posted: 2005-03-13 01:25pm
by Uraniun235
Needs more "Sir we're running out of fireworks to light off on the bridge!"
"Engage auxiliary fireworks and keep going!"

(because the Defiant easily takes the cake for Worst Abuse of Sparks Ever)

Otherwise quite amusing.

Posted: 2005-03-13 02:20pm
by Fleet Admiral JD
Quite well done. I like it.

"With me, every mission is a suicide mission!" :lol: