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My Transformers photocomic series (5th episode)

Posted: 2005-03-14 11:17pm
by Utsanomiko
Yes, I've been off my TF comic hiatus. Been working on the latest episode for the past 3-4 days off and on, and now it's up and running on my website.

It's been quite a while, long enough for the last time I posted here about the comic to move off the non-archive forum. I was busy with stuff that's usually more rewarding, while slowly revising the script in my head.

I'm posting this on first because you're better people. And you give me more replies and useful responces. :P

Main Page (episode links at the bottom): ... tnsgw.html

There shouldn't be as long of a wait for Episode 6 as this one was. I've got a much clearer picture of how to start, progress, and end it.

That's about all I've got to say for now. I'm beat.

Posted: 2005-03-14 11:33pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Perhaps if your main page had a link to the 5th episode?

EDIT THE FIRST: That's more like it.

EDIT THE SECOND: It'd be better if in the first panel of page four, you did some sort of effect so Hound and Sideswipe looked like they were moving forward, instead of them just sitting there.

EDIT THE THIRD: It's not "The End", it's "To Be Continued".

Posted: 2005-03-14 11:57pm
by Utsanomiko
1) I have no clue what you're talking about. Episode links are at the bottom. Working as intended.

2) I motion-blurred them enough as it is. The text indicates they're moving well enough for me.

3) It's *never* been 'To be continued'. Pay attention, you gimboid. :P

Posted: 2005-03-15 12:12am
by DPDarkPrimus
Utsanomiko wrote: 3) It's *never* been 'To be continued'. Pay attention, you gimboid. :P

You're wrong. Now add the tag to that last panel with Duke.

Posted: 2005-03-15 12:29am
by Utsanomiko
That is so not what you said (you moved the goalposts from the The End credit panel to the 2nd-to-last). Episode 2 & 3 were a special case; they were originally a single episode before I realized it'd end up as 17+ pages. The default modus operandi is now 3 episodes/story arc.

I know my own comic. It's why you're not in charge. :P

Posted: 2005-03-15 12:31am
by DPDarkPrimus
If I was in charge, Spider-Man would have been edited in better.

And remember Chuckles: I came up with Hound's nickname.

Posted: 2005-03-15 02:48pm
by Pick
Cute comic, but on a tagent, I just... can't... look at your avatar. I just can't. :wtf:

Posted: 2005-03-22 01:53am
by Utsanomiko
Unlike Episode 5, whose plot admitedly needed quite some time to gestate (I only had the beginning and panels 22-27 planned out clearly in the month or two after finishing the 4th episode), Episode 6's first dozen panels or so have been set for weeks at the least, which is why on the 16th I did 10 of them with my brother's and my old GI Joes. We only had ever gotten 7-8 from the '87 line, so all I had to work with was Rock 'N Roll, Psyche-Out, and Stalker, who due to sotry requirements had to play the part of Roadblock.

Ironically but thankfully, barely a couple days later I get word from the DPDP man that he picked up a 3-pack of vintage-mold GI Joes (which aren't sold under the Valor vs Venom line, unlike my new Duke and Cobra Commander figures), two of which were Destro and Roadblock.

So I had to redo the panels containing Stalker, which amounted to six.
Of course the real question is when I'm going to write up and shoot the other ~2/3rds of the comic. I've been currently busy testing paints and sorting out my future repaints (finding Alternator Tracks and Shockblast is a real pain, it's all going for $30+ on Ebay, not to mention I'll probably need to pick up 2 Dead Ends and Sideswipes soon before they get harder to find; I'll need them for more repaints and kitbash). I really hope to have some more figures completed soon and use them in cameos, as I plan for Sunstreaker to appear briefly in 6, while several more should appear in the episode 7-9 COBRA arc. After that I'll need new ones for sure.

In the meantime, whilst I keep my eyes peeled on Ebay and test out mixing Krylon Fusion paint colors, I'm polishing up my bare-bones webpage's project pages & adding minor updates, but I might take a stab at writing out #6. I've got an ending, most of the middle, and transitions before and after the middle.

And all Spider-Man needed extra was a flash-shadow. :P

Posted: 2005-03-22 02:04am
by DPDarkPrimus
Utsanomiko wrote: In the meantime, whilst I keep my eyes peeled on Ebay and test out mixing Krylon Fusion paint colors,
You lying bastard. You said you weren't going to use them before me.

Posted: 2005-03-22 02:09am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Those old GI Joes were exclusively mine, you dimwit!


Posted: 2005-03-22 02:14am
by DPDarkPrimus
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Those old GI Joes were exclusively mine, you dimwit!

Well, not that 3-pack. They're mine, because he hasn't paid me for them yet.

Posted: 2005-03-22 02:16am
by Spanky The Dolphin
I'm not talking about the new rereleases, so quit trying to get your name in the paper, Pete. :P

Posted: 2005-03-22 02:25am
by Utsanomiko
I fully expected Mammy to bitch as usual, but why must DPDP withhold his bitchings to exclusively World of Warcraft and this thread?

Speaking of WoW, you owe me another $10 for the amount of time I've let you play on my account since last time (often into the wee hours, to boot). I think it's a fair trade. :P

Now hush or I won't tell you how I got Duke into the Jeep (who on their scale is almost 8 feet tall, while Haruko is 9' and Cheetor was more like eleven rather than 6 or 7).