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ROTS Soundtrack News

Posted: 2005-03-18 02:48pm
by Stravo
Digital Bits has ROTS scheduled for 5/3. The really good part about this is that GL is including a bonus DVD on the soundtrack that has the themes for each of the Wars films - from TPM to ROTJ and a 5 minute music video from each showing hilights from each film composed by John Williams. That sounds so fuxking awesome. Remember how cool the Duel of Fates video was? Now there will be one for each film.

Looking forward to it, though the soundtrack for AOTC was rather anemic because it used so many of the same songs from TPM. I wasn't a big fan of the TPM soundtrack save for some key cues. The prequels soundtracks have not been as good as the OT soundtracks.

Posted: 2005-03-18 02:56pm
by Admiral Valdemar
I have read that given his recent work on the last Potter movie that this may be a reawakening of his classic self for Wars.

To be honest, aside from the re-release box set of the original trilogy CDs I got, I've only got the Episode I OST (basic version). The love theme to AotC was quite good and the finale too, but other than that Williams is, well, dull.

I can think of a dozen composers today who are far more fresh than Williams who seems past it now, but let's hope I'm wrong and this is a fitting send off for the franchise soundtrack wise as well as movie wise.

Posted: 2005-03-18 02:58pm
by Firefox
It annoyed me once the battle in the arena switched to TPM music. It's as though Williams couldn't come up with a convincing piece for that and the subsequent ground battle.

Good to see extra goodies for the RotS soundtrack, though the soundtrack itself seems only to be excerpts from the score. Any word on when the RotS (and AotC, for that matter) score is supposed to be released?

Re: ROTS Soundtrack News

Posted: 2005-03-18 03:08pm
by Rogue 9
Stravo wrote:Digital Bits has ROTS scheduled for 5/3. The really good part about this is that GL is including a bonus DVD on the soundtrack that has the themes for each of the Wars films - from TPM to ROTJ and a 5 minute music video from each showing hilights from each film composed by John Williams. That sounds so fuxking awesome. Remember how cool the Duel of Fates video was? Now there will be one for each film.

Looking forward to it, though the soundtrack for AOTC was rather anemic because it used so many of the same songs from TPM. I wasn't a big fan of the TPM soundtrack save for some key cues. The prequels soundtracks have not been as good as the OT soundtracks.
Buying. As for the TPM soundtrack, I liked the Trade Federation march thing (heard when Obi-Wan first looks out over the Geonosis droid factory in AotC), but it wasn't used all that often in either film.

Posted: 2005-03-19 06:48am
by Old Plympto
Firefox wrote:It annoyed me once the battle in the arena switched to TPM music. It's as though Williams couldn't come up with a convincing piece for that and the subsequent ground battle.
My theory on that bit, which actually annoyed the hell out of me on my first viewing of AOTC:
Lucas makes an edit of the movie, then has Williams to score it to that edit. Then he has one of his re-edit binges and adds in more stuff, such as the Threepio mismatched head sequences, which throws the original edit out of whack. And he uses some of the older soundtrack to compensate.. or even music from elsewhere in AOTC, like the Zam Wessel chase music in the foundry fiasco. Why he didn't have Williams rescore those sequences is beyond me.