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My Saturday night out...

Posted: 2005-03-18 05:42pm
by Robert Walper
Well, after extensive use of the Rogers help line, I finally got my cell phone to upload my pictures to my online album, and thus online with my computer.

So behold! Proof that I do, in fact, have a life outside this addictive board. :P

(And excuse the shitty quality of them...drunkeness and tiny camera = not good combo...)

Here's Christine, whom I've met at Cowboys (the nightclub) several times now. The little cutie always gets me to buy us both a shooter. 8)

And here's April. I showed up early, and she was up front all by herself, so I chatted her up a bit. Poor thing. She wasn't feeling well and had to leave early because she just couldn't continue working in her condition (leaving to throw up a couple of times). I jokingly mentioned I hoped it wasn't me. :P

Another picture of April. Gotta give to her, she can smile even when feeling like shit.

Another picture of Christine.

Now this here girl is my favorite one, Lanna. Gorgeous smile, and Christine introduced her to me as one of her best friends. Christine talked me into buying all three of us a drink twice, which Lanna really appreciated. I love her smile. I'll be keeping my eye out for her again this weekend. You just never know...:lol:

Another picture of Lanna. Shitty quality, but then it's only a cell phone camera, and I'm just slightly intoxicated taking these pictures. :lol:

Random picture of the dance floor, or the lights right above it I should say. Cowboys being my currently favorite nightclub.

Posted: 2005-03-18 06:12pm
by J
So Christine's the imaginary girl who doesn't show up in photos? :P

Posted: 2005-03-18 06:15pm
by Petrosjko
Pardon my snickering over a cowboy bar in Calgary.

Here, they're classified by age category. Kicker Bars for the kids, roughneck places for the middle-aged, and Okiestomps for the old sours.

Gimme some phone numbers, Robert. :wink:

Posted: 2005-03-18 06:23pm
by Col. Crackpot
mmmmm.... hot Canadian chicks in cowboy hats.

Posted: 2005-03-18 07:00pm
by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
jmac wrote:So Christine's the imaginary girl who doesn't show up in photos? :P
Reminds me of some horror movies..

Robert: I dated with Christine last night and man! It was a real blast!
Bartender: Christine???? But Christine was dead six months ago!!

*suddenly Robert's cellphone rings*
Robert: Hello? Who is this?
Female voice whispering in the phone: I... love... you.... Robert... can... we... meet... again... tonight....?

Posted: 2005-03-18 07:24pm
by Tasoth
You have one of the funniest drunken grins I've ever seen. I Salute you!

Posted: 2005-03-18 07:25pm
by Kreshna Aryaguna Nurzaman
Tasoth wrote:You have one of the funniest drunken grins I've ever seen. I Salute you!
Yup. Like Arnold Schwarzenneger in "Twins". :P

Posted: 2005-03-18 08:45pm
by DarkSilver
canadian cowgirls.....aaaaaahhhhhh


Your in what city again Robert?

-wonders if he can get away with a weekend trip to Calgary without his gf noticing-

Posted: 2005-03-18 08:49pm
by HemlockGrey
Hey, next time one of the girls tries to convince you to buy them drinks, make them buy you a drink. It'd be funny.

Posted: 2005-03-18 09:58pm
by Robert Walper
jmac wrote:So Christine's the imaginary girl who doesn't show up in photos? :P
Hey! No dissing my photographic skillz!!

Posted: 2005-03-18 09:59pm
by Robert Walper
Petrosjko wrote: Gimme some phone numbers, Robert. :wink:
Who says I didn't get any, and why would I be giving them away? ;)

Posted: 2005-03-18 10:02pm
by Robert Walper
HemlockGrey wrote:Hey, next time one of the girls tries to convince you to buy them drinks, make them buy you a drink. It'd be funny.
Perhaps I should say "You just want the money instead...?" :twisted:

Posted: 2005-03-18 10:11pm
by Petrosjko
Robert Walper wrote:
Petrosjko wrote: Gimme some phone numbers, Robert. :wink:
Who says I didn't get any, and why would I be giving them away? ;)
I was assuming you got them, and that under our new bylaws you would share the wealth.

Now siggify yourself, Sap #3.

Posted: 2005-03-18 10:29pm
by Queeb Salaron
Robert Walper wrote:Who says I didn't get any...
You obviously didn't get any. You're not fooling anyone. Those girls are strippers, and you paid them to take their pictures. In fact, I think I've slept with at least two of them on a well-worn hotel mattress, if you know what I mean. I don't even remember them being that good.

Summary: You pay whores to take their pictures.

Way to go. :D

Posted: 2005-03-18 10:35pm
by Petrosjko
Queeb Salaron wrote:
Robert Walper wrote:Who says I didn't get any...
You obviously didn't get any. You're not fooling anyone. Those girls are strippers, and you paid them to take their pictures. In fact, I think I've slept with at least two of them on a well-worn hotel mattress, if you know what I mean. I don't even remember them being that good.

Summary: You pay whores to take their pictures.

Way to go. :D
"There are some things that go without saying, and some things that you have to throw out of your house by the seat of their filthy drunken pants.

Don't be that guy."

Posted: 2005-03-18 10:37pm
by Robert Walper
Petrosjko wrote:
Robert Walper wrote:
Petrosjko wrote: Gimme some phone numbers, Robert. :wink:
Who says I didn't get any, and why would I be giving them away? ;)
I was assuming you got them, and that under our new bylaws you would share the wealth.
I couldn't bring myself to torture you guys with numbers for women halfway across the world, or even just the country. That would be just mean. No, it's best I carry the burden of such numbers alone. Some torments are meant for only one. :P :lol:
Now siggify yourself, Sap #3.

Posted: 2005-03-18 10:40pm
by Robert Walper
Queeb Salaron wrote:
Robert Walper wrote:Who says I didn't get any...
You obviously didn't get any. You're not fooling anyone. Those girls are strippers,
I daresay I would've gotten more interesting picture than those in that case. Of course, maybe I did, but not at the bar. ;)
and you paid them to take their pictures. In fact, I think I've slept with at least two of them on a well-worn hotel mattress, if you know what I mean.
I don't think screwing posters count...:P
I don't even remember them being that good.

Summary: You pay whores to take their pictures.

Way to go. :D
If I were actually paying women, I don't think I'd be paying women like that just for a picture. ;)

Posted: 2005-03-18 11:09pm
by Petrosjko
Robert Walper wrote:I couldn't bring myself to torture you guys with numbers for women halfway across the world, or even just the country. That would be just mean. No, it's best I carry the burden of such numbers alone. Some torments are meant for only one. :P :lol:
Lessee... distance to Calgary... around 1740 miles, or 2800 klicks...

Roughly a two-day drive, then, maybe shading into three if I stop to check out the scenery in Montana and Wyoming, because I am a sucker for the Little Bighorn battlefield (eat it, Custer!), and I'd like to track down that little diner I ate at once in northern Wyoming...

For some time in the apparently pleasant company of Miss Lanna, well worth the drive.

Posted: 2005-03-18 11:09pm
by Queeb Salaron
Bobby - Hey, I never said there was any shame in it. Poon is poon. As for the "screwing posters" crack, like I say...

Poon is poon.
Petrosjko wrote:"There are some things that go without saying, and some things that you have to throw out of your house by the seat of their filthy drunken pants.

Don't be that guy."
You dirty son of a cockmonkey. ;)

Posted: 2005-03-19 05:47am
by Robert Walper
Ok, you bastards. Good ole Friday night, and I got more pictures this time. Drool and weep boys! hehe...:lol:

Here's Tara. She was occupying the same spot April was last Saturday. Same thing, it was kinda slow so I chatted her up a bit and got a couple of pics. 8)

Tara again of course. Damn she was hot. She's thinking of doing schooling for some PhD...but damned if I can remember for what...

Here's personal fovarite this Friday. She remembered me from last Saturday, unfortunately, she's taken. Damnit! Oh well, the pictures were worth it anyhow. :D

This here is Monica. She was working the floor with Jenny(further down) as the CowGirls with the holster shooters. For those unfamilar, they get you to take down a shot as they smother you with their breasts. I highly pleasant sensation. :lol:

Here's Lori. She was tending behind the bar with drinks. I was taking a picture of Robyn and she was right there, so I asked her for one as well. I'm just damned hard to say no to I guess...hehe. :P

And sure enough, that love of my life was working again tonight. Gorgeous Lanna. Easily talked her into another picture. She let me know Christine should be in Saturday my goal is to get a picture of them both at the same time. Maybe with me in the middle. :)

Here's Kendra, working one of the beer tubs. Also talked her into a picture with me. It works wonders when you show them the previous half dozen pictures you've taken. Puts them at ease that you're not a weirdo. 8)

Here's Kelly. Working the floor talking guys into taking shooters. Another cutie obviously.

This here is Katie, working one of the beer tubs if I recall correctly.

This here is Jenny, who was working the floor with Monica (above) doing the shooters with those kinky holsters. :D

Just another random shot of the dance floor. You can see the walkway where the models were walking earlier that night. I have a video or two of that, but no hosting capability. Meh...

Honestly, I can't remember this girl's name. Working one of the beer tubs I'm sure...

Another shot of Robyn. One of the cutest ones of the bunch I'm certain. I certainly enjoyed being around her (obviously).

Best picture of Robyn yet. I swear, this girl would be perfect for sheer looks alone if she was interested. Damn...all the good ones are taken...:?

That's right guys...drool it up! haha! :twisted:

Edit: Oops! Almost forget this one:

This here is Stacey, another beer tub girl. Same thing, just a picture and a quick chat. Another nice girl.

Posted: 2005-03-19 06:58am
by HemlockGrey
Summary: You pay whores to take their pictures.
No, he buys them drinks. :wink:

Posted: 2005-03-19 07:00am
by DarkSilver friend

your missing the point of being apart of the Bitter Trio

it doesn't work if your not bitter damn it! What is KAN and Petrosjko suppossed to feel like if your not being bitter?

and your enjoying that club way to much......

and you had best be getting more than a lil convo with one or two of those lovely ladies.....or we wil have to get KAN to....harvest and bronze a portion of your anatomy..your not getting any use out of it.

Posted: 2005-03-19 07:01am
by Robert Walper
HemlockGrey wrote:
Summary: You pay whores to take their pictures.
No, he buys them drinks. :wink:
Actually, of all women there, I've only bought drinks for three of them. The rest were freebies (or maybe I bought a drink from them for myself, like the CowGirls and their holsters :mrgreen: )

Posted: 2005-03-19 07:04am
by HemlockGrey
There's a few clubs here on Okinawa where Japanese girls hang out and convince frustrated Marines who are not quite desperate enough to go to Whisper Alley (the local prostitute lane) to buy them $16 "juice" shots. Just be sure you don't fall into the same trap!

Posted: 2005-03-19 07:07am
by Robert Walper
DarkSilver friend

your missing the point of being apart of the Bitter Trio
Oh no, I'm still bitter. Nothing quite like hanging out with these gorgeous girls and going home alone. If that doesn't make someone really bitter, I don't know. I'm just making an effort to be bitter...really. ;)
it doesn't work if your not bitter damn it! What is KAN and Petrosjko suppossed to feel like if your not being bitter?
They will undoubtedly be relived I sacrifice myself this way, exposing myself to gorgeous women and getting nothing in return but a smile. It makes them feel better about themselves. :P
and your enjoying that club way to much......
Going back tomorrow night. :lol:
and you had best be getting more than a lil convo with one or two of those lovely ladies.....or we wil have to get KAN to....harvest and bronze a portion of your anatomy..your not getting any use out of it.
I shall endeavor to work on that objective. Mind you, those are some pictures you guys will not be seeing.


At least, not without a fee of some sort. :twisted: