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Translation of popular songs

Posted: 2005-03-29 05:59pm
by Slartibartfast
I was just checking a few of my favorite songs, I thought I'd post the lyrics translated into english. Obviously they don't rhyme anymore ;)

My blue unicorn, I lost it yesterday.
I left it grazing and it disappeared.
Any information, I will pay for it well.
The flowers that it left behind
don't want to talk to me.

My blue unicorn, I lost it yesterday,
I don't know if it left me, or if it got lost,
and I don't have but one blue unicorn.
If anyone's got any news, I beg to hear them.
A hundred thousand or a million, I will pay.
My blue unicorn, I lost it yesterday,
it went away.

My unicorn and I became friends,
a little bit with love, a little bit with truth.
With its indigo horn it was fishing for a song
knowing how to share it was its calling.

My blue unicorn, I lost it yesterday,
and it may seem perhaps like an obsession
but I don't have but one blue unicorn
and even if I had two I only wanted that one.
Any information, I will pay for it,
My blue unicorn, I lost it yesterday,
it went away.


I'll post a couple more later.

Posted: 2005-03-29 06:10pm
by General Zod
it's no challenge when you post the entire lyrics and you have google at your command. :P

Unicornio, by Silvio Rodriguez

Posted: 2005-03-29 06:26pm
by Slartibartfast
Darth_Zod wrote:it's no challenge when you post the entire lyrics and you have google at your command. :P

Unicornio, by Silvio Rodriguez
I was just joking about the guessing thing ;) but ok.

Posted: 2005-04-09 04:29pm
by Slartibartfast
Fable of Three Brothers, by Silvio Rodriguez

Of three brothers, the eldest went
Out on the road, to discover and found
And to never be mistaken or err
He was awake, eyes wide open
Into where he stepped
From so much in this position walk
His neck never snapped back
And became a slave of caution
And became old, wanting to go far
With his short sightedness

Eye that doesn't look beyond, doesn't help the foot
Hear me about this and tell me what do you think...

Of three brothers, the middle one went
Out on the road, to discover and found
And to never be mistaken or err
He was awake, eyes wide open
Likewise, on the horizon
But this smart boy couldn't see
The stone, the hole that defeated his foot
And always stumbling he was
And became old, wanting to go far
To where he never got

Eye that doesn't look nearby didn't go far
Hear me about this and tell me what do you think...

Of three brothers, the little one started off
Out on the road, to discover and found
And to never be mistaken or err
One pupil looking up
And the other on his walk
And he walked further into the road
Eye on the road, and eye on the future
And when time came to sum it up
His eyesight was already lost
Between being and going

Eye put in everything no longer knows what it sees
Hear me about this and tell me what do you think...

My translation probably sucks, meh... :)

Posted: 2005-04-09 07:05pm
by Guy N. Cognito
Tatu's All the words you said is totally different in Russian. I like the russian version better, though they lack the words for lesbian.

Posted: 2005-04-09 08:56pm
by Slartibartfast
Well if you want to make it sound similar, or even match the metric, usually you have to change a lot of words :P this translated "version" is probably impossible to sing, or would sound like crap.

Posted: 2005-04-10 08:56am
by Lord Pounder
I heard a few translations of Rammstein songs. Damn i was shocked. In German it sounds dark and evil, but the hearing them in English it sounded like he was reciting an angry teenagers bad poetry.

Posted: 2005-04-10 11:08am
by Shinova
Numa numa translation, anyone?

Posted: 2005-04-10 02:38pm
by Slartibartfast
Ok, last one, so I don't spam the forums so much.

Gull (or Seagull?) by same guy.

It was the days of the end of war
There was a soldier returning intact
Intact from the deadly cold of the earth
Intact from flowers of horror in his quarters

He raised his eyes, took a deep breath
The word heaven drawn in his mouth
And as if there was nothing else in the world
Across the sky a gull went by

Gull, gull, waltz of balance
Unbelievable cadence, called on the shoulder
Gull, gull, whiteness of iris
*ay* of dancers, gull of astonishment

Where are you going, song of the breeze
So fast, so idle...
Shot across the head, shrapnel in the laughter
Gull that goes by and takes the life away

It was the days of the end of war
A gull went flying, flying
Slow like the time of love that closes
Empire of the wing, the sky and the when

Gull, gull, waltz of balance
Unbelievable cadence, called on the shoulder
Gull, gull, whiteness of iris
*ay* of dancers, gull of astonishment

It was the days of the end of war
A gull went by, flying
And he who was intact
Rolled on the ground
Orphan, naked
Wounded, bleeding.