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Ozzy Osbourne Boxed Set

Posted: 2005-03-29 06:39pm
by Superman
Anyone else get this? Man, this is freggin awesome. If you're an Ozzy fan, I highly recommend it. It's well worth the money. Ozzy even covers "Stayin Alive" by the Bee Gees. It's fucking great.

Posted: 2005-03-29 06:41pm
by General Zod
. . . damn you! :P how much does the set cost? *adds to ever growing list of things to buy*

Posted: 2005-03-29 06:43pm
by Superman
It's not cheap, but I *ahem* acquired it through other means. I believe you can buy it from Itunes for 50 or 60. That's four disks of songs though...

Posted: 2005-03-29 11:01pm
by Aaron
I just heard about it on the radio, and I will be defiently be buying it. Even if his brain is fried, he makes awesome music!

Posted: 2005-03-30 02:09am
by Queeb Salaron
Cpl Kendall wrote:I just heard about it on the radio, and I will be defiently be buying it. Even if his brain is fried, he makes awesome music!

He *made* awesome music.

Did you hear that rendition of "Spank the Monkey" he did with Coal Chamber? Fucking awful.

Posted: 2005-03-30 08:36pm
by Darth Bowser
I might have to look into it, how many songs are there total?

Posted: 2005-03-30 09:26pm
by Aaron
Queeb Salaron wrote: Ahem.

He *made* awesome music.

Did you hear that rendition of "Spank the Monkey" he did with Coal Chamber? Fucking awful.
Actually it was "shock the monkey". And his latest CD was pretty good I thought. Anyway there's bound to be a few stinkers regardless of who you are. And the good vastly outnumbers the bad with him. Thats just my opinion though.

Posted: 2005-03-30 09:58pm
by Darth Bowser

Posted: 2005-03-31 12:35am
by Queeb Salaron
Cpl Kendall wrote:
Queeb Salaron wrote: Ahem.

He *made* awesome music.

Did you hear that rendition of "Spank the Monkey" he did with Coal Chamber? Fucking awful.
Actually it was "shock the monkey". And his latest CD was pretty good I thought. Anyway there's bound to be a few stinkers regardless of who you are. And the good vastly outnumbers the bad with him. Thats just my opinion though.
Yeah, but who listens to the moderator of a fundie Christian board? ;)

Posted: 2005-03-31 07:21am
by Aaron
Queeb Salaron wrote: Yeah, but who listens to the moderator of a fundie Christian board? ;)

Didn't you know that Ozzy is a Christian? :!:

Posted: 2005-03-31 07:26am
by HemlockGrey
Wait, Kendall moderates a fundie board? The hell?

Posted: 2005-03-31 07:39am
by Aaron
HemlockGrey wrote:Wait, Kendall moderates a fundie board? The hell?
Yeah, this one. Basically it's because I had the highest post count, and according to the Admin guy, I was trustworthy. Maybe having an athiest Mod gives them some cedibility?

Posted: 2005-03-31 12:11pm
by General Zod
Cpl Kendall wrote:
Queeb Salaron wrote: Yeah, but who listens to the moderator of a fundie Christian board? ;)

Didn't you know that Ozzy is a Christian? :!:
ozzy's catholic specifically, iirc.