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How to Start a Successful Music Career

Posted: 2005-04-04 08:49pm
by aerius

Sadly enough, this is completely true these days...

Posted: 2005-04-04 08:59pm
by Zaia
Hahaha, I love the last step. "Be creative!" :D

No wonder I'm so poor...I only perform classical music in churches and broadway music in local theatres. If only I'd had these steps earlier in life! Damn! Damn your eyes, aerianna!

Posted: 2005-04-04 09:00pm
by Ghost Rider
Zaia wrote:Hahaha, I love the last step. "Be creative!" :D

No wonder I'm so poor...I only perform classical music in churches and broadway music in local theatres. If only I'd had these steps earlier in life! Damn! Damn your eyes, aerianna!
Hey you get to play with Anvils...that's gotta be creative somewhere, somehow :D .

Posted: 2005-04-04 09:03pm
by Zaia
Ghost Rider wrote:
Zaia wrote:Hahaha, I love the last step. "Be creative!" :D

No wonder I'm so poor...I only perform classical music in churches and broadway music in local theatres. If only I'd had these steps earlier in life! Damn! Damn your eyes, aerianna!
Hey you get to play with Anvils...that's gotta be creative somewhere, somehow :D .
Only if I manage to kill myself with one. The last step is to die toward the end of my career, insuring a great legacy. At the end of the death step, it reads, "Be creative!" :P

Posted: 2005-04-04 09:20pm
by Batman
Zaia wrote:Hahaha, I love the last step. "Be creative!" :D
No wonder I'm so poor...I only perform classical music in churches and broadway music in local theatres. If only I'd had these steps earlier in life! Damn! Damn your eyes, aerianna!
Yeah, right.
#1-rock or rap
I can-barely-see you as a rock star. Well, what meant rock approximately 15 years ago. Personally, I thing the genre's been dead since then. Somehow I don't see you becoming famous by that avenue.
I definitely can't see you wanting to become popular at was passes at rock these days.
#2- Sorry, luv. You just lost. I'll notice good music when you hit me over the head with a guitar. Maybe. and I know the stuff on MTV and the radio sucks donkey balls.
#3-You like Tori Amos (or at least once did, to the extent of ostracizing me for daring to make 'Tori Amos is a Cockatrice' a poll option).
Yes you DO like innovation. IOW, you're screwed.
#4- Pick. A shitload of ugly tatoos or a shitload of ugly tatoos AND ugly-like-nobody's business-clothes.
#5-You still fail. Yes. you're SUPPOSED to get an instrument but you're alsosupposed to play it BADLY.
#6-You fail again. For Rap, your lyrics fail on account of being comprehensible. Okay, so you may be able to pass the Rock lyrics hurdle. Bite me.
#7-Somehow, I can't see you copying someone else.
#8-Marketing. Somehow, that's not you.
#9-While it may be guaranteed to increase sales, I violently argue against it. I rather prefer to have include you
a)alive, and