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Old lightsabre video we made...

Posted: 2005-04-09 11:51pm
by Robert Walper
My dad found this in his backups and sent it to me, since I've been inquiring about it recently. Needless to say, I cringed, but decided to share it with the SDNizens anyhow.

It's a lightsabre video my brothers and I made after watching TPM. Crude, pathetic, silly, but honest and fun in the making.

Plus side:
-no shitty acting. We didn't even bother, we knew better
-blades effects are decent, sound, flashes and music is good
-It was the first and only shoot. This is a plus, as it excuses the shitty quality and effort. ;)

Negative side:
-not dress up. I'm wearing gum boots for fuck's sake! (working on a farm obviosuly)
-movements are slow, although at the time we thought they were fast
-it's short, 13 seconds. This might be a plus though ;)
-it looks fake. Really fake
-there are glitchs with graphics, and that's because my brother Larry had to work with plain sticks, with the double blade being only a foot and half long at most from hands. Thus, he had to do some guess work.

I'm sure you'll find other areas of complains. Anyhow, the video in question:

Watch at your own risk (5.7 megabytes)

Let's keep the laughing and pointing...civilized people? ;) :P

Posted: 2005-04-09 11:58pm
by Montcalm
How many kilobites or meg is it?

Posted: 2005-04-10 12:47am
by The Silence and I
^^^5.7 megs.^^^

Not bad, I see what you mean with the double bladed lightsaber, but for the work that apparently went in I'd say it is just fine. At least you made yours, my friends and I never got around to finishing ours...

Posted: 2005-04-10 12:54am
by Rogue 9
You're welcome, Walper. :P

Posted: 2005-04-10 01:18am
by Dillon
I actually think it's pretty cool. That's just me though. :P

Posted: 2005-04-10 01:34am
by Alyrium Denryle
cool... but blue saber boy was a weak pussy jedi... he could have gone for a kill many times.. WALPER! NEVER EXPOSE YOUR BACK TO YOUR OPPONENT!

Posted: 2005-04-10 01:53am
by Dillon
Alyrium Denryle wrote:cool... but blue saber boy was a weak pussy jedi... he could have gone for a kill many times.. WALPER! NEVER EXPOSE YOUR BACK TO YOUR OPPONENT!
Yeah, I was thinking the same. I'm no expert swordsman, but there were at least two that blue saber boy could have easily got you in the back. :P

Posted: 2005-04-10 01:54am
by Rogue 9
Alyrium Denryle wrote:cool... but blue saber boy was a weak pussy jedi... he could have gone for a kill many times.. WALPER! NEVER EXPOSE YOUR BACK TO YOUR OPPONENT!
They both could have gone for kills at least twice each. You don't spin around like that. :P

Posted: 2005-04-10 01:58am
by Captain Cyran
The Silence and I wrote:^^^5.7 megs.^^^

Not bad, I see what you mean with the double bladed lightsaber, but for the work that apparently went in I'd say it is just fine. At least you made yours, my friends and I never got around to finishing ours...
This has given me the incentive to do it. This summer man. We'll hold Dave's computer hostage if he doesn't show interest! Bwahaha!

That was pretty cool Walper.

Posted: 2005-04-10 02:23am
by JME2
Very nice Rob.

"We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own."
8) :wink:

Posted: 2005-04-10 02:49am
by Rogue 9
The biggest screwup really was at 0:06, when it became obvious that you were aiming for the sticks rather than each other: Your "lightsabers" went past each other and impacted on the way back out, so that either one of you could have simply stopped crossing blades and sent the lightsaber right on in. :P

Posted: 2005-04-10 05:23am
by Robert Walper
Rogue 9 wrote:You're welcome, Walper. :P
Yes, thanks for the hosting Rogue. 8)

Posted: 2005-04-10 05:25am
by Robert Walper
Rogue 9 wrote:The biggest screwup really was at 0:06, when it became obvious that you were aiming for the sticks rather than each other: Your "lightsabers" went past each other and impacted on the way back out, so that either one of you could have simply stopped crossing blades and sent the lightsaber right on in. :P
Yeah, we spent alot of time practicing the moves, but we were going for flashy looks rather than looking like we were actually going for the kill. In hindsight, there was alot of things we wanted to correct and redo. That is one of them.

Posted: 2005-04-10 05:27am
by Robert Walper
observer_20000 wrote:I actually think it's pretty cool. That's just me though. :P
We thought so at the time as well. Mind you, there's a ton of crap that needed fixing and redoing. We were planning on doing so, but then the camera equipment for transferring the video to the computer died. Otherwise, we would've made another, much better one.

Posted: 2005-04-10 05:29am
by Robert Walper
JME2 wrote:Very nice Rob.
Most of the credit should go to my brother Larry. He did all the effects and filming. Without him, we would've just been two morons smacking sticks together. ;)
"We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own."
8) :wink:

There's no Borg in that video there JME2...:P

Posted: 2005-04-10 05:38am
by Robert Walper
Captain Cyran wrote: This has given me the incentive to do it. This summer man. We'll hold Dave's computer hostage if he doesn't show interest! Bwahaha!

That was pretty cool Walper.
Suggestions on what to do that we didn't:

-Dress up. Doesn't have to be fancy, but at least look like a casual Jedi outfit. Hell, even just a plain black jogging suit would've done.
-Make it look like you're trying to attack your opponent, not his lightsabre. And there's nothing wrong with being a bit flashy, but it only works if you move fast enough that moves like I did (turning your back to your opponent) are so fast that it doesn't surprise the audience you're not taken advantage of.
-Also, don't do what we did which was do the entire fight in one scene, one angle. Go for multiple angles and short shots. This will allow you to go much faster and look alot better, so long as you're sure to keep the action synchronized from one shot to the next.
-Whatever you're using for props, be sure they're long enough and easy for the editor to draw over with effects.
-Safety being a priority, but probably wouldn't hurt to put some force into the strikes and blocks for more realism.

All of the above we intented to do, but never got around to it. :( Maybe one day we'll get a chance, or at least I will with some fellow Star Wars fan. 8)

Posted: 2005-04-10 08:57am
by Dooey Jo
That's pretty good! Especially if it's the first time.

Aside from what others already I'd like to add that I think there were way too much spinning, especially from the guy with the blue lightsabre. But I'm really not the one to say anything about that because I had plenty of that in my first attempt at a lightsabre clip too... But in my new movie there is not a single spin. Not one :mrgreen: At least not in the lightsabre vs lightsabre fight...

Also, it would have been ever nicer if the clashing sounds could have been varied a bit. But the swinging sounds were very nice anyhow!

And one more suggestion to those who want to do this themselves: Use different colors on the sticks you're using, otherwise you will hate yourself for not doing it, if you end up with shots were it's difficult to see whose lightsabre is whose.

Posted: 2005-04-10 09:53am
by Crazedwraith
*compares to Art of The Saber*

Very nice. A little short.

Posted: 2005-04-10 10:11am
by Lord Revan
It's nice, yeah like it's said it look quite fake, but IMHO if had a SW outfits it wouldn't have look fake( at least not until you look it more carefully). Yeah spins are bad (use them only one behind the other for quick turn)

Posted: 2005-04-10 11:21am
by Robert Walper
Crazedwraith wrote:*compares to Art of The Saber*

Very nice. A little short.
Compared to "Art of the Sabre"? I'd almost find that insulting for "Art of the Sabre"....AOTS is magnitudes better fighting wise. The only thing remotely superior about ours is the fact we don't like the idea of chatting it up for a video.

Posted: 2005-04-10 11:23am
by Robert Walper
Lord Revan wrote:It's nice, yeah like it's said it look quite fake, but IMHO if had a SW outfits it wouldn't have look fake( at least not until you look it more carefully). Yeah spins are bad (use them only one behind the other for quick turn)
I'd kill to do a remake. I know both my brothers, having the time, would probably go for it as well.

Hey YT300000, hurry your ass up, grow up and let's make one. ;) :P

Posted: 2005-04-10 11:39am
by Crazedwraith
Robert Walper wrote:
Crazedwraith wrote:*compares to Art of The Saber*

Very nice. A little short.
Compared to "Art of the Sabre"? I'd almost find that insulting for "Art of the Sabre"....AOTS is magnitudes better fighting wise. The only thing remotely superior about ours is the fact we don't like the idea of chatting it up for a video.
I didn't say it compared favourabilly. The very nice was unrelated to the comaprisopn. :D

Posted: 2005-04-10 12:54pm
by Captain Cyran
Robert Walper wrote:Suggestions on what to do that we didn't:

-Dress up. Doesn't have to be fancy, but at least look like a casual Jedi outfit. Hell, even just a plain black jogging suit would've done.
-Make it look like you're trying to attack your opponent, not his lightsabre. And there's nothing wrong with being a bit flashy, but it only works if you move fast enough that moves like I did (turning your back to your opponent) are so fast that it doesn't surprise the audience you're not taken advantage of.
-Also, don't do what we did which was do the entire fight in one scene, one angle. Go for multiple angles and short shots. This will allow you to go much faster and look alot better, so long as you're sure to keep the action synchronized from one shot to the next.
-Whatever you're using for props, be sure they're long enough and easy for the editor to draw over with effects.
-Safety being a priority, but probably wouldn't hurt to put some force into the strikes and blocks for more realism.

All of the above we intented to do, but never got around to it. :( Maybe one day we'll get a chance, or at least I will with some fellow Star Wars fan. 8)
We actually were doing all that. And we had great actual lightsabers that we built, that was very cool. And we used PVC pipes which are pretty much perfect. But one day when we were working out the fight, the PVC pipes broke in half, and we didn't get new ones. :cry:

Posted: 2005-04-10 01:01pm
by Robert Walper
Crazedwraith wrote:
Robert Walper wrote:
Crazedwraith wrote:*compares to Art of The Saber*

Very nice. A little short.
Compared to "Art of the Sabre"? I'd almost find that insulting for "Art of the Sabre"....AOTS is magnitudes better fighting wise. The only thing remotely superior about ours is the fact we don't like the idea of chatting it up for a video.
I didn't say it compared favourabilly. The very nice was unrelated to the comaprisopn. :D
Why drag down AOTS by mentoning it in the same post with ours? ;)

Posted: 2005-04-10 01:02pm
by Robert Walper
Captain Cyran wrote: We actually were doing all that. And we had great actual lightsabers that we built, that was very cool. And we used PVC pipes which are pretty much perfect. But one day when we were working out the fight, the PVC pipes broke in half, and we didn't get new ones. :cry:
Damn...that sucks. :?

But hey, if you ever need an extra for the fighting...let me know! :lol: :wink: