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The Bunny's Star Wars LEGO creations(Updated 12/20/06)

Posted: 2005-04-10 01:07pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Whipped this up yesterday eventing:


With its wings up(only when its on the ground), source of the Trident name.


Wings down, front of the wings inspired by the TIE/d.


Front view, TIE styled cockpit, you can clearly see the foremost laser cannons.


It slides open! One of the things I like about this model.


Rear, twin Incom styled engines.


Weaponry, from the left: Multiple Ordienence clip, laser cannon, laser cannon, ion cannon. I'm really proud of that clip, didn't think I'd get it to work out.


Different things that can be loaded onto the MOC, from the left: sensor package, fuel pod, anti-cap warhead, heavy atmospheric bomb.


The fuel pod hooked up in the MOC and connected to the ship.

The Trident Starfighter

First creation of the merged Sienar/Incom Corperation. Although a step foward in the production of a new generation of starfighers, the Trident Starfighter had several flaws that prevented it from becoming mainstream in one of the galatic powers. The cockpit, which was similar to earlier TIE craft, dissuaded the Galatic Alliance due to its previous symbolism of the Empire. While it was a very variable fighter, it was more of a jack of all trades. It had no real advantage over older models refitted with newer technology, it could be outclassed by B-Wings in raw power, out sped by an A-Wing, out manuvered by a TIE Interceptor, and out dueled by a XJ-Wing.Overall it had some advantage over each of these class, but it had no specialization to make it really stand out. Because of this it saw little military use, but it did see a lot of use by various pirate organizations as well as the planetary defense of smaller poorer planets.

Posted: 2005-04-11 01:41pm
by Anarchist Bunny

Top view, you can clearly see the astrometrics droid in it.


Side view, here you can see the fire linked twin laser cannons on this side.


Front view, sorry about pic quality, I'm shooting these with a webcam, but you should beable to make out the two proton torpedo tubes under the cockpit and the multiple ordinence clips on each wing.


Display of how the cockpit is removable, my idea for this was it can function normally with out the cockpit ever being removed, doubles as an ejection pod, and the craft can be stored vertically, the pilot loads then gets hooked into the main body and the ship is dropped like I vaguely remember B5 ships being launched.


Back view, kinda dislike the placement of the engines, but not enough to redo it.


Another pic of clip ons for the MOC, the heavy atmo bomb and anticapital warhead haven't changed, from the left: Ion cannon, twin proton torpedo launcher, sensor package mk II, feul pod mk II

The MOSS(Multiple ordenice space superiority) Fighter

The next design from the merged Sienar/Incom Corperatiion, this one saw much more action in the military use. Similar to the TIE interceptor in performance, but with the added features common to Incom designs(shielding, astromech droid) made it a verstile fighter, and the multiple ordinence clip allowed for a much wider variety of mission profiles.

Posted: 2005-04-11 01:49pm
by Ace Pace
That makes my attempts look so pathetic, your awesome, and I love the fact you still play with Lego's.

Posted: 2005-04-11 01:52pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
I like the first fighter better. Maybe it's the TIE cockpit and the overall better lighting.

Posted: 2005-04-11 05:11pm
by Tasoth
I was like that k'nex and my zoids. Wish I still was. Must say I like the second one better.

Posted: 2005-04-11 08:45pm
by Anarchist Bunny
At the request of Elheru, my custom minifigs.


Sith Leia(not much to see, really only did it cause they haven't made a Leia yet with decent hair), Exar Kun sporting two sith blades, and Cyborg Darth Maul.


Anakin Solo, Jaina Solo ready to fly with Rogue Squadron, Kyle Katarn, Luke(none of the sets have him sporting the black glove over his damaged hand), Bastion the Laughing Jedi(sorry if I got his hair color wrong Stravo, really didn't have a choice of colors) and Robo-Quigon Jinn.

Nothing special, all though I do have some plans for a really cool one, the only place I can find that has the pieces I want are in 80 dollar harry potter sets.

I don't know why, but everyone seems to prefer the TIE cockpit to other styles, but since I just got a new load of black pieces from buying another TIE Figher set(to get the light up Darth Vader) I think I'll put one together.

Posted: 2005-04-13 05:03pm
by Manus Celer Dei
I love that Exar Kun.

Posted: 2005-06-05 06:46pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Finally made a TIE model that didn't look like complete ass(one never made it completely through building process, vertical mounted TIE wings look bad, and the other has a couple pics but wasn't very good either)


Front side view, wing placement similar to the phantom.


Close up on the cockpit, the non-clone pilot, and the three wing mounted laser cannons.


Side view, moving along.


The engines, this is one of the bits I liked about this model, the the idea of a new way to do the Ion engines, those are two ruby lego pieces.

TIE/px Fighter

An early precursor to the TIE Advanced projects, this model was developed shortly after the TIE/ln saw full production. The craft cost significantly more than the ln model and thusly was assigned to the new drafted human pilots while the cheap, bare ln was used almost exclusively by clone pilots. The ship was much more durable than the shieldless ln, but less manuverable. It also sported the ability to mount heave anticapital ship missles. Although it proved effective, there were few situations where it suceeded where a swarmed of clone piloted TIE/lns would not and so production was stopped and slowly phased out over the course of a few years as mass production facilities were set up for the TIE/ln. The model was the chosen starfighter of Darth Vader for several years after it had be phased out though.

Posted: 2005-06-05 07:03pm
by Anarchist Bunny

The slim form similar to the ETA-2, the proton torp launchers are clearest here , in the engine pods beneath the cockpit.


Top view, the wings extend father than the ETA-2, lacks a place for an astromec droid.


Here you can more clearly see the two laser cannons attatched to the wings.


Back view, the cockpit gives a good view all around the Jedi.


The wings fold up for landings and the back of the cockpit opens up.


Close up shot of the Cockpit, Jania Solo piloting.

The ETA-3 Jedi Starfighter

Designed by the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances after the Vong conflict, the rebirth of craft designed for Jedi pilots. While many still prefered the XJ model of the X-Wing, many of the Jedi who prefered star fighter piloting started using this model, it was fast and manuverabl as well as giving a smaller profile to an enemy tailing them while losing little power when compared to the XJ. The craft was much less durable than the XJ as well as the shields were not as powerful, but to a Jedi pilot the increased manuverablity more than made up for it.

Posted: 2005-06-05 08:47pm
by Tinkerbell
It took me until the lightsaber pictures for it to really sink in that it was SW stuff...

Posted: 2005-06-05 08:50pm
by Batman
xBlackFlash wrote:It took me until the lightsaber pictures for it to really sink in that it was SW stuff...
Urm-the thread title is something of a dead giveaway you know.

Posted: 2005-06-05 08:53pm
by Tinkerbell
Batman wrote:
xBlackFlash wrote:It took me until the lightsaber pictures for it to really sink in that it was SW stuff...
Urm-the thread title is something of a dead giveaway you know.
No I know that, I didn't mean in general.

I just meant I didn't get it.

I was looking at the pictures going "Err....ok.....what the hell is it?"

Posted: 2005-06-05 08:57pm
by Batman
xBlackFlash wrote: No I know that, I didn't mean in general.
I just meant I didn't get it.
I was looking at the pictures going "Err....ok.....what the hell is it?"
Well you haven't seen SW beyond RotJ so far, leave alone met the EU so I suppose that makes sense.

Posted: 2005-06-05 09:03pm
by YT300000
xBlackFlash wrote:It took me until the lightsaber pictures for it to really sink in that it was SW stuff...

Posted: 2005-06-05 09:59pm
by Anarchist Bunny
xBlackFlash wrote:
Batman wrote:
xBlackFlash wrote:It took me until the lightsaber pictures for it to really sink in that it was SW stuff...
Urm-the thread title is something of a dead giveaway you know.
No I know that, I didn't mean in general.

I just meant I didn't get it.

I was looking at the pictures going "Err....ok.....what the hell is it?"
1. IIRC thats how many Star Wars movies you've seen.

Posted: 2005-06-06 06:44am
by Crazedwraith
Is it just me or is the 'anti cap warhead' in your first post made out of an R2 unit?

Posted: 2005-06-06 09:40am
by White Haven
3PO: R2! No! I can't watch.

I think you're right, and that just brings to mind a whole host of hilarious mental images.

Posted: 2005-06-06 03:05pm
by tumbletom
I love the tie/px--its really pretty. :P

Posted: 2005-06-06 04:07pm
by Anarchist Bunny
Crazedwraith wrote:Is it just me or is the 'anti cap warhead' in your first post made out of an R2 unit?
I probably should of turned that the other way.

Posted: 2005-06-06 04:11pm
by Anarchist Bunny
tumbletom wrote:I love the tie/px--its really pretty. :P
Really? The ETA-3 is hands down my favorite fighter model I've made.

Posted: 2006-12-20 09:19pm
by Anarchist Bunny
After a long break in posting some of the stuff I make, here is a couple new orignal LEGO Creations.

First one is my idea of how the TIE Hunter from Star Wars: Rebel Strike accually work(In-universe explination being that the Storm Commando's model was horribly inefficient due to all the equipment(Ion cannons, laser cannons, proton torp tubes, shields and hyperdrive) squeezed into a space smaller than a regular TIE)\, requiring ion cannon and laser cannons to be replaced after most missions, couldn't be deployed in sentry, convoy, or many other mission profiles other than quick strikes, which, with its smaller profile and higher manuverably worked with the Storm Commandoes)

TIE Hunter mk. II
Front view, the grey part just above the laser cannon is the proton torp tube can only bee seeen at this angle.

Side view shows the Ion Cannons mounted above the cockpit.

Top view.

Larger model Ion cannons.

Cockpit on the model can slide out.

Another model, much older than the TIE model, I call it a U-Wing due to the large gap in the overside wings.

Front view with wings deployed pointed forward. None of the pictures really showed it well but the wings rotates forward and backwards to lock into a flying/landed postion(since the shape of hte wings doesn't allow for a easy flat surface landing)

I probably made the wing a little too large.

Center single engine probells the craft, as well as the complete transparent dome over the cockpit.

Craft in the landed position with the rear section of the dome removed to look in on the Rebel Pilot inside.

And finally a little tribute I made on the night Steve Irwin died, mainly cause I had the parts and felt bummed about it(being a wildlife conservationist myself)