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'Goblet of Fire' movie stills! (Pic heavy, dur)

Posted: 2005-04-12 03:01pm
by Zaia
I'm a bit behind the times since these came out over a week ago, but I didn't see anything posted with already, so here we go!

Apologies if someone did post and I missed it. :D

I have stills from two different sources, so they're two different sizes. Wish they were all beautiful high-res pictures, but they aren't. Ah well.

Harry with the egg.

Our heroes. Look at all that hair. :D

Ron and Harry all dressed up...or...something.

Portrait of Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter.

Portrait of Emma Watson as Hermoine Grainger.

Harry and Hermoine with...I'm not sure who (aka Rita Skeeter--whoops).

Harry entering Dumbledore's office.

Harry and Hermoine together again.

Rita Skeeter! And, some dude.

Harry with somewhat rumpled hair.

Everybody was kung-fu fightin'...

The trio again, looking a bit sullen but with nice scarves.

Can't wait for my favourite book in the series to come out as a movie!! CAN'T WAIT!! :luv:

Posted: 2005-04-12 03:02pm
by Stravo
Emma Watson is turning out to be quite the hottie I imagined she would be since the first movie. Niiicceee.

Posted: 2005-04-12 03:04pm
by Zaia
Stravo wrote:Emma Watson is turning out to be quite the hottie I imagined she would be since the first movie. Niiicceee.
I knew that was going to be the first response to this thread. I knew it. :P

You surprised me with the speed of your answer, though. Well done. :D

Posted: 2005-04-12 03:14pm
by Shroom Man 777
Damn, someone beat me to it!

Ain't there screenshots with her in jeans or in her school outfit with her skirt and all? Man, she's so hot. And she's as old as me! :oops:

Ron kinda looks like Shaggy, the hippie from Scooby Doo :shock:

Posted: 2005-04-12 03:15pm
by Stravo
Zaia wrote:
Stravo wrote:Emma Watson is turning out to be quite the hottie I imagined she would be since the first movie. Niiicceee.
I knew that was going to be the first response to this thread. I knew it. :P

You surprised me with the speed of your answer, though. Well done. :D
Never underestimate the speed of a horny bored man on a slow day at the office.

Posted: 2005-04-12 03:19pm
by Col. Crackpot
Is it me or does that Weasly kid look like he is coked out of his fucking mind? Not to mention the fact that he also looks like he took a header out of the ugly tree and landed in the homely bush.

Posted: 2005-04-12 03:21pm
by Zaia
Col. Crackpot wrote:Is it me or does that Weasly kid look like he is coked out of his fucking mind? Not to mention the fact that he also looks like he took a header out of the ugly tree and landed in the homely bush.
Nah, he's cute, he just needs a haircut. Badly.

And Strav, she turns 15 on Friday. FYI. ;-)

Posted: 2005-04-12 03:22pm
by Stravo
Col. Crackpot wrote:Is it me or does that Weasly kid look like he is coked out of his fucking mind? Not to mention the fact that he also looks like he took a header out of the ugly tree and landed in the homely bush.
What are you? Michael Jackson? Who gives a shit about Wesley. Hermione is a HOT MAMA. Did you check her ass out in the jeans in Prisoner of Azkaban. I can tell you there was one prisoner in my pants stirring that day. :P

Posted: 2005-04-12 03:24pm
by Col. Crackpot
Jimmy Buffett wrote:Fifteen will get ya' twenty, but thats allright!
'cuz we'll be rockin' and a rollin down in Livingston Saturday night!

Posted: 2005-04-12 03:28pm
by Batman
Zaia wrote: Harry and Hermoine with...I'm not sure who.
Um-you rather positively (and correctly, I think) identified that lady as Rita Skeeter a few pics farther down.
I am SO not commenting the Emma Watson issue.

Posted: 2005-04-12 03:29pm
by Stravo
Notice no mention of actually doing anything, just admiring budding nubile feminine beauty. :wink:

Posted: 2005-04-12 03:33pm
by Zaia
Batman wrote:
Zaia wrote:Harry and Hermoine with...I'm not sure who.
Um-you rather positively (and correctly, I think) identified that lady as Rita Skeeter a few pics farther down.
I am SO not commenting the Emma Watson issue.
Oh, you're right. The lack of loud colours had me distraught, but that is definitely Rita too. I thought maybe it was a new professor that I'd forgotten, since I haven't read the book in too long. Thanks. :D

Posted: 2005-04-12 03:41pm
by Batman
*does the happy dance*

Posted: 2005-04-12 03:41pm
by SylasGaunt
What I want to know is.. when is Dr. Who going to show up and get his scarves back? :p

Posted: 2005-04-12 03:42pm
by RogueIce
Zaia wrote:Nah, he's cute, he just needs a haircut. Badly.

And Strav, she turns 15 on Friday. FYI. ;-)
That just means only three years to go.


*avoids Stravo's comment on "speed" of an old man* :P

EDIT: Incidently, next year for those of us in Florida under the age of 22, if I'm remembing my laws correctly. :D

Posted: 2005-04-12 03:43pm
by Zaia
This is just from some opening or something, but doesn't she look a bit like Julia Roberts?


Also, left this still out by accident:

Fleur what's-her-face with Dumbledore.

EDIT: Two more:

Between takes.

And, on a walk in the woods somewhere.

Posted: 2005-04-12 03:43pm
by Dorsk 81
Some of those have been at for well over a week now.

I don't likes the newer look the director gives things, like wearing muggle clothes instead of wizard robes, and muggle school uniforms instead of the old hats and what not from PS and CoS.
Stravo wrote:Emma Watson is turning out to be quite the hottie I imagined she would be since the first movie. Niiicceee.
I think Rupert Grint is hotter than Emma Watson, but then, that's just me...

Posted: 2005-04-12 03:44pm
by Slartibartfast
Harry Potter noooo! Kill it, before it's too late!

Posted: 2005-04-12 03:45pm
by Zaia
Dorsk 81 wrote:Some of those have been at for well over a week now.
Way to read the OP, hon.
Z, in the first sentence of the first post, wrote:I'm a bit behind the times since these came out over a week ago, but I didn't see anything posted with already, so here we go!

Posted: 2005-04-12 03:50pm
by Zac Naloen
Ron looks like a total stoner.

And if your english its only 1 year to go ;)

Im only commenting because i have no choice not to see this movie, tears shall flow if i refuse. :lol:

Posted: 2005-04-12 03:58pm
by Kuja
All I can say is where the fuck are the dragons? :P

Posted: 2005-04-12 03:59pm
by Batman
Excuse me? Fleur is part Veela and that's the best they could come up with?

Posted: 2005-04-12 04:08pm
by Zaia
Batman wrote:Excuse me? Fleur is part Veela and that's the best they could come up with?
That's what the original caption to that photo read, but it could've been a mistake.

Posted: 2005-04-12 04:18pm
by Joe
Dammit, she's still too young! Too young!

Posted: 2005-04-12 05:06pm
by Dahak
For the record, the actress doing Rita Skeeter is Miranda Richardson, and so I'm expecting great things.

Draco Malfoy still remains the hottest one around and beats Ron hands down :mrgreen:

And I really like the newer look the movies take. It makes them more realistic, and less hollywoodesque as the first movies....