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SDN photo album?

Posted: 2005-04-26 04:49pm
by Robert Walper
Has this been discussed before? If so, I didn't find anything for it with the search engine.

Anyone thought about putting together a "SDN Photo Album"; essentially a site/link showing pictures of all (voluntary) members of SDN, perhaps a brief description of them and their interests? We have the "Official Members Pic Thread"...but that's not quite the same.

Good idea? Yay? Nay?

Re: SDN photo album?

Posted: 2005-04-26 05:01pm
by GrandMasterTerwynn
Robert Walper wrote:Has this been discussed before? If so, I didn't find anything for it with the search engine.

Anyone thought about putting together a "SDN Photo Album"; essentially a site/link showing pictures of all (voluntary) members of SDN, perhaps a brief description of them and their interests? We have the "Official Members Pic Thread"...but that's not quite the same.

Good idea? Yay? Nay?
Sure, if someone happens to have reliable server space that doesn't have an insanely small bandwidth cap. It would be a very time-intensive undertaking.

Re: SDN photo album?

Posted: 2005-04-26 05:08pm
by Robert Walper
GrandMasterTerwynn wrote:
Robert Walper wrote:Has this been discussed before? If so, I didn't find anything for it with the search engine.

Anyone thought about putting together a "SDN Photo Album"; essentially a site/link showing pictures of all (voluntary) members of SDN, perhaps a brief description of them and their interests? We have the "Official Members Pic Thread"...but that's not quite the same.

Good idea? Yay? Nay?
Sure, if someone happens to have reliable server space that doesn't have an insanely small bandwidth cap. It would be a very time-intensive undertaking.
I'd do it, I even have an offer from a friend for good web hosting. I might just check into it when I get a chance. I don't get to see him online all that often, plus I need to figure out some bloodly FTP uploading software and crap. *frowns*

Re: SDN photo album?

Posted: 2005-04-26 05:10pm
by Rogue 9
Robert Walper wrote:
GrandMasterTerwynn wrote:
Robert Walper wrote:Has this been discussed before? If so, I didn't find anything for it with the search engine.

Anyone thought about putting together a "SDN Photo Album"; essentially a site/link showing pictures of all (voluntary) members of SDN, perhaps a brief description of them and their interests? We have the "Official Members Pic Thread"...but that's not quite the same.

Good idea? Yay? Nay?
Sure, if someone happens to have reliable server space that doesn't have an insanely small bandwidth cap. It would be a very time-intensive undertaking.
I'd do it, I even have an offer from a friend for good web hosting. I might just check into it when I get a chance. I don't get to see him online all that often, plus I need to figure out some bloodly FTP uploading software and crap. *frowns*
I recommend FileZilla. It's ridiculously easy to use.

Posted: 2005-04-26 07:35pm
by Uraniun235
One could use Imageshack for image hosting. The HTML... heck, why not ask Darth Wong and see if he'd be willing to host it?

Posted: 2005-04-26 08:21pm
by Tinkerbell
Aww I really like it!

Posted: 2005-04-26 08:23pm
by Mad
I'm for it.

Idea: maybe there can be a comments section for each member or photo. Depending on where it is hosted, it could potentially be tied in with a subforum here so only members here can post. That could act as an offset to the all-too-common tendancy to post comments in picture threads in this forum.

Of course, it could also easily get out of hand if that's allowed, so I won't be surprised if the comments idea is shot down.

Posted: 2005-04-27 01:02am
by Robert Walper
The idea of SDN members accessing it only is a good one I think.

Posted: 2005-04-27 02:19am
by Darth Raptor
I think it's a good idea. With a concise set of links for an index, it will be a lot easier than slogging through the old threads.

And yes, I'll submit a picture too. If I ever get a camera. :P

Posted: 2005-04-27 04:31am
by Stofsk
Why not keep it on the board, make a new forum in the 'System' section, put it under Testing and Completed Fanfics. Call it 'Member Identification' or something.

In the forum itself, you can have 29 threads. Each thread will focus on usernames. A-Z (26 threads), # (for those people like 2000AD who's username is a number), and moderators and admins. Each post will have whatever photo you want of yourself, plus your avatar, plus whatever comments are made about you. Then the thread is locked.

We can do a trial run in AMP to give people a chance to make comments on the person, basically constructive thoughts and so on. Is there any reason to say "This guy is a fuckhead."? If he is, he should be in the shit list.

Do it this way and you keep the member IDs on the board, which is more convenient, you can restrict access to only board members, lock the threads so only a moderator can edit the posts, and your photo and information will be available for everyone who's signed up. Give it to the Chronicle, or set up a new usergroup for this.

Posted: 2005-04-27 07:43am
by 2000AD
I suppose it will come in handy when they get round to printing all the wanted posters.

Posted: 2005-04-27 08:02am
by Lord Revan
It could work if done right (then I don't know of anything that would if done wrong). Of course there's the problem that some people change their Av quite often (unlike me, as I have changed my av only once (from Palpatine to Revan).

Posted: 2005-04-27 09:30am
by Lord Pounder
Sounds like a plan.

Posted: 2005-04-27 10:44am
by Elheru Aran
Lord Revan wrote:It could work if done right (then I don't know of anything that would if done wrong). Of course there's the problem that some people change their Av quite often (unlike me, as I have changed my av only once (from Palpatine to Revan).
I don't think avatars will matter in this forum... it's pictures of the users themselves, not their avatars. I think you've got threads mixed up... :wink:

Posted: 2005-04-27 11:20am
by Lord Revan
Elheru Aran wrote:
Lord Revan wrote:It could work if done right (then I don't know of anything that would if done wrong). Of course there's the problem that some people change their Av quite often (unlike me, as I have changed my av only once (from Palpatine to Revan).
I don't think avatars will matter in this forum... it's pictures of the users themselves, not their avatars. I think you've got threads mixed up... :wink:
there was suggestion of using Avs as form of ID for the users.

Posted: 2005-04-27 11:43am
by GrandMasterTerwynn
Lord Revan wrote:
Elheru Aran wrote:
Lord Revan wrote:It could work if done right (then I don't know of anything that would if done wrong). Of course there's the problem that some people change their Av quite often (unlike me, as I have changed my av only once (from Palpatine to Revan).
I don't think avatars will matter in this forum... it's pictures of the users themselves, not their avatars. I think you've got threads mixed up... :wink:
there was suggestion of using Avs as form of ID for the users.
It's a good thing such a suggestion wouldn't seriously take. I mean, it'd work for someone like myself, who generally only changes his avatar upon reaching major posting milestones . . . and even not that frequently. It wouldn't work for some other folks here who change their avatars daily or weekly.

Getting back on-topic, I can see how it would be an extremely good idea to keep this sort of thing (the official photo album) members-only, as the potential for abuse by trolls, internet stalkers and the like is pretty high, to say the least.

Posted: 2005-04-27 01:00pm
by Robert Walper
GrandMasterTerwynn wrote: Getting back on-topic, I can see how it would be an extremely good idea to keep this sort of thing (the official photo album) members-only, as the potential for abuse by trolls, internet stalkers and the like is pretty high, to say the least.
A very good point. I wonder which moderator/admin we could suggest this to? It's worth a try I think, it would add another more personalized element to SDN. 8)

Posted: 2005-04-27 02:38pm
by Lord Pounder
Sound like a private SD.Net Face Party.

Posted: 2005-04-28 10:14am
by Robert Walper
Lord Pounder wrote:Sound like a private SD.Net Face Party.
I'd strongly oppose this definition, as it would inevitably result in a new "Private SDN facial party". :P

Posted: 2005-04-28 06:21pm
by Mrs Kendall
I like this idea but I think it should stay on the board so it's easier for us to visit it. I personally have trouble remembering who's who cause I associate people with their avatars and then when they change them I get confused and lose track of who they are :oops:

Posted: 2005-04-28 08:17pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Excellent idea!
Robert Walper wrote:
Lord Pounder wrote:Sound like a private SD.Net Face Party.
I'd strongly oppose this definition, as it would inevitably result in a new "Private SDN facial party". :P
I'd be more than willing to give you a facial :twisted:

Posted: 2005-04-28 08:26pm
by Rye
I'm sure I've been on boards before with Gallery tabs near the whole login/logout/search panel thing at the top left. I don't see why one for sdnet would be a bad thing.

Posted: 2005-04-29 01:12am
by Comosicus
*Thumbs up* I'm for it too .

Posted: 2005-04-29 05:03am
by Dead_Ghost
Good idea, a closed thread for SDN members only would provide us with a bigger sense of security, thus providing more shots from everyone :D
I'm up for it as well.

Posted: 2005-04-29 05:28am
by Ra
It's an excellent idea, I'm all for it! I also agree that it has to be accessable to board members only. Any other way would be inviting trouble.
- Ra