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Your latest discoveries, and current favourite songs

Posted: 2005-04-30 09:29pm
by Rye
This is a thread dedicated to two seperate subjects:

1) that special feeling you get when you discover a band, perhaps critically acclaimed, but that you never checked out, or just a new band emerging from the void. Who is the band, what album did you pick up, and what particularly impressed you?

2) I personally go through phases of songs I really like for a week or three, so what song can't you get enough of at the moment and why?

Feel free to talk about your past few discoveries and songs of the moment.

Well, my answers are as follows:

1) I recently (only 2 days ago or so) discovered Brujeria, and oh my fucking God, it was like finding a Mexican version of Fear Factory. This is hardly surprising, since they have Dino Cazarez, ex member of fear factory as their guitarist, and it's really quite similar in the guitar work. Fucking heavy-ass downtuned repetitious addictive riffs. The subject matter is mainly around Peter Wilson and the border authorities, from what I can gather from my meagre knowledge of spanish. Oh and some stuff about marijuana. It's death metal, but it's clear and calculated mexican death metal, that aren't just talking about your average death metal faire, gore and christianity. The deviation from the norm, and elements of fear factory and godflesh and pretty much absence of grindcore esque superspeed and song entropy may it easily relistenable and accessible. Moreso than another cannibal corpse/carcass/deicide clone anyway.

Since Fear Factory are my favourite band, hearing an offshoot band that sound like a load of pissed off mexicans with machetes feels great. I got all 5 of their albums, and so far, I like Brujerizmo the best. It has the longest songs, and meatiest production. It's like a cleaner industrial-inspired mixture of sludge and death. Great stuff.


2) Currently my favourite song is Nemesis by Cradle of Filth. It's off their latest album, "Nymphetamine," and to be honest, it took me a while to get into this album. I thought it was too soft and weenie-like, especially after watching the video for the title track, and Dani Filth looking eerily reminiscent of Jonathan Davis from KoRn. Thanks to songs like Nemesis, and the fucking cool songs on the bonus disc, I gave it more chance than I otherwise would've done. Yes, the album is softer, but there's some cool riffs in there, even if they're more light hearted than creepy or heavy.

Anyway, Nemesis starts out fairly fairly melodic, and not unlikeable. Then it generally continues on in a tragic sound, with eventually the drums kicking in for the rhythm before it goes heavier. The guitars go lower, then the chorus starts up, and thankfully, Dani's vocals stay at the low (good) end of his scale. The song returns to the tragic sound, and essentially, you just wait for the chorus again.


Prior to this my songs of the moment were "Spiritual Holocaust" by Hate Eternal and "Kali Yuga part 1" by Therion. Very addictive use of an incredibly sinister riff interspersed by traditional hate eternal blast beats, and a decent "normal" riff between the sinister parts. Vocals are pretty much what you'd expect. The Therion song I would describe as orchestral sludge metal. Very slow, doomy, technically proficient and meaty, interspersed with melodic parts.


Posted: 2005-04-30 10:58pm
by Exonerate
Slayer's South of Heaven album and Sepultura's Chaos AD.

Posted: 2005-04-30 10:59pm
by aerius
Kind of on a Blues thing lately, started with "The Sky is Crying" by Stevie Ray Vaughan which I bought some time back, listened to, put away for a year, and then recently pulled out again. From there I bought myself "In Session" where SRV jams along with blues legend Albert King, holy crap, talk about scorching blues guitar licks, this album is filled with them. The old master and the young prodigy trade leads, fill in, and play off each other in ways that are just unreal, and what makes it even more amazing is that it was all done live in a single take, I can't think of anyone alive right now who can pull off what they did. It's like they were born to play the blues together.

Songs, hmmm...probably the live 11 minute version of "Red House" by Jimi Hendrix. As the liner notes from another Hendrix album put it "it wa Delta blues, but the delta might as well have been on Mars". Jimi takes opens with a standard blues progression and over the course of the song stretches it in ways that were previously unimagined.

Posted: 2005-05-01 12:04am
by IndustrialNoise
I've been listening to a lot of Mudvayne lately, partially thanks to the awesome new CD. Been listening to the old one a lot too, though.

Songwise, been playing these over and over:

Meshuggah - Soul Burn
Marilyn Manson - Love Song
Tool - Jimmy
Black Sabbath - Fairies Wear Boots
KMFDM - Godlike
Blue Oyster Cult - Don't Fear the Reaper

EDIT: Added a song, then again for spelling.

Posted: 2005-05-01 01:18am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
#1 - Deep Purple. I was never a music person, and I finally found the exact kind of music I really like. Machine Head.

#2 - None other than... Grabbag! For those who don't know, it's the Duke Nukem 3D theme. I could listen to this forever.

Posted: 2005-05-01 08:12am
by 2000AD
1- HMV has a massive sale on and i picked up the Gorillaz album on the cheap. Not bad.

2- I just can't top listening to An Honest Mistake and Unconditional by The Bravery. I got the album on the 12/3/05 and since then according to iTunes i've listened to those songs 136 and 57 times respectivel and that's not including all the times i've had them on my iPod, or on CD's.

Posted: 2005-05-01 10:52am
by Anarchist Bunny
I heard Bye Bye Miss American Pie not to long ago on a four hour drive home and have been listening to the song a lot lately.

Posted: 2005-05-01 11:10am
by Oberleutnant
Thanks to an online friend, I discovered an amazing song that has been playing non-stop in my Winamp for a week now: "Well I Wonder" by The Smiths. Their other stuff isn't all that good, but that song is heavenly.

Another great recent discovery, which is very different in style: Adam Strange - "Traveller". It can be legally downloaded from here


Forgot Poets of the Fall, the band which made the credits music for Max Payne 2.

I've got their album "Signs of Life" which was released here earlier this year. Right now, their stuff is probably hard to come by anywhere else, but if you can spot something by them, check it out.

Posted: 2005-05-01 11:11am
by Gandalf
I recently discovered Iced Earth. God of Thunder kicks ass.

Posted: 2005-05-01 06:08pm
by Avalon616
I've been listening to a lot of Interpol lately- I'd definitely recommend getting their new CD Antics. I've heard their older albums are also excellent. Along with that as my new music kick, I've been listening to Franz Ferdinand, The Bravery, and other indie-britpop-synth-rock type bands. I have no idea how to catagorize them. They're like the Smiths, but less new wave 80s. God I love the Smiths. Oberleutnant, you are wrong, their other stuff is heavenly. This Charming Man, The Boy with a Thorn in his Side, Handsome Devil, How Soon is Now, There is a Light that never Goes out, Girlfriend in a Coma, Ask, Panic... ok, I could just keep going, but those are awesome songs by them. Morrisey makes me *swoon* :luv:

On a completely different style tangent, the cd I haven't been able to take out of my player this past month has been Ani DiFranco's Dilate. I've had a pretty sucky last month... or two months, really. This album is perfect. Just perfect.

Posted: 2005-05-01 06:31pm
by Thirdfain
I just founbd a fistfull of Beatles CDs. My favorites so far are Revolver, Rubber Soul, and Sgt. Pepper's.

My favorite single song, on the other hand, is "Help!" for no reason I can pinpoint.

Posted: 2005-05-01 06:32pm
by Tinkerbell
Gandalf wrote:I recently discovered Iced Earth. God of Thunder kicks ass.
Look into Blind Guardian and Rhapsody.

If Vikings did metal backed by a full orchestra, it would sound like this :-p

Posted: 2005-05-01 06:36pm
by El Moose Monstero
Journey of the Sorcerer - the Eagles, full version.

For reasons that should be obvious to any in the know, and less so for those who aren't. :D

Posted: 2005-05-01 06:52pm
by Pick
I still can't get over my current obession of German-area gothic rock. :|

Posted: 2005-05-01 07:14pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
I've been digging the sound of a rather obscure French (IIRC) electronic/techno cover band called Queen of Japan since I stumbled on three of their songs by chance on the Internet Archive in December.

I've only been able to get a handful of their songs, because their albums are on German lables and some of their stuff has only been released on 10-12" singles or LPs.

Posted: 2005-05-01 07:15pm
by Avalon616
Thirdfain wrote:I just founbd a fistfull of Beatles CDs. My favorites so far are Revolver, Rubber Soul, and Sgt. Pepper's.

My favorite single song, on the other hand, is "Help!" for no reason I can pinpoint.
The White Album is also a very good one too, and Abbey Road. "Help!" is an awesome song though. I love the Beatles, I have nearly all their albums, just missing a few.

Posted: 2005-05-01 07:36pm
by Superman

Ray Gelato. Very cool.

Posted: 2005-05-01 08:17pm
by Arrow
I picked up Black Label Society's Mafia yesterday. I like it, I like it a lot. It doesn't grab me quite the way 1919 does, but it's still damn good.

I'll have to check out Rhapsody. I like Iced Earth and Blind Guardian, so if they're similar, I'll be pleased.

Posted: 2005-05-01 08:53pm
by Superman
I should also point out that I recently started buying White Zombie and Rob Zombie. I've always liked his stuff, but now that I have his albums I like him even more. He seems to put out good stuff with every album. That's alot more than I can say for groups like Metallica.

Posted: 2005-05-01 09:11pm
by Lt. Dan
Back in the day, a little over a year ago, I remember going to see A Perfect Circle. The band that opened for them, I did not care for at the time. But now, I'm digging them very much. This band is, The Mars Volta. I've only listened to the first disc, but it's a very cool style.

Posted: 2005-05-01 10:38pm
by Dooku's Disciple
Gandalf, God of Thunder is a KISS song. To hear the original version grab "Destroyer" (1976) and crank up track 3.

I haven't discovered many new bands of late, but I finally got my hands on the latest Judas Priest album and can't stop listening to the song Angel.
It's a ballad, which is kind of odd when you consider I bought the damn thing hoping it would be as fast and heavy as Painkiller (1990).


Posted: 2005-05-01 10:56pm
by Gandalf
xBlackFlash wrote:
Gandalf wrote:I recently discovered Iced Earth. God of Thunder kicks ass.
Look into Blind Guardian and Rhapsody.

If Vikings did metal backed by a full orchestra, it would sound like this :-p
I actually found Iced Earth through Blind Guardian, I have a bunch of their cds. Hansi's formation of Demons and Wizards with the guitaristfrom IE is what go me listening to IE.

Posted: 2005-05-01 11:12pm
by Rye
xBlackFlash wrote:
Gandalf wrote:I recently discovered Iced Earth. God of Thunder kicks ass.
Look into Blind Guardian and Rhapsody.

If Vikings did metal backed by a full orchestra, it would sound like this :-p
You'd probably like bands like Doomsword, Hammerfall, Freedom Call, Dragonforce and Manowar, then. Not quite my style, to be honest, but still quite listenable. Dragonforce especially, since they have Dimmu Borgir drumming.

As for what I would consider "fucking ace" viking music that I'd listen to, check out Amon Amarth forthwith, if not sooner. I'd also suggest Bal Sagoth and Therion, and Thyrfing. As a matter of fact, all those last ones (and Rhapsody) are in my playlist for playing World of Warcraft, since they give such a fantasy feel.

Posted: 2005-05-01 11:24pm
by SyntaxVorlon
Pressure Chief - Cake
Pure fucking good.

Posted: 2005-05-02 12:07am
by Superman
SyntaxVorlon wrote:Pressure Chief - Cake
Pure fucking good.
Noooo... you said the C word! Bah!