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ISD-Next: ReDeux

Posted: 2005-05-02 12:20pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Some of you may remember that my first ever post here was HERE concerning a new class of Star Destroyer I had thought up for the fun of it. Of course I never got a good reaction after my after attempt to draw my own StarWars ship. Mainly because It wasn't as practical as I thought myself, and was more made for fun.

Well, Being a bit bored this morning, I went back and reworked the placement of a few things and came up with a NEW version of it. It should be noted that in both cases, what I really wanted to do more then anything, was to actually 'Map Out' the placement of all the guns on an ISD, as I'm not sure that’s something that’s ever been done before.

Posted: 2005-05-02 12:35pm
by Ra
I like it. My only suggestion is to design a new bridge tower, since you don't have a side view yet. Make the tower neck shorter, so you can lower the forward target aspect (as silly as that sounds for a mile-long starship).
The best things I like about the ISD-Next are the hangars and the wide hull blades. Otherwise, it's a balanced and excellent design. Placing the super-HTL's on the equator vastly improves anti-capship capability, since fire can be directed to both hemispheres, not just the top like the old ISD.
- Ra

Posted: 2005-05-02 03:58pm
by The Wookiee
It doesn't really seem to me to be a good idea to put the guns with likely the greatest recoil on the "wings" of the thing. They should be nearer the centerline, I'd think...

Posted: 2005-05-02 04:04pm
by Batman
The Wookiee wrote:It doesn't really seem to me to be a good idea to put the guns with likely the greatest recoil on the "wings" of the thing. They should be nearer the centerline, I'd think...
Not to mention that it severely limits their field of fire.
While we're at it some dimensions would be nice.
*looks over his shoulder nervously*