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Banshee Frigate: Hiigaran Intelligence Ship

Posted: 2005-05-02 02:40pm
by Ra
OK, here's a small ship I designed. It's the "Banshee" frigate, operated by Fleet Intelligence for covert operations behind Imperialist Taiidan lines. Obviously, it's a Homeworld-verse ship. The Banshee makes an appearance in my fanfic, thus the reason I invented it in the first place.


Crew: 27, including civilian operatives with the Hiigaran Intelligence Bureau.

Top speed: in excess of .23 x c (exact speed classified)

Armament: 2 light kinetic burst turrets

Special equipment: "Mimic" holographic projector grid, Cloaking device, Advanced sensors

The Banshee frigate is a highly classified vessel in use by Fleet Intelligence. Equipped with the most advanced passive-running and engine field-masking technologies, as well as a highly advanced hull geometry that incorporates sensor-absorbing materials, the Banshee is designed to move undetected behind enemy lines, even through proximity nets that can detect active cloaking fields.
Even her cloaking device is the most advanced in the Hiigaran Navy, designed with classified field modulators to fool proximity detectors. When active sensors involved can defeat both her stealth coating and cloak, the Banshee is equipped with holographic projectors to disguise herself as another ship or even space debris if need be. A technology pioneered by the Turanic Raiders and perfected by Kiith Somtaaw around 15 AL, mimics were eventually rendered ineffective, and thus abandoned. The Hiigaran Intelligence Bureau has recently revived the technology, making it once again a viable means of infiltrating enemy lines.
Designed to avoid combat if at all possible, the Banshee's goal is simply to gather intelligence, and follow up on ELINT and HUMINT operations Fleet Intelligence has conducted. Accordingly, the Banshee is armed defensively, using improved versions of the Flak Frigate's weaponry.
In black operations, Banshees have been known to insert and extract operatives and Marine special forces, slipping in and out before anyone realizes they are there. And by the time the Imperials do detect a Banshee, it is already too late...

Posted: 2005-05-02 02:46pm
by Dangermouse
Is this a profile view or a top down view?

I like the design and color scheme. If its a top down view, I would personally throw out the bulb extension, being a fan of symmetry and all. You also may want to adjust your specs as your top speed is not really that fast. The speed of sound in air after all is 330m/s.

Edit: Am I right in assuming that the bulb projection is your holographic projector/ sensor suite?

Posted: 2005-05-02 02:50pm
by Ra
The HW1 ion cannon frigate's stated speed is only 300 m/s. That's game mechanics for you. And yes, it's a top-down view. The "bulb" is actually the bridge, as the Hiigarans favor having the bridge on the starboard side for some reason.
But I will try and think up a better speed. How is... 2500 m/s? That's over mach 7, I think.
- Ra

Posted: 2005-05-02 03:06pm
by Dangermouse
Ra wrote:The "bulb" is actually the bridge, as the Hiigarans favor having the bridge on the starboard side for some reason.

I would punt on the speed term or put the sublight speeds in fractions of "c." If this is to enter the atmopshere for insertions, you will want to make sure it can leave the planet's surface. Escape velocity neglecting drag is v= sqrt(2gr) or around 11000 m/s. This assumes that only the initial force to accelerate to that speed is applied though.

Edit: Actually, I withdraw this point. Your ship could be at any speed provided it has enough fuel to maintain the force to counter gravity which I assume yours can . :) But it does make an interesting comparision.

Posted: 2005-05-02 03:10pm
by Ra
OK. I edited the speed to something sensible, around .20 x c. Homeworld ships don't necessarily go through the atmosphere, but this one probably does require that feature for black ops.
- Ra

Posted: 2005-05-02 03:13pm
by Dangermouse
Rocking. Do you have any more views of the design?

Posted: 2005-05-02 03:15pm
by Ra
Not right now, I'll get right on it.
- Ra

Posted: 2005-05-02 03:48pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Nice ship, but I'm not a big fan of the HW school of design. That said, excellent ship!

Posted: 2005-05-02 04:48pm
by Ra
Here's the Starboard view. It's kind of bland from that angle, but oh well.
- Ra
For comparison:

Posted: 2005-05-02 04:57pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Nice, VERY nice Ra!. So THATS what the Banshee looks liek from your FanFic :D loosk really good. It however looks a bit too, 'rounded'. I'm sure you'll know that, due to Game Purposes, all the shaps were angular. So your much more free to design. And, it being a special purpose Hiigaring Frigate, I gues it's merited.

Posted: 2005-05-02 05:02pm
by Ra
It's the stealth design. Kinda like how a B-2 has the all-rounded surfaces to absorb radar waves?
I knew all HW designs were angular, guess no one will ever be able to add the Banshee through a mod program. :cry:
- Ra

Cool ship

Posted: 2005-05-03 12:28am
by zannal
The ship sounds logical in its uses and abilities which is always a plus. I like how the look is a mix of original HW corvette while frigate size.

Posted: 2005-05-03 05:36pm
by Ra
Here's the last drawings; fore and aft.
- Ra

Posted: 2005-05-03 11:00pm
by SyntaxVorlon
Ra wrote:It's the stealth design. Kinda like how a B-2 has the all-rounded surfaces to absorb radar waves? ... s/b2_9.jpg
I knew all HW designs were angular, guess no one will ever be able to add the Banshee through a mod program. :cry:
- Ra
It'd be hard since the program used to make the models in HW2 were all high end stuff. You could probably do something nice in lightwave though, for the HW1 engine. It's surprising how good some of the models in HW1 mods were.
Go to TGUand look up one or two of the major mods. I suggest the B5: Great Wars, SW:NR, and Raiders Ascendant Modders. It's been a while since some of them have been highly active so you might want to email them and look at their websites rather than post.