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Sorry I couldn't resist

Posted: 2005-05-04 09:26pm
by Lindar
This reminds me of the gang...anyone else know people that could fall into this?

Posted: 2005-05-06 09:50am
by Trytostaydead

Posted: 2005-05-06 10:48am
by IndustrialNoise
Haha, yeah, there are a few other clips like that from Reno. Funny stuff.

Posted: 2005-05-06 10:49am
by Dahak
Surely this must be a joke?
At the end, the freky guy sounds like he's laughing...

Posted: 2005-05-06 10:56am
by IndustrialNoise
It's from Reno911, a fake police show. At the end, I'm pretty sure he's supposed to be laughing.

Posted: 2005-05-06 12:27pm
by Kuja
That's fucking awesome. :lol:

Posted: 2005-05-06 12:31pm
by Captain Cyran
Gold, pure gold.

Posted: 2005-05-06 12:40pm
by Zaia
I just sent that to my friend Amy who plays. She's going to die laughing. :D

Posted: 2005-05-06 12:40pm
by Crossroads Inc.
That, was the most scarry. sad, cringe worth, and FUNNY POS i have seen in AGES! Oh god!

"I'm Wearing Boots of Escaping!!! I'm Wearing Boots of Escaping!!! BANG!

Posted: 2005-05-06 12:45pm
by Mrs Kendall
Seriously, *I know this is a comedy show, the Cpl and myself like to watch it when we catch it on tv*, I need to point out that the guy who shot his friend with the arrow is an actor! Seriously he's on The King Of Queens, as the loser friend who can get any. I thought that was even more hilarious that the incident itself :lol: