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Posted: 2005-05-06 03:23pm
by Haminal10
A few months ago my friend and I went hiking in Upstate New York. On the trail we ran into a group of chipmunks that were so used to humans that they were practically tame. Since I have a particular soft spot for small fuzzy animals, we offered them peanuts in exchange for a few pictures. The chipmunks didn't seem to mind...

Raiding a birdfeeder 1
Raiding a birdfeeder 2
A Red Squirrel for Variety
Yellow eyes
Hunting for Peanuts 1
Hunting for Peanuts 2
Long tail
Yes they can climb trees
No really...
Full cheek pouches
One more bird feeder raider
I wasn't kidding when I said they were tame

Re: Chipmunks!

Posted: 2005-05-06 07:20pm
by Mrs Kendall
Haminal10 wrote: Full cheek pouches
Hehehe, soooooo cute! I love chipmunks!

Wow that's real close! You're pretty lucky. I wish I could hold one.

Posted: 2005-05-06 08:16pm
by The Silence and I
That's so cute!

The closest I ever got to a chipmunk was at a park many years ago, I was taking a break from everything and sitting propped against a wall of the cabin in a sort of alcove. I had been sitting there unmoving for some time when I noticed a chipmunk nearby searching for edibles in the grass. It was very close so I made a point of not moving and scaring it, and over the next few minutes it wandered around and actually walked under me--between my rear and the wall under the arch of my back! It had no idea I was a living creature and just casually wandered under there and out the other side. That was quite the thrill. :)

Posted: 2005-05-06 08:22pm
by Captain Cyran
And here is where I make everyone jealous by mentioning that I had a pet squirrel.

Boo yah.

Also, I have seen a tame albino squirrel that was a camera whore and let my dad take many pictures.

Posted: 2005-05-07 01:17am
by Tasoth
My friend has squirrels living in his basement. At one point, my little brother woke up at his house and the squirrel was sitting on his leg. I think it even bit him too.

Posted: 2005-05-07 02:41am
by Zed Snardbody
The cute. It hurts soo much.....

Posted: 2005-05-07 08:22pm
by Mrs Kendall
Squirrels are NOT cute, they are pests, Chipmunks are cute until they make their nest in the space between the floor and the frame of your parents summer trailer. Took a while for them to get rid of that problem.

Posted: 2005-05-07 09:15pm
by Rogue 9
Squirrels are tasty, that's what they are. :twisted:

Posted: 2005-05-08 02:21pm
by Mrs Kendall
That's just sick ROUGE :P

Posted: 2005-05-08 04:44pm
by Fleet Admiral JD
Mrs Kendall wrote:That's just sick ROUGE :P
I think you should be ready to face...retaliation. :D

Cute chippies. We see 'em all the time out back.

Posted: 2005-05-08 06:22pm
by Tinkerbell
Eeee!! Adorable!!!! :snuggles all the cute little chipmunks:

And that, is me proving I am truely a teenage girl. :D

Posted: 2005-05-08 07:37pm
by Rogue 9
Mrs Kendall wrote:That's just sick ROGUE :P
No it isn't. Ever had squirrel stew? Added bonus: Cure the skins and make a hat. 8)

Posted: 2005-05-08 08:35pm
by LadyTevar
Rogue 9 wrote:
Mrs Kendall wrote:That's just sick ROGUE :P
No it isn't. Ever had squirrel stew? Added bonus: Cure the skins and make a hat. 8)
... Sorry, Mrs. Kendall, I'm with Rogue. I helped my dad skin many squirrels over the years, and even had squirrel tails stuck in the handles of my bicycle, just to watch them flap.

Somewhere I've got a picture of a squirrel Dad shot that was still holding the nut he was eating up to his mouth.

Anyway, Rogue, while squirrel stew isn't bad, I prefered them dipped in flour and pan-fried, then served with mashed potatoes and gravy made from the pan drippings.

Posted: 2005-05-08 10:17pm
by Rogue 9
Yeah, they're good fried. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, fried squirrel...

Posted: 2005-05-08 10:53pm
by The Yosemite Bear
xBlackFlash wrote:Eeee!! Adorable!!!! :snuggles all the cute little chipmunks:

And that, is me proving I am truely a teenage girl. :D

now we worry if you figure out how to smuggle them all back to your place without anyone noticing.....

Some how my sister could probably walk up and adopt the kittens from sluggy freelance...

Posted: 2005-05-09 11:24am
by Mrs Kendall
Ok so squrrels might taste good to you guys but all I'm saying is they are NOT CUTE, especially when they act like huge pests here.

Posted: 2005-05-09 11:32am
by Lindar
awwwwwwwwwwwww!*jealous* It's not fair! They're so cute! *scoops one up and pockets it* Cyran you have a squirrel?!?!?

*grins at Ma* Ma... it's ok... they're not all pests some of them are roadkill

Posted: 2005-05-09 11:41am
by Captain Cyran
Mrs Kendall wrote:Ok so squrrels might taste good to you guys but all I'm saying is they are NOT CUTE, especially when they act like huge pests here.
If I had pictures of the adorableness of my pet squirrel, I think I could change your mind. :)

Posted: 2005-05-09 11:46am
by Captain Cyran
Lindar wrote:awwwwwwwwwwwww!*jealous* It's not fair! They're so cute! *scoops one up and pockets it* Cyran you have a squirrel?!?!?

*grins at Ma* Ma... it's ok... they're not all pests some of them are roadkill
Had, a few years back. It fell out of its nest when it was still an infant (Literally). The mother didn't find it so we took it, called up people on how to properly take care of it, then took care of it for about a year or so. Named it Pockets because she loved to hide and sleep in pockets. The clawing up the leg to get in said pocket was not as good though...

Anyway, we'd let her out to go explore and eat, and she'd come back. Then after about a year we let her out, and she didn't come back. Somewhat sad but we kinda knew it was coming. A year later Pockets showed up again though for an hour or so.

That's the story.