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Sketch C&C needed

Posted: 2005-05-10 11:12pm
by AnimeJet
Grahaha, atrocious art from teh Jet, this time it's heavy HTK influence sketch, and heavy influence from my stupid head, uh-huh.


Much C&C needed, stat! So i can fix major issues before i ink/go further. So far the biggest issue pointed out is the right shoulder, it's ackward cause you can't see behind her arm, but here's a little diagram that shows where her back is >_>. Image

One of her shoes look like hooves, and something else up with the foreshortened leg, i'm hoping that can be fixed when colored, but if you guys have any ideas, please, do tell. And yes, i know the guy has no face, it's still pending in my brain

Posted: 2005-05-10 11:27pm
by Rogue 9
How the hell would she even use the blade with the hilt like that? :wtf:

Posted: 2005-05-10 11:49pm
by AnimeJet
Rogue 9 wrote:How the hell would she even use the blade with the hilt like that? :wtf:
You're right, i need to make it so it's more emphasized on one side or something.. i mean.. so it's obvious it should only be held in one place.. blarg

Posted: 2005-05-10 11:56pm
by Rogue 9
I mean the hilt needs to be centered with the blade or it will be off balance. It's not just the double-hilt look to it; it's that she couldn't effectively swing it.

Posted: 2005-05-11 12:00am
by AnimeJet
Rogue 9 wrote:I mean the hilt needs to be centered with the blade or it will be off balance. It's not just the double-hilt look to it; it's that she couldn't effectively swing it.
Yea, i'm gonna make it something like

.. ^ hold here

Re: Sketch C&C needed

Posted: 2005-05-11 01:35am
by Dangermouse
I like it! Its well on its way.

The only minor nitpick thing (besides the undrawn face and Rogue's sword) that jumps out to me is that the guy's right arm on her shoulder looks really rigid and not in a natural pose. If you think about it, having your arm locked straight down with your hand in that position is not a really comfortable position to hold. You may want to consider rotating his arm/wrist 180 degrees so that his fingers cup the shoulder and then curl toward her front or perhaps even rotate the wrist slightly so that his planted hand/fingers point more toward her neck. Really minor nitpick though! :)

Re: Sketch C&C needed

Posted: 2005-05-11 03:30am
by Dalton
AnimeJet wrote:Grahaha, atrocious art from teh Jet, this time it's heavy HTK influence sketch, and heavy influence from my stupid head, uh-huh.
I think you're quite talented. I like this sketch, but have to agree with the bit about his hand. Her left shoulder does seem wider than her right shoulder, though.

Posted: 2005-05-13 11:26pm
by AnimeJet
After numerous attempts at fixing this, i give up XD, onto something new..

Posted: 2005-05-14 12:21am
by Dangermouse
:( Oh no! But it looks awesome and promising and stuff. Will it ever be revisted? This reminds me of when I first saw the trailer to Fellowship of the Ring and I knew I would have to wait three + years to see the entire trilogy.

But I can understand moving on to something else. Oftentimes backing away from a piece and letting it sit for a long time before revisiting and revising it can be a good thing. Good luck on your next project. We eagerly await its presentation. Thanks for showing the sketch. :)

Posted: 2005-05-14 02:32pm
by AnimeJet
I've just got so many concepts swimming in my head, i can't bear to work on the same thing for too long, i just have to move on, i don't think i'll ever come back to this, but who knows. next thing to conquer.. Mechas!

Posted: 2005-05-15 03:02pm
by Dangermouse
AnimeJet wrote: next thing to conquer.. Mechas!
Yay! Mechas. Good luck!
AnimeJet wrote:I've just got so many concepts swimming in my head, i can't bear to work on the same thing for too long, i just have to move on, i don't think i'll ever come back to this, but who knows.
You say that as if it is a bad thing. Having lots of concepts is much better than having no concepts. I want cool ideas!