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Dooey pretends he can draw

Posted: 2005-05-14 05:12pm
by Dooey Jo

That's not a transporter accident...

It was supposed to be a bird, but it turned into a dryad instead :oops:
Anyway, it's a trace of a sketch I did this Thursday. But tracing got boring after a while, so I tried doing it with the pen tool instead. And wow, that tool is great! Her arms don't quite match, and that's partly because I tried different techniques on them. Maybe I'll fix that some time. And sorry about the background; it was just something I threw together in a few minutes. It's supposed to be a forest or something. And dark, too. I'm gonna fix that too, eventually.

Well, at least the flowers look sort of okay. And the hair.

And if you're wondering why she doesn't look too happy; try to imagine yourself in her position, and think how happy you'd have been. Damnit, now I feel sorry for her; not being able to go anywhere and just sit there all the time.
- Well maybe you should have thought of that before you drew me this way, asshole!


Ahem, yes. Anyway. How much do you want to throw dynamite at me for drawing pictures with such disturbing motifs as girls stuck in trees?

Posted: 2005-05-14 05:43pm
by Tasoth
Is this a challenge to come up with a disturbing picture. And I like it, not bad if it was done completely Digital.

Posted: 2005-05-14 06:41pm
by Robert Walper
Bring whole new meaning "I got a woody"...

Posted: 2005-05-15 08:20am
by Dooey Jo
Tasoth wrote:Is this a challenge to come up with a disturbing picture. And I like it, not bad if it was done completely Digital.
No... or well, it could be. I didn't really notice how disturbing the concept was, until it was too late...
Well, it's not completely digital. I made a rough sketch on paper first and scanned it to see where all the lines would go. Though the ground and the tree in the back were not on that sketch...



I felt it was unnecessary to write a new post, so I'm just going to edit this one instead.
This is my latest creation. It'sa me!! I drew myself. With a huge hair! Okay, so I just drew it on top of an existing image of me, but that's because I'm just pretending that I can draw. I think it turned out pretty neat. Part of the original can be seen in my sig.

Posted: 2005-05-15 01:35pm
by Fleet Admiral JD
Kinda neat, that first one. The artwork is good. :)