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Some armor designs of mine

Posted: 2005-05-14 06:10pm
by Lord Revan
OK these are for orginal fic I'm planning
first kind of encounter suit type armor, middle one is a seremonial armor for an elite guard, right most is a space marine combat armor. (note all are human)
PS. ignore the "body" under the armor as it's irrelevant.

Posted: 2005-05-14 07:13pm
by Dangermouse
Quick question: Everything dark blue-gray is body and black, green and gray is armor right?

Posted: 2005-05-14 08:01pm
by Lord Revan
Dangermouse wrote:Quick question: Everything dark blue-gray is body and black, green and gray is armor right?

Posted: 2005-05-14 09:05pm
by Dangermouse

From an aesthetic viewpoint:

I like the black insertion armor, and I like it a lot. It sleek, imposing, and offers full body protection. If I saw this coming toward me, its game over man, game over. Very intimidating. I assume the helmet has extremely enhanced sensor capabilities inside the helmet as there are no viewports.

I am not as big of a fan of the next two armor types. I like the helmet style as well as the shoulder and armor pads for the guard armor. I am not a big fan of the cape color for some reason. The very bright red doesn't do it for me.

I like the leg and thigh guards for the third set as well as the chest plate and the arm guard. I am not as big a fan of the helmet though.

Do you have insignias yet for your fan fic? If so, adding the insignia to the armor styles might give it a cool look. Thanks for posting the designs.

Could you talk more about the roles of what an encounterer, a guard, and a marine do? Why did you design them the way you did?

Posted: 2005-05-15 12:57pm
by Lord Revan
let see first encounter is not the name of the trooper but the name of the armor (it's kind of armor you wear when encountering people not wanting to seen by them) and it's a battle armor for a kind outcast faction of humanity and it meant hide the user (as well protect him/her ofcourse) so can tell anything about the user from the outside.

guard armor is mainly seremonial (as are most of the duties of the Guard).

the last was meant for basic surface combat forces of humanity.