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Some evaluation needed

Posted: 2005-05-18 05:18pm
by Antares
Hi all,

i need some opinions about my collection of works for my scifi race Third Wave.
Please tell me what of those things you like best (any why) and what is the worst (and why).
Thanx for you help.

If you need additional information about the models please visit:

The collection:

Posted: 2005-05-18 05:20pm
by kheegster
The infantry unit is the most original, and outrageously bad-ass.

Posted: 2005-05-18 05:24pm
by Fleet Admiral JD
I like the cruiser, meself.

Posted: 2005-05-18 05:25pm
by Antares
Just some additonal info about the mech, which i forgot to mention.
I is designed to be dropped from orbit into the groud without any futher systems. If done so it will look like this

The jets inside the legs will be used to deaccelerate and for landing.

Posted: 2005-05-18 05:36pm
by Batman
The cruiser strongly reminds me of Privateer's Paradigm but looks good besides that.
The MBT looks good.
The pseudo-APC doesn't. Why is the turret mounted so far forward?
The fighter I refuse to comment upon.

Posted: 2005-05-18 05:41pm
by Dangermouse
I like the Cruiser and the Mech best. I really like the color scheme used across all the units. The Cruiser actually reminds me of the Starbridge from Escape Velocity Nova. Its both sleek, intricate looking, and highly detailed. It works really well with the race, and is all in all, a really nice looking ship.

I agree with Batman, I do not like the wheeled tank as much. The turret, beside being far forward, also seems to have a pretty thin cannon. The two tanks were not the land units I was imagining when I first saw the cruiser and the race. I was imagining more of a hovercraft type design instead for some reason.

Posted: 2005-05-18 05:41pm
by Antares
The cruiser strongly reminds me of Privateer's Paradigm but looks good besides that.
The cruiser was inspires by the paradigm, you are right :)
The pseudo-APC doesn't. Why is the turret mounted so far forward?
Because the center contains ammunition and the back the engine/power supply
The fighter I refuse to comment upon.
Why do you refuse to comment on it?
Does it look so utterly crap or is it simply disturbing?

Posted: 2005-05-18 05:42pm
by Antares
Dangermouse wrote:The two tanks were not the land units I was imagining when I first saw the cruiser and the race.
That's a good point, thanx :)

Re: Some evaluation needed

Posted: 2005-05-18 05:44pm
by Dangermouse
Antares, does the figher's cannons swing out from within the main wings? If so, thats kinda neat actually. I didn't notice it at first.

Edit: I voted for the fighter, mainly for this feature. The cruiser almost had my vote but the swing out cannons were unexpected and a pleasant surprise. And I may or may not regret posting this before Antares clarified my question since I will look like the a complete idiot if in fact they do not swing out. :)

Re: Some evaluation needed

Posted: 2005-05-18 05:50pm
by Antares
Dangermouse wrote:Antares, does the figher's cannons swing out from within the main wings? If so, thats kinda neat actually. I didn't notice it at first.
Yes they do. In landing/docking mode it locks like this:

The first tone to claim that it looks like a swiss pocket knife will be shot :D

Re: Some evaluation needed

Posted: 2005-05-18 05:52pm
by Dangermouse
Antares wrote:
Yes they do. In landing/docking mode it locks like this:

The first tone to claim that it looks like a swiss pocket knife will be shot :D
:shock: That rocks.

Posted: 2005-05-18 06:50pm
by Batman
Antares wrote:
The pseudo-APC doesn't. Why is the turret mounted so far forward?
Because the center contains ammunition and the back the engine/power supply
And the reason the ammo supply can't be put elsewhere is?
The fighter I refuse to comment upon.
Why do you refuse to comment on it?
Does it look so utterly crap or is it simply disturbing?
I can quite simply not think of one good reason for it to look the way it does.
What's the point of those swing-out cannon?

Posted: 2005-05-18 06:58pm
by Dangermouse
Batman wrote: I can quite simply not think of one good reason for it to look the way it does.
What's the point of those swing-out cannon?
<Shrugs> Compactness for carrier storage? Adjusting the angles of the cannons for convergence? Thats all I have. Batman, I am guessing you value "form follows function?" I liked it mainly from the aesthetic viewpoint.

Posted: 2005-05-18 07:07pm
by Antares
Batman wrote:
Antares wrote:
The pseudo-APC doesn't. Why is the turret mounted so far forward?
Because the center contains ammunition and the back the engine/power supply
And the reason the ammo supply can't be put elsewhere is?
What reason is there to but it not into this section?
The ammo then benefits from the vehicle section that is less exposed to enemy fire. It is protected by a large front section and a large back section. Only from the side it can be reached difrectly.
I can quite simply not think of one good reason for it to look the way it does.
What's the point of those swing-out cannon?
Firstly making it more compact
Secondly together with the main wings being able to swing up/down/forward/backward, a target can be locked better at different distances and fire can be focused at a single point simply by swinging the cannons/wings.
It also provides some ability to attack several frontal targets at once.

Absolute fixed forward guns like, for instance the X-Wing, makes even less sense for me :(

Both were recognized by Dangermouse easily (Thanx dude :))

Posted: 2005-05-19 01:25am
by Comosicus
Although all of them are impressive (good work mate :wink: ) I do like the cruiser best.

** puts flack jacket **

Now, that you mentioned it, I do think the fighter looks like a Swiss Army Knife

** ducks for cover **

Posted: 2005-05-19 11:18am
by Shroom Man 777
Hey, Sea Skimmer helped design the APC thing, so there's nothing really wrong about its design.

I love them all. Though the thing is, the APC and the MBT don't really jive with the rest of the alien race. Sure, a future human nation, they'd be pretty spiffy, but the alien, the fighter, the cruiser, the walker - they just look too different. Not that they're ugly or anything, because they're beautiful.

I'm not voting though. Too hard to choose, the tank and the APC are just too awesome for me.

Posted: 2005-05-20 09:55am
by salm
The most impressive ones are clearly the Battleship and the Infantry Alien Queen.

The Third Wave is the worst. I donĀ“t think that it would work. I looks like it would tip over because of the extra Segment in the legs. It would be unnecessarily difficult for this creature to keep its balance.

Posted: 2005-05-20 10:34am
by Antares
salm wrote: I looks like it would tip over because of the extra Segment in the legs. It would be unnecessarily difficult for this creature to keep its balance.
Hmm.. perhaps you are right. But the creature should mainly run on 6 legs anyway like the earlier version: