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WH40K pics!

Posted: 2002-11-29 02:52am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
Ph34r the Necron!


Necron Immortal


Flayed One


Necron Lord with Resurrection Orb, Destroyer Body and Warscythe.

Posted: 2002-11-29 02:55am
by haas mark
ESB: I like. The third one's obviously the best, and the first one IMO is the better of the two hand drawn.

Posted: 2002-11-29 03:05am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
I shall find more Necron pics and jo0 shall ph34r them!


Necron Warrior vs. Space Marine


2 Necron Lords, each with a Staff of Light.


Another Necron Warrior (Rendered)


The Nightbringer!


The Deceiver!


The MONOLITH! And Tomb Spyders. And Flayed Ones.

Posted: 2002-11-29 03:06am
by haas mark
A few red X's....Staff of Light, Necron Eternal, and the Monolith.

I like the Deceiver.

Posted: 2002-11-29 03:10am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
I know. I fixed the Monolith, but the warrior and eternal weren't that good anyway so I removed them.

Posted: 2002-11-29 03:11am
by haas mark
Evil Sadistic Bastard wrote:I know. I fixed the Monolith, but the warrior and eternal weren't that good anyway so I removed them.
The two with the Staff of Light is still a RedX.

Posted: 2002-11-29 03:12am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
jo0 sure? It shows up fine on mine.

Posted: 2002-11-29 03:13am
by haas mark
Evil Sadistic Bastard wrote:jo0 sure? It shows up fine on mine.
Yup. All I get is an Omen of Doom.

Posted: 2002-11-29 03:15am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
Well, then I can't help jo0. But the pic is just of 2 Necron Lords posing with their Staves of light, so you won't miss much.

Posted: 2002-11-29 08:51am
by salm
hach, never played the game but i´ve read a couple of books. 40K is cool!

Posted: 2002-11-29 12:29pm
by NecronLord
who did the destroyer bodied lord? (aka me :twisted: )

Posted: 2002-11-30 02:22am
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
NecronLord wrote:who did the destroyer bodied lord? (aka me :twisted: )
Beats me. THough I can imagine him swooping down and taking the head off a fundie with his warscythe the way knights on horseback did to footsoldiers.

Posted: 2002-12-04 03:54pm
by DocHorror
Bow before the...




Too cool, baby, too cool...

Posted: 2002-12-04 04:05pm
by Cpt_Frank
Well he doesn't look like this anymore....
Man I'd just love to see the Emperor/Horus fight!

Posted: 2002-12-04 04:24pm
by Space Marine Bob
That's the EMperor? Hell yeah, he looks cool!

Posted: 2002-12-05 11:51am
by DocHorror
Yeah that model is cool, someone converted it from a Forge World large scale marine to look llike the picture...

Another cool Emperor model is the one from the Horus & Emperor diorama...

Posted: 2002-12-05 11:57am
by Zaku-chan
DocHorror wrote:Bow before the...


Too cool, baby, too cool...
THAT'S the Emperor of Man? I thought he was an invalid or something.

Posted: 2002-12-05 12:07pm
by Evil Sadistic Bastard
Zaku-chan wrote:
DocHorror wrote:Bow before the...


Too cool, baby, too cool...
THAT'S the Emperor of Man? I thought he was an invalid or something.
That's before he got crippled by Horus. Looks pretty bad-ass, if I may say so.

Posted: 2002-12-05 12:19pm
by Cpt_Frank
Question is, though, what does he look like nowadays?

Posted: 2002-12-05 03:00pm
by DocHorror
He looks like this...


Posted: 2002-12-05 03:05pm
by Zaku-chan
That's one MAJOR 'fro. :P

Posted: 2002-12-05 03:52pm
by NecronLord

Posted: 2002-12-05 04:39pm
by salm
DocHorror wrote:He looks like this...

Don't quote pics like that ~ Iggy
damn, i want his finger bones!