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Star Wars Meetup pics (Why hasn't this been posted yet?)

Posted: 2005-05-25 12:33am
by Alyrium Denryle

SHark Bait on the left(In the imp officer uniform), myself on the right


Myself, SHark Bait, and our friend Sean


Top: Left to right: Jack, Sean, Shark Bait, Myself, The Silence and I
Bottom: Jack's Girfriend Tiffany, Captain Cyran

Jack, Sean, Shark Bait, Myself

Posted: 2005-05-25 12:49am
by Alyrium Denryle
SHark Bait made his uniform by modifying a suit, and the rank ensignia was made using a light switch plate, duct take, and leggos wrapped in electrical tape.

My costume... well, it was a labor of love made by my own skillfull use of a sewing machine and hand stitching, as well as a bit of ductape on the hood due to time constraints.

The lightsabers were made by using galvanized steel tubing for the hilt and PVC pipe for hilt decorations and the blade, all bolted together

Posted: 2005-05-25 11:25am
by Zed Snardbody
The Fett guy is fucking hilarious.

I can't stop thinking

Boba Fett, most feared accountant in the galaxy.

Posted: 2005-05-25 01:11pm
by Alyrium Denryle
Zed Snardbody wrote:The Fett guy is fucking hilarious.

I can't stop thinking

Boba Fett, most fear accountant in the galaxy.
Indeed. If you knew him in person...

Posted: 2005-05-25 01:52pm
by RedImperator
Tiffany looks eerily like The Blonde.

Posted: 2005-05-25 03:00pm
by Zaia
Zed Snardbody wrote:The Fett guy is fucking hilarious.

I can't stop thinking

Boba Fett, most feared accountant in the galaxy.
*chuckles* I thought the same thing. :D

Red, who's The Blonde?

Posted: 2005-05-25 09:28pm
by RedImperator
Zaia wrote:
Zed Snardbody wrote:The Fett guy is fucking hilarious.

I can't stop thinking

Boba Fett, most feared accountant in the galaxy.
*chuckles* I thought the same thing. :D

Red, who's The Blonde?
My best friend, sometimes girlfriend, and occasional monumental pain in my ass. The yin to my yang--or maybe the other way around, I forget which is which.

Posted: 2005-05-26 01:51am
by Gil Hamilton
So, did Fett there finish doing Han Solo's taxes before or after he froze him in carbonite?

Posted: 2005-05-26 04:03am
by Zed Snardbody
Gil Hamilton wrote:So, did Fett there finish doing Han Solo's taxes before or after he froze him in carbonite?
No, he audited him, then froze him in carbonite.

Sick bastard.

Posted: 2005-05-26 10:17am
by Darksider
But which was the worse fate?

The audit, or the dip in the freezer goo?

Posted: 2005-05-26 11:16am
by Zed Snardbody
Darksider wrote:But which was the worse fate?

The audit, or the dip in the freezer goo?
I'd say the audit. If Solo goes in there owing money, he still has to pay it when he gets out, plus the back intrest.

Posted: 2005-05-26 01:17pm
by Kuja
I really wish I'd had a camera with film in it for my ROTS outing. I wore a black cloak with the best fucking hood in the universe.
