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American Idol

Posted: 2005-05-26 09:39am
by Cal Wright
Well, last night was the big night. I went and hung out at the local Bo Biceathon in town, where there thousands of screaming rednecks. Now, somehow my brother has gotten me into the show this season, but it was really mainly cuz of Bo. Pretty cool guy, from backwoods Alabama, and a southern rocker that played the clubs all around here, so I was rootin' for him. While it would have been cool to have seen him win, the collective 'sigh' from all thos necks gathered was great. When they came back for the final announcement, they were all standing,and had moved towards the giant screen, and were ready to start yelling, and then, *ahhh*. LoL!!! Bo will end up with a big deal anyways, especially after his performances on Idol.

Posted: 2005-05-26 11:23am
by Col. Crackpot
meh. I stop watching American Karaoke after the parade of no-talant freaks have their delusions of granduer mercilessly crushed by Simon Cowell. Thats usually done by the first few episodes.

Posted: 2005-05-26 01:58pm
by Kuja
Watch me care.

Posted: 2005-05-26 03:30pm
by Darth Fanboy
If the US has approximately 285 million people, and a hit television show gets about 12 million viewers per week. Then it only takes less than 5 percent of the population to watch a show in order for it to be successful. Even if we cut that number in half to adjust for the fact that a network is never targeting the oldest portion and youngest portion of the population, it still takes less than 1 in every 10 people to watch a show to gain popularity.

I won't even get into album sales. But when I look at things from this persepective, its no wonder why utter fucking shit like American Ido and pop music persist despite widespread loathing, when something "popular" only needs a (technically) small fraction of people to watch.

Posted: 2005-05-26 10:45pm
by Zaia
I detest American Idol and all it stands for, but I am sorry the guy you were cheering for didn't win.

Posted: 2005-05-26 11:52pm
by Superman
Cal, would you please stop watching that? The sooner everyone stops watching it, the sooner it will go off the air. I'm sure the collective American IQ will go up one or two points as well...

Posted: 2005-05-27 12:25am
by Cal Wright
Thanks for the spam guys, I appreciate it. A non exisiting heavenly afterlife forbid any serious discussion happens on this board.

I'm actually kind of glad he wound up #2. After 6 mo. he's released from most obligations and can cut his own record, which he has two he's produced previously anyways. So, hopefully we'll get to hear some southern rock on the airwaves soon. 8)

Posted: 2005-05-27 12:35am
by Knife
Meh, I got hooked on this stuff this year, god help me. Last year I got a hoot out of the first few episode, making fun of the sucky people. This year I intended to do the same.

Problem is, I saw this cute little blonde chick from Oklahoma and kind of hoped she'd make it through so I watched a couple more to see her sing. The she sucked me in when she sang 'heart's 'alone" and I'm a hopeless fanboy since.

I never voted though.

My wife was a Constantine fangirl, but switched over to Bo for obvious reasons.

Posted: 2005-05-27 01:41am
by Superman
I'm just sick of the crappy pop music that's out right now, and American Idol just perpetuates it. Look at Gwen Stephani, I thought it couldn't worse than "Rich Girl" but then I heard that new one that goes like "bananas b a n a n a s..." Pop is at an all time low...

Posted: 2005-05-27 07:57am
by Caius
yeah that stefani banana's song... what's that about?

This season was the only one I watched all the way through. mostly because I would either be waiting for the amazing race, or had just finished watching lost.

Never saw the appeal of Constantine except understanding how women could think he was hot. I thought he was one of the worst singers.

I think basically I had it down to Bo and Carrie at the end. Although Vonzelle really turned it up the last few weeks imo.

Surprised Bo didn't win. I really thought he would have. But I guess Carrie is a good choice. She'll probably have some country sound songs. I think.

Posted: 2005-05-27 08:33am
by Darth Fanboy
Knife wrote: The she sucked me in when she sang 'heart's 'alone" and I'm a hopeless fanboy since.
I'd be her hopeless fan too if she sucked me in that well.

Posted: 2005-05-27 08:38am
by Knife
Darth Fanboy wrote:
Knife wrote: The she sucked me in when she sang 'heart's 'alone" and I'm a hopeless fanboy since.
I'd be her hopeless fan too if she sucked me in that well.
Bah, my bad. Got confused between that one dream and RL. It should say; "Then she sucked me in-".

Posted: 2005-05-27 08:41am
by Knife
Superman wrote:I'm just sick of the crappy pop music that's out right now, and American Idol just perpetuates it. Look at Gwen Stephani, I thought it couldn't worse than "Rich Girl" but then I heard that new one that goes like "bananas b a n a n a s..." Pop is at an all time low...
Music wasn't too bad this year. Two rockers mixed it up pretty well. Didn't really expect the Black Crowes to be sung on American Idol.

Sure, alot of the kiddies and wannabe dudes sang crappy pop shit, but they fell early and, while not exactly Metalica, some rock and country seeped in there.

Posted: 2005-05-27 10:10am
by Durandal
Isn't it possible for one person to vote multiple times in American Idol? What's the point? You're not gauging the proportion of the show's viewers who want a certain candidate to win; you're gauging the resolve of a certain candidate's fans.

Posted: 2005-05-27 10:14am
by Knife
Durandal wrote:Isn't it possible for one person to vote multiple times in American Idol? What's the point? You're not gauging the proportion of the show's viewers who want a certain candidate to win; you're gauging the resolve of a certain candidate's fans.
That's my take. When they were down to the final three, it was obvious that Vonzell (while remarkably beautiful and very talented, just as talented as the other two) was going home. She'd been in the bottom three (gimick to make the result show last a half a fucking hour) various times and it was plain her 'fanclub' wasn't as big as either Bo or Carrie.

It didn't really matter how well she sang that time, she was doomed. Sad really, since like I said, she was every bit as good as the other two.

Posted: 2005-05-27 03:48pm
by Fleet Admiral JD
There's one reason I watched that finale, and that show. That lighting system was kickass. I wanted to be the light designer, dammit. ;)