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Call for test photos

Posted: 2005-05-27 11:16pm
by Dangermouse
SDN photographers:

Do you have any photos of objects of a known height taken at a known distance? If so, would you be willing to post said photos and describe the height and distance of objects in the photo? Ideally these would be taken without a telephoto lens and would feature more than one object of a known height at a known distance in the photo, but beggers cannot be choosers. :)

I would like to test and develop a program to roughly estimate distance from a single photo but I need some test photos to check myself. I do not have a digital camera to take these myself so I am sad right now. :(

I will also worship the ground you walk on for any and all photos you are willling to share. This is your chance to be immortalized as a living, breathing god and/or goddess* Thanks!

* Dangermouse may or may not worship you nor elevate you to living breathing god/goddess status. But it could happen, but you will never know unless you share ultra cool photos that meet the OP. :)

Posted: 2005-05-28 12:15pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Well, I've got some Space Marine miniatures taken. I can measure their height if you like, though distance may be a problem as they're 2048x1536 digital shots subsequently cropped.

Posted: 2005-05-28 02:49pm
by aerius
Ground to top of ice sculpture is roughly 6'6"
Picture was taken from a distance of about 10-12' from the naked mermaid


Posted: 2005-05-28 03:14pm
by Shroom Man 777
She's hot :shock: :lol:

Although that icy replica of Shep looks like Bruce Campbell (with the chin and all) :P