Reasons why the Empire is better than the UFP (pic Heavy
Posted: 2002-11-29 08:10pm


I rest my case
Get your fill of sci-fi, science, and mockery of stupid ideas
KDY's Nebulon was originally build for the Empire as cheap escort vessel to counter Rebel snubfighter attacks. The Rebels captured a few, and also bought some directly from KDY (which always managed to maintain some level of independance).Question: Does the empire use the frigate in that top picture? I thought it was a rebel ship?
*Gridfires Cyril*Cyril wrote:Do not mock TOS. Ripped Shirt Kirk could easily bring the friggin' Culture.
i never understood why she was considered the ships hottie. in my oppinion she´s quite ugly.TrailerParkJawa wrote:Yeah, but Id still sleep with Marina Sirtis. Not the first couple of seasons though, she looks best with her flat hair do.
There is a difference between the ship's hottie and good looks. The first is relative.salm wrote:i never understood why she was considered the ships hottie. in my oppinion she´s quite ugly.TrailerParkJawa wrote:Yeah, but Id still sleep with Marina Sirtis. Not the first couple of seasons though, she looks best with her flat hair do.
Ripped Shirt Kirk's character shields could quite possibly handle the entropic end of the universe. Mere gridfire is nothing.*Gridfires Cyril*
Care to rephrase that?
Cyril: (Nothing. He's been vapourized.)
Leffler is very pretty. I dont like the Troy in the first few seasons, but in the later seasons, I find her attractive. Especially in the last couple of movies.There is a difference between the ship's hottie and good looks. The first is relative.
My personal choice for ship's hottie is Robin Leffler.
Hehe. I'm still a young buck, but Sirtis was okay, but not as attractive as Judd to me.TrailerParkJawa wrote:Leffler is very pretty. I dont like the Troy in the first few seasons, but in the later seasons, I find her attractive. Especially in the last couple of movies.There is a difference between the ship's hottie and good looks. The first is relative.
My personal choice for ship's hottie is Robin Leffler.
I think some of it is age. As I get older, I find myself liking women with more shape to them than when I was younger. Marina Sirtis has nice hips and breasts, its just a matter of personal preference.
When I saw the Judd show in prime time, I drooled over her. I still think she is beautiful, but these days Sirtis is more my type. Not that Id ever kick Judd out of my bed.Hehe. I'm still a young buck, but Sirtis was okay, but not as attractive as Judd to me.