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Breaking News in a Galaxy Far Far Away

Posted: 2005-06-07 11:26pm
by FedRebel

Posted: 2005-06-07 11:39pm
by YT300000

Breaking News:
Jedi temple
under attack

General Greivous Dead | Have the

Posted: 2005-06-07 11:44pm
by FedRebel
Correct, I didn't have enough room on the ticker

The whole message would've been "Have the Jedi Rebelled?"

Posted: 2005-06-08 12:48am
by DPDarkPrimus
I would reccomend putting the "Have the Jedi Rebelled?" on full, and having the Grevious comment partial.

Posted: 2005-06-08 12:56am
by The Grim Squeaker
Isnt that Klingon?
Also shouldnt it be: Palaptine news

Posted: 2005-06-08 01:04am
by Darth Raptor
the .303 bookworm wrote:Isnt that Klingon?
It's Aurebesh, the written form of Basic.

*waves hand*

There was no English on the tractor beam control terminals on the Death Star, these aren't the droids you're looking for...

Posted: 2005-06-08 01:11am
by FedRebel
the .303 bookworm wrote: Also shouldnt it be: Palaptine news
The news channel logo is on the left, Palps' pic is there because you know when they get people on the phone during a crisis they show a pic in the lower right corner so you know who's talking

Posted: 2005-06-08 01:22am
by Dangermouse
A code key for people like me who have no idea what any of that says. Fed Rebel, did you design this? I like it.

Posted: 2005-06-08 01:45am
by RogueIce
Dangermouse wrote:A code key for people like me who have no idea what any of that says. Fed Rebel, did you design this? I like it.
I'm trusting that's how YT knew what it said.

If not, I fear we have lost him to the Geek Side.

Posted: 2005-06-08 02:23am
by FedRebel
I've updated the ticker
Fed Rebel, did you design this? I like it.
It's just an image of the temple from RotS, I added the Aurebesh and stuff using MSPaint, doing my best to emulate Fox News Channel just for the Hell of it. :)

Posted: 2005-06-08 04:55am
by The Grim Squeaker
Wonder when Aurebesh replaces Klingon as the new language of the future Emperor's of earth :)

Posted: 2005-06-08 07:39am
by Ace Pace
Theres a ט in Aurabesh and an inverted one too? And a כ ....
This is intresting.

Posted: 2005-06-08 03:51pm
by FedRebel
A few more pics

Posted: 2005-06-08 04:04pm
by Agent Fisher
Can those be translated for those of who arent geeky enough to decode them ourselves?

Posted: 2005-06-08 04:49pm
by FedRebel
[...FOX....[ Breaking News:].........].......GSE
[..NEWS..[.Jedi Temple Under......]
[Jedi are now enemies of the Republic
[...FOX....[ Breaking News:].........]......RSE
[..NEWS..[..Republic to Become...]
[Channel.[.....Galactic Empire......]......1.14
[Cmdr. Cody: "Utapau secured" FOX Sep...
[...FOX....[ Breaking News:].........]........NAS
[..NEWS..[....Troops March on.....]
[Channel.[........Jedi temple........]......1.08
[Seperatist advance on Kashyyyk hal...
Can those be translated for those of who arent geeky enough to decode them ourselves?
It's for "realism"

And somehow i think that's what they said to Lucas back in the 70's about the tractor beam controls. :)

Posted: 2005-06-08 05:17pm
by Dangermouse
Its hard to make out the stormtroopers in the last image. Playing around with the levels to bring more contrast into the image:


Posted: 2005-06-08 05:21pm
by Ra
Cool. Next, we just need a CNN version! :D
- Ra

A Little Off Topic:I wasn't able to download the Aurebesh font for some reason. Anyone know another place to get it? (I used the link from the code key page, BTW)

Posted: 2005-06-08 05:26pm
by FedRebel
Dangermouse wrote:Its hard to make out the stormtroopers in the last image. Playing around with the levels to bring more contrast into the image:
Sorry about that, That's just how the images were from the source

Posted: 2005-06-08 07:50pm
by YT300000
RogueIce wrote:
Dangermouse wrote:A code key for people like me who have no idea what any of that says. Fed Rebel, did you design this? I like it.
I'm trusting that's how YT knew what it said.

If not, I fear we have lost him to the Geek Side.
Heh. I learned it when I was 12. :)

Posted: 2005-06-09 09:39am
by Dooey Jo
I decoded Aurebesh myself from the text in the BTM "game". It took me a few hours to figure out all the symbols but I eventually got them! I used to write stuff with those symbols everywhere, especially on school papers, as decoration. Then I discovered that there was a downloadable font :x

But at least that experience taught me that the YT-1300 can "whoop ass"...