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Starship drawing

Posted: 2005-06-10 05:20pm
by Melchior
Made with Freehand and Photoshop.
Comments and criticism are welcome (and I know that it is overgunned).

Posted: 2005-06-10 05:37pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Do you have a version without the crazy effects?

Posted: 2005-06-10 05:51pm
by Melchior
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:Do you have a version without the crazy effects?
I have a freehand-only picture:

Posted: 2005-06-10 06:08pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Nice, but I don't like the long skinny wings at all. The guns look nice tho. Do you have a pic that hasn't been shrunk down btw (I.E. same rez as the master)?

Posted: 2005-06-10 06:17pm
by Melchior
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:Nice, but I don't like the long skinny wings at all. The guns look nice tho. Do you have a pic that hasn't been shrunk down btw (I.E. same rez as the master)?
I'll make one.
(please remember that that image was drawn quickly, without caring much for precision, since I was planning to apply a lot of effects on it)

Posted: 2005-06-10 06:31pm
by Grandmaster Jogurt
It seems a bit overgunned. I'd cut down the armaments by about half. If you removed tne forward-facing and the rear-facing small guns from the wings, as well as the small guns from the engines and downgraded the big guns there to little ones, I think the ship would look a lot less cluttered.

Posted: 2005-06-10 06:35pm
by Melchior
Grandmaster Jogurt wrote:If you removed tne forward-facing and the rear-facing small guns from the wings, as well as the small guns from the engines and downgraded the big guns there to little ones, I think the ship would look a lot less cluttered.
The "wings" exist only to have some turrets attached to them, maybe I can leave a turret on each wing, the most external one, and remove the others.
Which big guns are you suggesting to downgrade, the two-barreled, forward-facing ones? Or the single-barreled one?

Posted: 2005-06-10 11:13pm
by Grandmaster Jogurt
Melchior wrote:Which big guns are you suggesting to downgrade, the two-barreled, forward-facing ones? Or the single-barreled one?
The double-barreled ones facing backwards. It might just be personal aesthetics, but I think heavy guns on the engine casing seem a bit out of place.

Posted: 2005-06-11 03:58pm
by White Haven
Hehe. and here I was expecting the OP to be from Einy when I clicked on it. Just goes to show I've adapted to this place well enough. :) That said, I agree that the ship's a bit overgizmo'd.

Posted: 2005-06-11 10:21pm
by Kuja
I'd hate to be caught in front of that beast.