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New mexico sky (Warning dial up users)

Posted: 2005-06-11 09:17pm
by thecreech
Some pictures i took thought i would post them. First one is of our ballon fiesta that happens in oct. The next three is what it looks out side my window right now and the third is an old sun set pic i took awhile back. It is taken outside my front door






Posted: 2005-06-12 01:27am
by The Grim Squeaker
Where are all the balloons from? is it a race, event or simply a company renting them out?

Nice Pics BTW

Posted: 2005-06-12 01:38am
by CaptainChewbacca
the .303 bookworm wrote:Where are all the balloons from? is it a race, event or simply a company renting them out?

Nice Pics BTW
Its just the annual balloon festival. I think it might be a race, but mostly its just nifty. When I was a kid they had something similar, and we'd go outside and watch them go overhead.

Posted: 2005-06-12 07:19am
by haas mark
the .303 bookworm wrote:Where are all the balloons from? is it a race, event or simply a company renting them out?
It's an annual int'l event held here in Albuquerque, NM. :) People come from all over the world to basically show off their balloons. There are various contests and such involved with them, and there may or may not be one or more races involved, but I forget.

thecreech - AWESOME pics. :D I love the fact that our city produces such wonderful skies despite the AFB and whatnot. :)

Posted: 2005-06-12 09:14am
by Dooey Jo
Nice! Those clouds look like very much like mammatus clouds (or mammatocumulus). They are usually seen on thunder clouds (the big cumulonimbus type), but sometimes forms on more "regular" clouds as well. They are a rare sight up here in cold country (I've actually never seen any) but you apparently get quite plenty of them :wink:

Posted: 2005-06-12 01:24pm
by GrandMasterTerwynn
Dooey Jo wrote:Nice! Those clouds look like very much like mammatus clouds (or mammatocumulus). They are usually seen on thunder clouds (the big cumulonimbus type), but sometimes forms on more "regular" clouds as well. They are a rare sight up here in cold country (I've actually never seen any) but you apparently get quite plenty of them :wink:
Mostly because we have a very busy thunderstorm season in the summer around these parts.

Posted: 2005-06-13 12:38am
by thecreech
GrandMasterTerwynn wrote:
Dooey Jo wrote:Nice! Those clouds look like very much like mammatus clouds (or mammatocumulus). They are usually seen on thunder clouds (the big cumulonimbus type), but sometimes forms on more "regular" clouds as well. They are a rare sight up here in cold country (I've actually never seen any) but you apparently get quite plenty of them :wink:
Mostly because we have a very busy thunderstorm season in the summer around these parts.
Really, i work for the power company and up coming here in july will be our worst thunderstorm season. We get some wicked skies. Glad you folks like the pics

Posted: 2005-06-13 03:33am
by haas mark
thecreech wrote:Really, i work for the power company and up coming here in july will be our worst thunderstorm season. We get some wicked skies. Glad you folks like the pics
Wait.. we're actually going to HAVE one this year!? :shock:

Posted: 2005-06-13 08:57am
by Old Plympto

Posted: 2005-06-13 11:27am
by Kuja

The testing of the new fighter cloaks seems to be going well, though more research is clearly in order.

Posted: 2005-06-13 12:54pm
by R.O.A
They drained all the hotair out of Bush's head and filled the sky with balloon's YAYAY