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Rob's LEGOland (56k warning, large pictures)

Posted: 2005-06-15 05:59pm
by Dalton
I don't think I've ever showed off my LEGO collection before. Have a look!

The whole collection. HUGE pic.

The airport is invaded by pseudo-Luddites and pirates. I do not know why there is a shuttle launchpad behind the terminal. Nothing makes sense in Rob's LEGOland.

Airport runways, far too short, and surrounding highways. Sir Legolot is about to cause a huge, fiery accident. Blood will spill.

Chaos in LEGOland Bay as a pirate ship fires cannons straight into innocent people. Boatloads of pirates (very stupid pirates, notice the cannon in the rowboat) ready themselves to loot, rape and pillage. One intrepid ship captain tries to rope over to the pirate ship only to be strangled to death. A desert island jail, not fifty feet from shore, contains a single rotting skeleton. The other sail ship is one my father left behind.

The ugliest ambulance in the universe, apparently controlled by two antennas. The theme of a massive accident in progress continues as the EMS technician hangs onto the stretcher for dear life. For unknown reasons a truck carrying racers decides to unload at that very spot.

The whole racing truck, parked in front of the jail, scoffing at concepts like "law" and "order". Behind them, the police captain takes his speedboat out for a day on the waves. Little does he know...

More of the jail. Low-capacity because most prisoners don't survive the night.

That's it for the town stuff.

Here is a dual scientific expedition to the Glass Shelf Planet. The Ice Planet guys prepare a thermonuclear missi--orbital research satellite.

The Blacktron base, right next to them, presumably monitoring their progress with suspicion. Or is it a huge conspiracy? The world may never know.

M-tron and the Space Police fight back an assault from the vile Spyrius pirate clan. I give them even odds.

Spyrius has been intercepting transmissions of an odd game known as "Base Ball". Practice makes perfect.

Spyrius seems to have a thing for pincer arms.

OK, that's it for the setups. Here are some solo shots. This one is the coolest LEGO plane I've ever had. I conned my dad into buying it for me.

Redskirt the Pirate. His booty is a plastic BB. I think my sister built this one.

The ugliest medical ship in the universe. One of my brother's.

Yellow Death, the ugliest ship ever made. It has severe problems with life support.

Posted: 2005-06-15 06:10pm
by El Moose Monstero
Best thread ever!

:D Sorry, simple things, but I had half of this stuff, it's like a trip down memory lane! Makes me want to go and get the boxes of it out of the loft.

I think I spot the black and green thunderbird two style expanding spaceship up on the top shelf, I had that, and the blacktron ship with the detachable cockpit pod, and the small black and yellow copter I think, and the wee yellow submarine, and the speed boat yacht thing. Ooh, and the bin lorry too! I might have had one of the planes too. Oh, and some of the ice planet stuff, that was pretty damn cool, and one of those red wheeled spyrius things. This is great!

No castle's though, or robin hood (but that may be an english thing). For shame... evil Phoenix catapult guys rock!

Excellent collection, my man!

Posted: 2005-06-15 06:26pm
by Dalton
Thanks, heh. We had Robin Hood stuff and my sister had a castle but sadly it's all pretty much mixed in with my random lego pieces.

Posted: 2005-06-15 06:37pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
That Yellow Death reminds me of 40K Ships :D

Posted: 2005-06-15 06:50pm
by Col. Crackpot
arrrrr! Thar be pirates! :P

some cool shit you have there Rob!

Posted: 2005-06-15 06:51pm
by Singular Quartet
JediNeophyte wrote:That Yellow Death reminds me of 40K Ships :D
Damn things remind me of flying cathedrals.

One thing I've always wanted was PDFs of the instructions to build the older stuff. I've bought who knows how many legos, and I want to build some of that old stuff. I know I'm gonna get ahold of some castle legos in a little bit (A complete castle, and a semi-complete robin hood thing.)

Right now I mostly have some Star Wars stuff kicking around, along with some small crap I snapped together. Dalton, you put me to shame.


EDIT: *Bows before Rob for answering question before it's asked*

+ <- Just incase anybody doesn't notice it in the other thread.

Posted: 2005-06-15 07:05pm
by Uraniun235
Very nice. Holy shit, I have so many of those myself!

Most of mine are in containers though, a lot of them need repairs, etc. I've been thinking about selling the lot of them for some time now but I never get around to getting ready for such an endeavour... and it's so hard to let go, even though I never do anything with them.

I think if I ever get rid of them, I'll compensate by going in for one last Lego model and getting the gigantic Star Destroyer.

Posted: 2005-06-15 07:07pm
by Noble Ire
Cool Pics Dalton, but I half to question the Yellow Death's title as the ugliest ship ever made. One of my first attempts at the Millenium Falcon, using primarily blue, yellow, and tan pieces was quite the abomination. :wink:

Posted: 2005-06-15 07:34pm
by Alan Bolte
Coolness. I think I have maybe seven of those sets, though at most one of them is in one piece.

Posted: 2005-06-15 09:54pm
by Dalton
Pure Sabacc wrote:Cool Pics Dalton, but I half to question the Yellow Death's title as the ugliest ship ever made. One of my first attempts at the Millenium Falcon, using primarily blue, yellow, and tan pieces was quite the abomination. :wink:
Is it still a complete set? :D
Singular Quartet wrote:Right now I mostly have some Star Wars stuff kicking around, along with some small crap I snapped together. Dalton, you put me to shame.


EDIT: *Bows before Rob for answering question before it's asked*
I am to please :)
Col. Crackpot wrote:some cool shit you have there Rob!
Thanks! It's been down there for years. The cobwebs were atrocious.

Posted: 2005-06-15 10:07pm
by TimothyC
Dalton wrote:Thanks, heh. We had Robin Hood stuff and my sister had a castle but sadly it's all pretty much mixed in with my random lego pieces.
You were able to keep them in one peice?

That's a lot better than me. :oops:

I've recognized about half of the sets I took apart to make the ships seen in my thread. I'll say this Dalton, you are a much better builder than I am.

Posted: 2005-06-15 10:11pm
by Dalton
MariusRoi wrote:You were able to keep them in one peice?

That's a lot better than me. :oops:

I've recognized about half of the sets I took apart to make the ships seen in my thread. I'll say this Dalton, you are a much better builder than I am.
Heh, they're all from kits, though.

We used to build custom stuff though. Imagine a Lego plane full of people. Imagine it smashing into the living room wall. Imagine a piece getting embedded in the ceiling. :lol:

Posted: 2005-06-15 11:21pm
by Singular Quartet
Dalton wrote:We used to build custom stuff though. Imagine a Lego plane full of people. Imagine it smashing into the living room wall. Imagine a piece getting embedded in the ceiling. :lol:
Now, see, I never tried doing that sort of thing...

Posted: 2005-06-15 11:24pm
by Dalton
Singular Quartet wrote:
Dalton wrote:We used to build custom stuff though. Imagine a Lego plane full of people. Imagine it smashing into the living room wall. Imagine a piece getting embedded in the ceiling. :lol:
Now, see, I never tried doing that sort of thing...
There were minifig pieces all over the place. Found a hand in the couch.

Posted: 2005-06-16 01:41am
by RogueIce
Ah, memories. I had two of those Ice Planet missile trucks. I also had a base of some sort. I had that Spyrius robot thingy too!

A few nitpicks :P :

Aren't those the Armada guys in that big sailing ship behind the pirate rowboats? The enemies of the pirates?

And I see one of those Explorian guys. That gray suited fellow with the little yellow rocket emblem on his chest and that full space helmet thingy. They had the coolest guns ever! And the little scout ship rocked too!

I had some Space Police stuff from somewhere, too. I know I had the little triangle bricks with the Space Police logo, at least one SPace Police guy, and some of those green cockpit glass windows of theirs. Man, I wish I knew where all my various bricks were. And that I had instructions to all the old sets.

EDIT: Thanks to Rob's link in the other thread, I have a name for the Gray Spaceman!

Posted: 2005-06-16 02:04am
by Alan Bolte
I wish I had pics of some of the things one of my second cousins did. Like a scale battleship the size of a coffeetable.

Posted: 2005-06-16 07:22am
by Companion Cube
Ah, memories. I used to have that red robot thing with the wheels, as well as a smaller varient whose torso had a little cockpit you could stick the pilot in.

Posted: 2005-06-16 01:52pm
by Kuja
Damn, I wish I still had all the little shit ships I used to build instead of making the big robot or ship or whatever the kit was supposed to be. My mom made me throw them all out last time we cleaned house (typical).

Posted: 2005-06-16 01:53pm
by Kuja
JediNeophyte wrote:That Yellow Death reminds me of 40K Ships :D
Ah yes, the Mullins-class battle barge. I love those big hunks of junk.:mrgreen:

Posted: 2005-06-16 04:28pm
by Deathstalker
Nice collection, but my collection is bigger! :lol: The really bad part is there are people in my club with even more. I'm into the LEGO planes, I'm still trying to get my hands on all of them.