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some SW pics of mine

Posted: 2005-06-23 04:20pm
by Lord Revan
OK pretty illustrations of some designs I use in fanfic plus canon ship for scale and overall coolness

the Republic fleet
The (unnamed) CIS sectorial flagship with Dreadnaughts

ok I used just black for back round so the ships would stand out (plus it can be hard sometimes to create a good starfield).

Posted: 2005-06-23 04:47pm
by Noble Ire
Is that CIS flagship suppose to be a Providence class?

Posted: 2005-06-23 06:01pm
by Lord Revan
Pure Sabacc wrote:Is that CIS flagship suppose to be a Providence class?
no, it a non-canon design I made (that's why it's still unnamed.)

Posted: 2005-06-24 02:55pm
by Lord Revan
if somebody is intrested here's a side view (with top view as well) of the seppie flagship


if you have any (serious) suggestion for a class name(and a ship name), I'd want hear them.

Posted: 2005-06-24 03:05pm
by Noble Ire
What about the "Plutocrat" for the ship's name?

Posted: 2005-06-24 03:06pm
by Lord Revan
Pure Sabacc wrote:What about the "Plutocrat" for the ship's name?
wanna explain that one? :?

Posted: 2005-06-24 03:32pm
by Utsanomiko
The Pancake.

Posted: 2005-06-24 03:37pm
by Shroom Man 777
The flat design worked for the Executor because it was sharp and dagger shape. In this case, it doesn't. Now these are really nice drawings, and you've obviously got skillz in paint - it'd take me days to make something like that - but the unnamed CIS flagship would look a tad better if you just made it a wee bit thicker.

Good work, all in all though. Ah, and you might lessen the CIS flagship's amount of thrusters.

Posted: 2005-06-24 03:48pm
by Lord Revan
Shroom Man 777 wrote:The flat design worked for the Executor because it was sharp and dagger shape. In this case, it doesn't. Now these are really nice drawings, and you've obviously got skillz in paint - it'd take me days to make something like that - but the unnamed CIS flagship would look a tad better if you just made it a wee bit thicker.

Good work, all in all though. Ah, and you might lessen the CIS flagship's amount of thrusters.
well plenty tricks that can make the job easier (for example I did draw only half a ship for top view and then copy/pasted to create the other side) and oh yeah it's a bad design on purpose (spoiler for the fic)it's gonna break in half due bombarment from the republic fleet during the fic(end spoiler)

Posted: 2005-06-24 03:48pm
by Noble Ire
Lord Revan wrote:
Pure Sabacc wrote:What about the "Plutocrat" for the ship's name?
wanna explain that one? :?


noun : someone who exercises power by virtue of wealth.

Fitting, no?

Posted: 2005-06-24 03:54pm
by Lord Revan
Pure Sabacc wrote:
Lord Revan wrote:
Pure Sabacc wrote:What about the "Plutocrat" for the ship's name?
wanna explain that one? :?


noun : someone who exercises power by virtue of wealth.

Fitting, no?
yeah it's damm fitting, just didn't know what it meant.

Posted: 2005-06-24 05:21pm
by Lord Revan
OK now a bit thicker side profile


Posted: 2005-06-24 05:49pm
by Utsanomiko
The problem is it doesn't look aesthetically well-designed, especially given it's 3km-6km scale. It ends up either looking over 10k long or only a couple of decks high, like something hastily built out of LEGOs. Its outline is dull and lacks proper 3D shape and depth. It possibly could work if it were just a giant city-ship, but the scale and warship status suggests otherwise.

It probably needs to be more like 4x as thick or greater, with some better attention to its appearance in profile and its silhoette. CIS ship designs are based chiefly on Mon Cal ships and Dreadnaughts, so taking those into account should help.

Posted: 2005-06-24 06:47pm
by Lord Revan
Ok I'l try redesign this and lets see if it comes out any better.

EDIT: OK here's the redesign.


with out the separtist colors yet though

Posted: 2005-06-25 12:25am
by Vicious
Looks cool LR, but if I could make an asthetic suggestion; widen it a bit more. It seems too utilitarian (for Fuck's sake, I sound like a Trekkie) for a Mon-Cal inspired ship. Give it the same kinda top profile you had originally, and keep the current height.

Posted: 2005-06-25 03:40pm
by Lord Revan
Looks cool LR, but if I could make an asthetic suggestion; widen it a bit more. It seems too utilitarian (for Fuck's sake, I sound like a Trekkie) for a Mon-Cal inspired ship. Give it the same kinda top profile you had originally, and keep the current height.
OK it's a bit wider now
I kinda like the long and narrow view from top (it's look a bit like a providence-class)

Posted: 2005-06-25 04:20pm
by Utsanomiko
Yeah, the top-down shape was much more interesting in the original, now it's just kind of a dull blimp with a city-scape on the top (which isn't exactly a prominent feature of CIS ships; the larger Providence destroyers and the unused 1.8km cruiser are actually quite sleek). The pyramidal arrangement in the back half is particularly awkward-looking. I'd have to suggest going back to the overall overhead shape of the first design and working that into something with a bit more complex and distinct hull. That goes double for the cityscape stuff.

Posted: 2005-06-25 06:01pm
by Lord Revan
my fic wrote:A dark cloaked figure was watching as the damaged Trade Federation battle ship arrived to the Separtist main fleet in this sector. Corvettes, Carrack cruisers, Dreadnaughts both Geonosian and Rendili, Providence-class cruisers, Trade Federation Battleships and other capital ships 300 ships in total, but no other ship was as big as ship in which the the Figure was standing in, the one around which all the other ships formed. The Figure smiled under his death’s head shaped mask as looked at the durasteel “city” that covered most of dorsal hull of ship exept for the pyramid shaped base of his command tower. Figure turned to face the hologram emiter as the shaped of General Grievous formed on it
OK as it seems I can't do anything right, this is description I have so far writen if anybody can do better version I'd like to see it (I will credit the illustrator for his/her help).

EDIT:fixed a misstype, so it shouldn't sound so insulting (as no insult is meant).

Posted: 2005-06-25 06:31pm
by Lord Revan
OK my last version (for now), just added colors (and a really version of the CIS symbol).


Posted: 2005-06-25 07:28pm
by Firefox
Have you settled on a builder? Hoersch-Kessell seems to have designed all of the CIS capital ships (from the Lukrehulk to the Providence class), so that would seem to be a logical choice. You could base the design more on one of those ships, and expand upon it. For example, the Munificent and Recusant class ships have large, fan-shaped appendages, the former possessing one fore and aft. How about incorporating something like that, and perhaps some masts into the design?

Meanwhile, why did you add Dreadnaught class ships into the CIS fleet? Unless they belonged to separatist forces, I was under the impression that Rendili StarDrive was a Loyalist company.

Posted: 2005-06-25 07:32pm
by Illuminatus Primus
Rendili StarDrive supplied Dreadnaught-class heavy cruisers to corporate, sectorial, and regional naval buyers before the Clone War; one might anticipate that outlying security forces that sided with the CIS would bring their Dreadnaughts with them.

Posted: 2005-06-25 08:25pm
by Firefox
That's the impression I had. I wanted to settle a curiosity. VicStars in CIS livery? Guess not.

Posted: 2005-06-25 10:58pm
by Shroom Man 777
Lord Revan wrote:OK now a bit thicker side profile

I like this 'un :D

Posted: 2005-06-26 09:06am
by Lord Revan
Firefox wrote:Have you settled on a builder? Hoersch-Kessell seems to have designed all of the CIS capital ships (from the Lukrehulk to the Providence class), so that would seem to be a logical choice. You could base the design more on one of those ships, and expand upon it. For example, the Munificent and Recusant class ships have large, fan-shaped appendages, the former possessing one fore and aft. How about incorporating something like that, and perhaps some masts into the design?

Meanwhile, why did you add Dreadnaught class ships into the CIS fleet? Unless they belonged to separatist forces, I was under the impression that Rendili StarDrive was a Loyalist company.
it's Local build with design based on Rendili StarDrive products. As for the Dreadnaughts they're the most common pre-CW ship I know of (most Tring's fleet consist of ship he got hold of before the war).

Posted: 2005-06-26 05:41pm
by Lord Revan
OK now Tring's capital planet.
