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Godson, sunsets, the Loch Ness monster, & more! [PICS!]

Posted: 2005-06-29 07:50pm
by Zaia
I just spent a very quick two days vacationing where my family and I have gone every year since I was a few months old, and where my mom went when she was a kid, and where my grandparents went on their honeymoon, back in the Stone Age. Needless to say, when I was growing up, I got to spend a couple of weeks there and now it's just a couple of days, but the place is still magic to me. Maybe you'll see why when you catch the sunsets...

But to start us off, the cutest godson any girl ever had!

Meet Noah. He's two. He's acting it. Didn't want to smile for his godmomma (ie: me). He still manages to be the cutest thing ever on two little legs. He's got this evil little laugh--ahh, I love him so much. :D

It's a joke that my mom's side of the family has to stick their tongues out when they concentrate. Unfortunately for the kid here, he seems to have inhereted that from his momma (my mom's sister). Ah well, on him it's adorable.

Noah playing with a manly truck. This is to counter the story about how he went to bed in a glittery pink tutu because he refused to take it off, he loved it so. I love my cross-dressing godson!

...How often does one say that?

The view of Beach Lake from the array of Adirondack chairs strewn all over. Perfect for reading and soaking up the sun (in my case way too good for that--oww).

A view of the lake from the parking lot, which itself is prime lakefront real estate. I didn't have much time with all the little rugrats running about to frame most of these photos well, but I like how this one turned out.

Booyah! The family that owns all the cabins is Polish, as is my family. Ph34r! Or, whatever.

Two of my cousins, Hannah (the redhead, Noah's older sister) and Erin, swinging high between my pushes.

Ahh, Cabin One, where my grandfather would play Hearts and drop the Queen on people by rolling her out onto the table stuffed in a roll of toilet paper. The cabin is old and about to fall down, but who cares. We just say it's like one step fancier than camping!

View of the lake from the rowboat side, at the far end of the property.

Mmmm...I love that sky.

Beach Lake sunsets are famous with most of my friends because I rave about them so often. I was fortunate enough to have had a clear night on Monday to take this photo (plus about 30 others).

Nessy? Is that you? In northeastern PA?!

Posted: 2005-06-29 08:06pm
by Tasoth
I like the last one, it just screams RAR!

Posted: 2005-06-29 08:15pm
by Batman
Tasoth wrote:I like the last one, it just screams RAR!
Actually, I think the last one screams BOO! ,IMHO. Nevertheless, Z's Godson is cute and that sunset is beautiful.

Posted: 2005-06-29 08:23pm
by Lord Woodlouse

Neat pics. I like the way you take pics of a place in America while editing out the Burger King and MdDonalds which must surely be up every tenth tree. :)

Posted: 2005-06-29 10:05pm
by Zaia
Lord_Woodlouse wrote:Neat pics.
*chokes on a laugh and then thwaps Louise hard* Thanks for the contribution of your supremely l33t editing skillz. :P
I like the way you take pics of a place in America while editing out the Burger King and MdDonalds which must surely be up every tenth tree. :)
Har..har.........har. *sticks tongue out*

And thank you, Batman, for commenting on the undeniable cuteness of my godson. And yes, Nessy is very Zor-ish. :D

Posted: 2005-06-29 10:09pm
by Dalton
What a cute little guy. Still doesn't compare to my niece ;)

Posted: 2005-06-30 12:21am
by Lonestar
I have to confess, I'm not particularly scared of the POlish.

Cute kid, though.

Posted: 2005-06-30 12:33am
by Comosicus
Very nice pictures. Your godson is so cute.

And I do also have the habbit of sticking my tongue out when I am concentrating.

Posted: 2005-06-30 07:21am
by Lord Woodlouse
Lonestar wrote:I have to confess, I'm not particularly scared of the POlish.
Not even when you get some on your trousers while doing your shoes? :P

Posted: 2005-06-30 09:56am
by Lonestar
Lord_Woodlouse wrote:
Lonestar wrote:I have to confess, I'm not particularly scared of the POlish.
Not even when you get some on your trousers while doing your shoes? :P
I'm a lazy bastard who uses the bottle/sponge stuff.