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Sci-fi artwork by me

Posted: 2005-07-28 04:32am
by AntarDragon
I can't image link these images, they are too big in pixel and file size. A 1024x768 desktop wallpaper version can be seen at

The images above where created for a Star Wars Half Life 2 mod which died in its concept stages. I was a concept artist and mainly worked on creating concepts of original aliens for the mod. Although I came up with several concepts, I only finished the Alien #1 (later renamed Daeger and re-used for something completely different) concept completely.

Moving away from SW artwork, I'd also like to show some other sci-fi artwork I've done: - Daemon Guard, an anthropomorphic species I reguarly do artwork of. Although they can be mistaken for a fantasy theme, the Daemons I draw are very technologically advanced. Anyway, this pic shows a female Daemon decked out in desert combat armour and a great big gun. - A inside view of a spaceship design for my Imperial Destiny universe (I'll restart the comic someday.....). It was very difficult to draw. - A drawing of K9, a character from my Imperial Destiny universe. K9 likes bigs guns. I've done several other images of him (one with a giant rifle, another with a rocket launcher, and work in progress of a portable, rifle-sized ion beam weapon), but as Fur Affinity in down, I can't post links to the images.

I've done lots of other images, much of them not sci-fi. If your wondering about that quote in my sig "I draw dragon porn." Its not wrong :wink: (nor am I limited to dragons) For those totally and utterly disgusted, you need not worry, I won't post any links or images like that here, although those that are intrigued, you can either message me for details or type my name Antar Dragon into google.

Posted: 2005-07-28 11:20am
by Dangermouse
Your first image is my favorite. I especially like the colors and blending in the sunset portion. The texture of the trooper and the ground is also kinda neat. Thanks for sharing them with us. :)

Posted: 2005-07-28 12:19pm
by AntarDragon
Dangermouse wrote:Your first image is my favorite. I especially like the colors and blending in the sunset portion. The texture of the trooper and the ground is also kinda neat. Thanks for sharing them with us. :)
Thank you. That image took a long time to do and was very difficult matching all the elements together. The armour was by far the most difficult part of the image. The sunset also prooved to be difficult to do. It took me a few attempts to get it right.

Posted: 2005-07-28 01:00pm
by Pcm979
No offense, but those look less like Aliens and more like Furries to me.

Posted: 2005-07-28 02:50pm
by Bob the Gunslinger
So, is this like SAAB x Starfox? I guess I just expected the "Daemon" to look more demonic and less cuddly.

But the images are well done and you definitely have a lot of skill.

Posted: 2005-07-28 04:08pm
by AntarDragon
Pcm979 wrote:No offense, but those look less like Aliens and more like Furries to me.
Well, much of my artwork is of anthropormophic animals and dragons. The Daeger alien is furry. I don't mean anthropomorphic animal but other thathe strong, leathery skin of her wings, her skin is fur.

Yet, on that note, how can a green and purple furred, six limbed, snouted being be more of an anthropomorphic animal than an alien?

The Daemons I draw are basically anthropomorphic animals. Yes, they have fur (and scales), but they all have head horns, long fangs and in some cases, extra arms and wings, so they aren't "pure" anthropomorphic animals.

K9 is an anthropomorphic german shepard. He's sci-fi because he's part of my Imperial Destiny universe. His species, Anthrimals, are technological advanced compared with current human technology.

Posted: 2005-07-28 04:15pm
by AntarDragon
Bob the Gunslinger wrote:So, is this like SAAB x Starfox? I guess I just expected the "Daemon" to look more demonic and less cuddly.

But the images are well done and you definitely have a lot of skill.
Thank you. Erm...whats SAAB?

The Daemons that are part of my universes and artwork, aren't what one would think upon hearing their names. They aren't demonic at all. They are a natural species.

Posted: 2005-07-28 04:23pm
by Bob the Gunslinger
Then why call them demons?

Oh and SAAB is Space Above and Beyond, an old space war series that your artwork reminded me of for some reason. Also, it had pilots perform infantry assaults a few times which would explain why you put Starfox in carapace armor and gave him a gun.

Posted: 2005-07-28 04:38pm
by AntarDragon
Bob the Gunslinger wrote:Then why call them demons?
Because they are called Daemons. It is there name. I can't quite remember how I started out drawing them, but they where quite like "proper" demon furries. - this old pic is a little joke about demons with weapons. Anyway, over time they evolved into their own species, quite a lot like many other species I've created in my imagination and artwork.

I'll have a close look at SAAB sometime later. Sounds interesting.

Oh, I'm not sure about this, can I post URLs of adult rated artwork here?

Posted: 2005-07-28 05:13pm
by Pcm979
AntarDragon wrote:
Bob the Gunslinger wrote:Then why call them demons?
Because they are called Daemons. It is there name.
OMG, OMG, he added an A! Which changes the meaning, like, not at all!!!
Daemon is merely a posh way of writing Demon, you know.
AntarDragon wrote:Oh, I'm not sure about this, can I post URLs of adult rated artwork here?
As long as
A) It's not hardcore
B) It's a link, and
C) You give warning.

Posted: 2005-07-29 01:42am
by AntarDragon
Pcm979 wrote:OMG, OMG, he added an A! Which changes the meaning, like, not at all!!!
Daemon is merely a posh way of writing Demon, you know.
And guess what, it also started out as something different than what demon is considered today by modern sterotypings. Isn't history great?

Just because I used the word daemon as their name doesn't make them demons. Quite like how some weapons are called rifles when they are clearly not.
Pcm979 wrote:As long as
A) It's not hardcore
B) It's a link, and
C) You give warning.
Damn, thats my Giant World Lesbian Orgy pic with its six aliens out of the window. Oh well, I better go and finish those spaceship pics.[/url]

Posted: 2005-07-29 02:57am
by Pcm979
I *could* mention that using a meaning of the word that's been defunct for over one thousand years could be just a teensy teensy misleading. But I won't.

*Ahem* Nice alien/furry/not-a-demon things!

Posted: 2005-07-29 03:36am
by AntarDragon
Pcm979 wrote:I *could* mention that using a meaning of the word that's been defunct for over one thousand years could be just a teensy teensy misleading. But I won't.

*Ahem* Nice alien/furry/not-a-demon things!
Sucks to those that judge first on names and appearences. Anyway, thank you. An inflated ego makes me continue my artwork! Although, I would still do art no matter what others said/say.

Posted: 2005-07-29 04:00am
by TheMuffinKing
Nice style. I like how you get a lot of detail into your pictures, they look great!

Posted: 2005-07-29 10:27am
by AntarDragon
TheMuffinKing wrote:Nice style. I like how you get a lot of detail into your pictures, they look great!
Thank you. I credit my very good imagination for fleshing out my artwork.