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Which do you dislike more?

Posted: 2005-08-06 05:01pm
by Lord Revan
Whitch do you dislike more, the opening title music of Star Trek(TOS) or "Faith of the heart" (ST:ENT opening title music).

Personally as bad as it's "Faith of the heart" is prolerable, but with TOS I just Mute my TV for opening title after the "where no man has gone before" part.

but make no mistake, I do prefer TOS as series more, I just don't like title music)

Posted: 2005-08-06 05:09pm
by Pick
I can't STAND "Faith of the Heart". Period.

Posted: 2005-08-06 05:11pm
by Dakarne
TOS Music, the lyrics:


Rinse and repeat. Very annoying.

I actually somewhat like the "Faith of the Heart" music, (dodges behind flame-proof barrier and prepares for the bombardment), it fits the "First Steps into space" theme.

Posted: 2005-08-06 05:18pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Never watched enough of ENT to see the orignal OP, but I'm going to say that I automatically dislike it more than the TOS OP, which I could never dislike.

Posted: 2005-08-06 05:19pm
by Noble Ire
Gah, I hate the TOS opening "song." :x

The ENT opener really wasnt that bad, I just wished they had stuck with the style used in the other series (personally, I thought that the best part of Voyager was it's title sequence.) :P

Posted: 2005-08-06 05:30pm
by Chmee
TOS's music is dated ... whereas Ent's was never considered anything but putrid swamp-muck puked up by the Berviathan onto defenseless fandom ....

Posted: 2005-08-06 05:32pm
by Erik von Nein
Out of those two? "Faith of the heart." It just annoyed me too much, like they were trying to make it heart touching or something. Geh. Just stupid.

Posted: 2005-08-06 05:37pm
by YT300000
Well, with TOS I can detect how it eventually evolved into the TMP Theme that I love so, and its overall tune isn't that bad, it also fits with the mood of the show. Faith of the heart is... well... its okay as far as songs go, but for a Star Trek show? Horrid. Then again, so is Enterprise (I watched two seasons and counted 4 good episodes).

Posted: 2005-08-06 06:47pm
by RedImperator
The instrumental version of the TOS theme is okay, though the version with vocals sucks balls. I didn't mind "Faith of the Heart", really. It fit the show.

And the word, Lord Revan, is "which". A witch wears a pointy hat and rides a broomstick. There's no such thing as a whitch at all.

Posted: 2005-08-06 06:52pm
by Lord Revan
RedImperator wrote:And the word, Lord Revan, is "which". A witch wears a pointy hat and rides a broomstick. There's no such thing as a whitch at all.