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Cute drawing from my art pad

Posted: 2005-08-11 04:18pm
by Gil Hamilton
Only a headshot rather than a full picture (which I'm making, once I figure out what she's dressed in), but it's kind of DJ girl thing, but I didn't full on manga-style looking girl it because I really didn't feel like it.

Two things of interest:
Thing the first is I wanted a DJ looking girl with some cultural stuff in it, but I wanted to avoid a Gwen Stefani-ish "SUPA CUTIE JAPANESE" thing, even if the girl is Asian. So instead I did two things. One is the dots on her head, which are Buddhist marks of particular significance, the Triple Gem, representing a vow of ridding on of bad thoughts, cultivating good ones, and having the wisdom to release others from suffering (amongst other things, the Triple Gem means alot) - what this has to do with DJing, I don't know but it sounds cool (even though I'm pretty certain the marks on the forehead actually mean the bearer is an ordained monk). The other is a braid and haircut, which is cut very short except her blue bang and braid, which is a modified Jedi Padawan thing.

The second thing is that the headphones aren't the normal sort of headphones you see on manga DJs, which have the backwrap around thing I noticed. Those are a bit more hardcore and also actually exist, since they are modelled on the big Westinghouse headsets that I have plugged into an amp I own. These are bulky sonvabitchs, but I figured it suited her better than a headset that is all cute and compact and out of the way. Those things are in-your-face professional headphones, which when you wear them, the only thing you can possibly here is what it's piping to you. Perfect if you are doing Zen DJing, since no outside distractions.

Posted: 2005-08-11 06:19pm
by Pick
Very nice! I like the softness of your lines, and your very fine shading. Also, excellent that you actually draw braids correctly! Many people neglect that. :)

Posted: 2005-08-11 07:02pm
by Gil Hamilton
Pick wrote:Very nice! I like the softness of your lines, and your very fine shading. Also, excellent that you actually draw braids correctly! Many people neglect that. :)
A friend of mine in my calculus class very frequently braided her hair, so I have some practice. :)

Posted: 2005-08-11 07:49pm
by Duckie
Nice! My first thought was of the dots on her head, specifically me somehow screwing with perspective and thinking she had three bullet holes in her face. After that I zoomed out of said "Wow."

Better than anything I can do! Stick Figure Mural is a lost art, I tell you. ;)