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My feable attempt at Starship design.

Posted: 2005-08-13 12:56am
by Knife
Playing around with my new photobucket account, decided to upload an old Star Trek design I made when I heard that they were going to make a prequel Star Trek.


What da think?

Posted: 2005-08-13 12:59am
by RogueIce
An ice cream cone with warp drive! :P

Is there a link to a larger one? Or at least tell us what that text at the side is?

Posted: 2005-08-13 01:03am
by Knife
RogueIce wrote:An ice cream cone with warp drive! :P

Is there a link to a larger one? Or at least tell us what that text at the side is?
Sush, you. Be glad I finally got a photobucket acount and will quit bugging you to uload shit.

The jpeg file is over their limit so they 'automatically' resize it to 'that'.

Posted: 2005-08-13 01:07am
by Tokaji Kyoden
I'm getting a broken link for the pic.

Posted: 2005-08-13 01:08am
by RogueIce
Knife wrote:Sush, you. Be glad I finally got a photobucket acount and will quit bugging you to uload shit.
Excellent point.
Knife wrote:The jpeg file is over their limit so they 'automatically' resize it to 'that'.
Ah. Hm. Well, you can always e-mail it to me so I can put it someplace that lets us see it all nice and big like.

Wait, wasn't the purpose of this to avoid all that? Oh well. I'm a nice guy. :)

In all seriousness, it looks good. Certainly way better than anything I can do at the moment.

Posted: 2005-08-13 01:09am
by Knife
Tokaji Kyoden wrote:I'm getting a broken link for the pic.
Was trying to resize it, ended up reducing it and thus had to upload the image again. Should be working now.

Posted: 2005-08-13 01:20am
by Grandmaster Jogurt
I like it. It reminds me of something from the Starfleet Museum. It's good technically, too; your skill with Paint is impressive.

Posted: 2005-08-13 01:27am
by Knife
Grandmaster Jogurt wrote:I like it. It reminds me of something from the Starfleet Museum. It's good technically, too; your skill with Paint is impressive.
I designed it when Star Trek Enterprise was a rumor. I used to have a cut away, but I've seem to have lost it. Truely, I had to go for the Daedalus connection with the sphere shaped hull.

The red bulb at the bottom is a laser on a omnidirectional mount so it fires in a limited arc but the missile tubes make up for that. The whole secondary hull is pretty much just the warp core and it's secondary systems. In case of emergency, the whole secondary hull can be jetisoned and the sphere will act like a life boat with the two main impulse engines and a third on the center line that acts like auxilary power durring docked flight.

Posted: 2005-08-13 01:38am
by Spanky The Dolphin
I get a broken image.

Posted: 2005-08-13 01:48am
by Knife
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:I get a broken image.
Must be a setting on your machine, since I see it just fine.

Posted: 2005-08-13 01:49am
by Utsanomiko
It's giving me the same problem; cannot be found on Photobucket.

Posted: 2005-08-13 01:50am
by Grandmaster Jogurt
It's broken for me now, too.

Posted: 2005-08-13 01:52am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Knife wrote:
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:I get a broken image.
Must be a setting on your machine, since I see it just fine.
You see it just fine because the image is in your cache. Uts is right that the image simply doesn't exist on Photobucket.

Posted: 2005-08-13 01:56am
by Knife
Since I'm to lazy to cut and paste and resize the data box on the side, this is what it say's;
NX-5 Resolute Class Cruiser

Length 123.5m
Beam 50.4m
Width 45.4m

Deck Heigth 3.5m
Crew 16 Officers
93 Enlisted


One Plasma Laser
Four Torpedo Tubes

Aux. Craft
Four Shuttle Craft

Warp Speed
Max. Warp5 (125c)
Cruise Warp4 (64c)

Construction Time
circa 2153

Class Listing
NX-5 Resolute
NX-6 Endeavor
NX-7 Intrepid
NX-8 Valient

Posted: 2005-08-13 01:58am
by Knife
Utsanomiko wrote:It's giving me the same problem; cannot be found on Photobucket.
*fiddle with the damn thing*

How about now?

Posted: 2005-08-13 01:59am
by Grandmaster Jogurt
It's back.

Posted: 2005-08-13 02:02am
by Spanky The Dolphin
Yeah, it works now. Not too bad, actually. Image could be larger, though.

Posted: 2005-08-13 03:08am
by RogueIce
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Yeah, it works now. Not too bad, actually. Image could be larger, though.

I am teh r0x0rs. :wink:

EDIT: It's just the big version Knife sent me, now hosted elsewhere.

Posted: 2005-08-13 03:28am
by darthdavid
Why couldn't bitch and bastard have come to you for the design?

Posted: 2005-08-13 02:56pm
by Mange
I must say that I like your design much, much more than I like the Akiraprise design, Knife! It looks retro while still keeping the standard design features. Awesome!

Posted: 2005-08-13 03:34pm
by Knife
Mange the Swede wrote:I must say that I like your design much, much more than I like the Akiraprise design, Knife! It looks retro while still keeping the standard design features. Awesome!
After Enterprise came out, I tweaked it a bit and wrote up a blurb on the design.....Ah, found it.
USS Resolute

After the initial success of the first four NX-1 class vessels’ during the early 2150’s, Starfleet decided to advance its next starship design. As well as the NX 1’s performed, there were some issues that needed to be addressed with the design. Starfleet had some concerns dealing with the NX-1 class vessels, and the next design for the Warp 5 engine would try to address them. In general, the NX-1 was not designed to be a warship but continued to find itself in combat situations that it was not equipped to cope with. After just one year, the NX-1 showed signs of structural warping from the stresses of the missions that the ship served in. Another problem, and not one that is the fault of the NX-1 series, is that it lacked the cargo space and space lift capacity for follow on missions to newly discovered planets that were suitable for colonization.

In 2152 Starfleet approved the NX-5 design and prepared for a four ship series over the next four years. The first ship of the series, the USS Resolute, was commissioned on March 17 2153. The new design was in a completely different direction than the earlier NX-1 class. The designers wanted a more robust and durable design to survive the some what tense times that Earth had found itself in. Instead of the saucer design that had started to dominate Earth starship design over the last 50 years, the NX-5 utilized a spherical primary hull. This both increased structural integrity and overall volume of the vessel, and thus fulfilled the requirements of Starfleet for a durable ship with a large space lift capacity. Also the internal arrangement allowed for increased bracing that would ensure that the frame would resist structural warping that plagued the NX-1.

The ship was designed for patrol of Earths colonies and space lanes. With the Warp 5 engine, freighters that before were left to defend themselves against pirates and raiders, could expect help from Earth and its newly forming military. With these new ships patrolling, any Earth or allied vessel could expect help in a matter of hours or days instead of weeks or months if not years. With its durable design and large cargo capacity, the NX-5 can ferry personnel and equipment to colonies new and old faster than other official transport and without significant wear and tear of the vessel. With its larger weapons load out, the NX-5 can then defend those colonies from aggression by raiders and/or pirates and ensure free access to the space lanes that lead to the colonies. The NX-5 is envisioned to stay close to Earth and its colonies and serve as combat vessels when and if it is required. This will free up the NX-1 series for its intended mission of exploration and survey and allow for the continuation of Starfleet’s goal of expanding Earths territory in this region of space.

The NX-5 utilizes a larger M/AM warpcore than earlier designs thus the majority of the secondary hull was dominated by the M/AM engine and its secondary systems. While the new warpcore radically increases fuel consumption, it provides a remarkable 30% increase in operating power for the warp nacelles allowing for a higher acceleration rate than earlier models of the Warp 5 engine. Because of the increase in fuel consumption, a larger Deuterium tank was added that took up more space in the secondary hull. Three fusion impulse engines were designed into the NX-5 vessel, two for standard STL travel and one for emergency/auxiliary power. All three are mounted on the aft end of the primary hull of the vessel. The upper and lower fusion engines are attached to an extension hood that is mounted to the secondary hull. These hoods channel the thrust from the fusion engines from the primary hull to and past the secondary hull. In case of emergency, the secondary hull with the M/AM warpcore can be jettisoned. Once the secondary hull is released, the upper and lower engines can operate without the hood, and the center engine is revealed giving the primary hull the ability to accelerate away form the secondary hull. This option is reserved for warpcore overload and/or anti-matter containment failure, effectively turning the primary hull into a life boat.

A large central shuttle bay with a corresponding cargo facility was designed into the NX-5’s primary hull. The thru deck hangar is large enough to accept any of Earths auxiliary shuttle craft, from the inspection pods to the larger supply shuttles. With the main cargo facilities next to the hanger, loading and offloading is expedited. Two standard STS 209 multipurpose shuttles are expected to complement the NX-5 series, giving the vessel a larger capacity to put cargo and/or personnel on the ground during its missions than any other Earth vessel. Ingress and Egress is done by two large hangar doors on the port and starboard sides of the primary hull.

Tactical systems for the NX-5 series have also been totally redesigned. The phase cannon was not the success that Starfleet had hoped for, and in many cases during the NX-1’s missions, the weapon system has been outclassed. The finesse of the phase cannon was not deemed suitable for combat missions so Starfleet went back to raw power designs. For the NX-5, a high power plasma laser was installed on an omni directional mount. The weapon takes a power feed from all three of the fusion impulse engines, and can deliver a staggering amount of energy on target. The weapon is located on the ventral side of the primary hull and has a 360 degree firing arc with 200 degree’s elevation. This leaves the dorsal section of the craft vulnerable, but sufficient space for a second plasma laser for the dorsal section was unavailable. For a secondary system, four missile tubes were installed in the forward section of the primary hull. These new missile ports support Starfleet’s new plasma missile that represents an increase in accuracy and yield over the older space torpedoes (that the NX-1 carried).

Instead of the power waste of polarizing the hull, the NX-5 incorporated a hull armor design that while increases the mass of the vessel, decreases the power output of the polarization system and redirects the power for other uses. The armored hull is designed to dissipate heat (due to a gel coating) and provides adequate radiation shielding. For combat operations, a new shielding system is going through trials with the NX-5. A powerful navigational deflector was installed on the bow of the primary hull. This deflector, while assuming its original purpose of clearing debris from the flight path of the vessel, can discharge a high(er) power gravitational field in the forward arc of the ship. This field can effectively block physical weapons and redirect the energy effects of the attacking weapon as well as energy weapons away from the ship at a large energy cost. In its current form, the new shield system can only protect the ship in the forward arc but can redirect the energy that would normally destroy the ship before overloading. This effectively doubles the combat survivability of the NX-5.

The 109 expected crew compliment for the NX-5 will be spread out through the 13 internal decks. Deck 5 is reserved for officer’s quarters, VIP quarter and the officer’s mess. The enlisted crew quarters are located on deck 10-11, with a recreation center and crew mess located on deck 10. A small gym and library are also available for the crew’s enjoyment during off hours. Decks 1-2 are reserved for command and control functions while decks 3-4 and 9 are for general ship functions. Decks 6-8 are mostly occupied by the hangar bay and cargo facility, though the missile control rooms are also located on both deck 8 and 9. The Plasma Laser and its support systems dominate decks 12-13 as well as the weapons control room that doubles as an auxiliary control room for the entire ship.
I wish I still had the cut away.

Posted: 2005-08-14 03:46am
by Jadeite
It's cute, it's like a short-bus version of a Daedalus.

Posted: 2005-08-14 06:44pm
by Crossroads Inc.
Jadeite wrote:It's cute, it's like a short-bus version of a Daedalus.
Thats what I was thinking, it looks like something that actually was built After the Daedalus. Sort of a:
"Ok, we have this great new ship... We should come up with an easier built, smaller version we can use for here and there work."

Posted: 2005-08-14 09:23pm
by Knife
Crossroads Inc. wrote:
Jadeite wrote:It's cute, it's like a short-bus version of a Daedalus.
Thats what I was thinking, it looks like something that actually was built After the Daedalus. Sort of a:
"Ok, we have this great new ship... We should come up with an easier built, smaller version we can use for here and there work."
Hmmm, I figured a smaller and more compact design without a lot of stuff in the secondary hull, in fact a secondary hull that was nothing but the warp core would show a design lineage that would eventually get to the Daedalus.