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Chardok's torture chamber (no 56k)(NSFW)(no kids)

Posted: 2005-08-13 02:32am
by Chardok
This was from the village around medieval times.

All these instruments are authentic and were imported from spain. Cool shit here.

Ahh, Everyone loves a classic. It's the saw. The victim is hung upside down and then, well...sawed in half.

Yeah. This one just hurts when you hit someone with it. to tell you the truth, it hurts just to look at it.

Step 1. Plane victims head under the cup.
Step 2 turn screw.
Step 3. Cackle with glee as victim confesses.

This one is my favorite. It's called the neck grabber. It was very useful for grabbing a fleeing perpetrator and hethen unbeliever. The idea thrust out the thing, the wide end goes around the neck and...convinces the victim to stop runnin away, unless, of course, he's okay with barbs in his jugular.

This one is simple. You secure the victim's hands behind them, and crank up on that...umm crank. It lifts them until their shoulders release their arms from their sinewy bonds. Good stuff. Confessions galore!


Step 1. Secure victim to the bed.
Step 2. place bowl of hot coals under the victim's feet.
Step 3. enjoy aroma of barbecued person ans confessions


this one is a classic. It's a rack. I'll let you figure out how it works.

this one is called a neck breaker. Eww....victim's nec is placed on that wood block, then that wood thingy is lowered onto the back of their neci and stricken with a wooden mallet. Very messy. Not nearly as clean as a guillotine. God bless the french, huh?
this one is neat. Please victim in a sitting position on that wooden platform, with their head in that metal strap, then turn the screw. This drives a bolt into the back of the victim's head. Fun at parties!

See that thing towards the right? It's called the pear. you place this into the victim's mouth, then you turn the screw cause the flanges to expand. hard to get confessions this way, but, what, right?

These babies are for women only. They are called breast rippers. multiple sizes for different sized women! Also great for castrations. (I'm looking at you, Straha.) Also a chastity belt. Oftentimes, these did more harm than good. Causing NASTY infections from their inevitable lacertions on the woman's....womanly parts.

Posted: 2005-08-13 02:36am
by Shroom Man 777
Jesus Christ...

Posted: 2005-08-13 03:08am
by Alyeska
Whats not work safe about this stuff?

Posted: 2005-08-13 04:38am
by Darth Yoshi
That chair one was in a Bond flick.

The neck grabber sucks.

Posted: 2005-08-13 08:08am
by Darth Fanboy
I believe "The Pear" was also used on the anus as well.

Posted: 2005-08-13 10:43am
by Darth Wong
The Medieval Times in Toronto has a very similar display in the "dungeon" area. I wouldn't say it's not safe for kids; I think that kids need to know that human beings are capable of doing this sort of horrible thing to each other. Ignorance is not strength. I took my kids through there, and showed them the displays.

Posted: 2005-08-13 10:50am
by Dakarne
The Torture Equipment...

I'd be disgusted if I weren't so psychotic...

Cool Display though.

Posted: 2005-08-13 10:51am
by Mrs Kendall
I didn't know there was that stuff in Toronto. Cool, We should take a trip out there to visit again. Last time I was there I was there on a geography class trip in grade ten so maybe that's why we never touched that area.

Posted: 2005-08-13 12:04pm
by Chardok
with the NSFW and no kids tag I was just it were. You know, Just in case :D and I apologize about the spelling and geammatical errors, When I posted all these, I was completely out of my skull. Lunestaâ„¢ has that effect on me.

Posted: 2005-08-13 12:41pm
by YT300000
Those are earlier ones. The rack, for example, is only single ended, and the neck grabber doesn't have countergrips.

Posted: 2005-08-13 04:22pm
by Rye
Yeah, the Pear was used on the anuses of suspected homosexuals and the vaginas of promiscuous women. Yowsers.

Posted: 2005-08-13 06:25pm
by Frank Hipper

No Boot?

That one's my favorite, it encased a person's lower leg and wedges were driven into it, crushing the leg to where bone marrow would sometimes splatter the inquiring officials due to the extreme pressures exerted on the pulped extremity.

Aren't people just great?

Posted: 2005-08-13 08:47pm
by Singular Quartet
Yes we are, dammit. We're downright wonderful.

Posted: 2005-08-13 08:51pm
by Dalton
God be praised!

Posted: 2005-08-24 05:21pm
by Shiva Star
Where the fuck did you get this shit? And they say that christians are the nice guys :roll:

Posted: 2005-08-24 05:24pm
by Ghost Rider
Ah, oldies but goodies. No need for wasteful drugs or intimidating speechs back then...course you got nothing but screams, but hey, you're prolonging their existence in pain and agony.

Posted: 2005-08-24 05:36pm
by bilateralrope
Darth Fanboy wrote:I believe "The Pear" was also used on the anus as well.
Yes, this is the first I've heard of it being used elsewhere

Posted: 2005-08-24 05:58pm
by SyntaxVorlon
What no rat cage?
It's a fairly simple one. Make a heavy metal cage, 3-5 kilos, iron, lead, uranium, doesn't matter. Make it open faced on the bottom and have a latched opening on another face.
Place on stomach or chest of victim. Insert a rat into cage. Wait until rat gets hungry.
*skritch, skritch

Posted: 2005-08-24 06:18pm
by Chardok
SyntaxVorlon wrote:What no rat cage?
It's a fairly simple one. Make a heavy metal cage, 3-5 kilos, iron, lead, uranium, doesn't matter. Make it open faced on the bottom and have a latched opening on another face.
Place on stomach or chest of victim. Insert a rat into cage. Wait until rat gets hungry.
*skritch, skritch
that is possibly the most horrid thing I've ever heard.

Posted: 2005-08-24 06:34pm
by Instant Sunrise
SyntaxVorlon wrote:What no rat cage?
It's a fairly simple one. Make a heavy metal cage, 3-5 kilos, iron, lead, uranium, doesn't matter. Make it open faced on the bottom and have a latched opening on another face.
Place on stomach or chest of victim. Insert a rat into cage. Wait until rat gets hungry.
*skritch, skritch
My friend Winston saw one of those things in action, quite painful.

PS. O'Brien is a jerk.

Posted: 2005-08-24 06:58pm
by desertjedi
Are you in San Diego Chardock? I was at Balboa Park a while ago and they had something VERY similar on display.

Posted: 2005-08-24 07:04pm
by Chardok
Nope. Jacksonville, Florida. but these pics were taken at the medievel times in Kissimmee, south of here.

Posted: 2005-08-24 10:25pm
by desertjedi
Yeah I should haved guessed not being in SD. At the SD show, they wouldn't allow photography period... the museum people were out and about to enforce this too.

Posted: 2005-08-24 10:42pm
by Rye
Chardok wrote:
SyntaxVorlon wrote:What no rat cage?
It's a fairly simple one. Make a heavy metal cage, 3-5 kilos, iron, lead, uranium, doesn't matter. Make it open faced on the bottom and have a latched opening on another face.
Place on stomach or chest of victim. Insert a rat into cage. Wait until rat gets hungry.
*skritch, skritch
that is possibly the most horrid thing I've ever heard.
That sounds like a slow one, too. What I heard is they would put a fire on top of it, which would not only scald the person attached to it, but drive the rat crazy and force it to burrow into the screaming person. It reminds me also of some medieval guy that kidnapped someone's baby and put it in a bag with a wildcat and then hit the sack with a stick, making the cat go apeshit.
skyman8081 wrote:My friend Winston saw one of those things in action, quite painful.
What the fuck? Where was that? Saudi Arabia? Taliban era Afghanistan?

Posted: 2005-08-24 10:55pm
by Instant Sunrise
Rye wrote:
skyman8081 wrote:My friend Winston saw one of those things in action, quite painful.
What the fuck? Where was that? Saudi Arabia? Taliban era Afghanistan?
My last name is Smith...

Winston... Smith...

Have you read 1984?